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We update this chart twice each day, from the same data the drives our 'live-rates' charts. It now includes bitcoin.
The 7:00 am update picks up the exchange rate near the end of day trading in northern hemisphere markets.
At 3:00 pm the RBNZ publishes its daily benchmark rate, as at 11:10 am that same day, and these rates are then added to this chart.
End of week trading in New York gives the Saturday rate, and this is added when the New York market closes.
See our 'live-rate' tool for real-time exchange rates. Or check the live charts in our Currency section »
The bitcoin prices are as at midnight UTC. (All other exchange rates in this chart are NZT.)
The fact that this morning's lead story on the NZ Herald, supposedly NZ's leading newspaper, is on John Key's son's property development project sums up what a joke this country has become.
You 'may' be right, but more importantly it sums up what a joke on journalism Granny Herald has become. I see they're back to offering all sorts of 'freebie' teasers in their subscription advertising. I'm guessing their online readership has crumbled since they went behind the paywall. And even the fish & chip shop doesn't want the paper version any more!