The new media landscape is changing, and we must too. But we want to make positive changes for our readers, rather than seeing you as a business opportunity.
We explain the New Zealand economy to New Zealanders; that is what we do. If you want to see this service survive, expand, and thrive we would rather do it with you.
It is easy to Support us, simply click one of the buttons below. You are in control of your support levels at all times and will receive several unique benefits. (See below)
We don't offer free coffee mugs or tea towels. But you will get ...
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If you're using an ad blocker on your browser, you should see an icon for it in your browser toolbar. Clicking on it should open up a dialog box with options to whitelist from ad blocking.
Please note that you could have more than one ad blocker running and the other ad blockers might not show on your browser toolbar. To fix this, please go to your complete browser extension settings to whitelist from all your ad blockers.
If you aren't using an ad blocker then your browser's settings might need to be changed to allow us to display ads to you. Firefox is especially known for doing this.
Our system may not have detected your Supporter payment. Please perform the following steps:
It is possible you don't qualify for the ad-free experience because your Support is below the minimum level required. That level is either $100 per year as a one-time or annual recurring commitment, or $10 per month recurring. If you currently Support us below these levels and want the ad-free experience you will need to update your PressPatron payment so that it meets the minimum thresholds. To do this, follow:
Yes, when your Support ends. The best way to keep access is to support us on a recurring basis. If you supported us with a one-time annual arrangement you will need to remember to do so again before the one year is up. Monthly or annual recurring Support can be cancelled at any time. After cancelling, your ad-free access will end one year (for annual) or one month (for monthly) after your most recent qualifying payment.
Our ad-free promise is only for display ads added to the page by an ad server. It does not block images that include branding, nor logos, nor featured rate creatives. It does not block any hard-coded content. These are needed to ensure our tables and other content remain readable and relevant. has partnered with PressPatron, a Kiwi crowdfunding platform that makes it easy to support blogs and journalism websites. The PressPatron team would love to hear your feedback, and can be contacted here.
Payments made via PressPatron are securely processed using an SSL connection with 256-bit AES encryption. The underlying payment infrastructure is provided by Stripe, a leader in online payments who provides credit card processing for companies such as Facebook, Twitter, Xero, Kickstarter, and others.
All credit card data is encrypted and Stripe maintains strict administrative, technical, and physical procedures to protect your information. More info about Stripe’s security policies can be viewed here. PressPatron does not collect or store your credit card number within its own database.
Once you have contributed, you will be given the option of creating a PressPatron account to manage your payment preferences. Your supporter dashboard will provide you an overview of your contributions, as well as an interface for editing your payment details. If you already have an account, you can login here.