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Dairy industry payout history

This is a table of the New Zealand dairy payouts by each company.

The dairy season runs from August to April with May to July the 'dry off' period.

The seasonal milk peak flow is usually in late October.

Most farms milk twice daily, although there is a growing trend to once-a-day milking where output is slightly lower, but costs are reported to be significantly lower.

Milk flows are charted here.

Analysts' forecasts are at the bottom of this page.

Please email us with any additions or corrections.

  Fonterra Tatua Westland* Synlait Open
Miraka Oceania
Controlled by Co-operative Co-operative Yili Listed** Talleys Māori trusts Yili
$/kgMS Milk   Milk Milk Milk Milk Base Milk
  $ $ $ $ $ $ $
1998-99         See Notes    
2000-01   5.52          
2002-03 3.34            
2003-04 3.97 4.39          
2004-05 4.37 4.32          
2005-06 3.85 4.59     3.90    
2006-07 3.87 4.10 4.72   4.22    
2007-08 7.59 8.00 7.99   7.38    
2008-09 4.75 5.38 4.58 5.03 4.93    
2009-10 6.10 6.32 6.15 6.31 6.07    
2010-11 7.60 7.52 7.70 7.76 7.56    
2011-12 6.08 6.96 6.04 6.22 6.23 6.18  
2012-13 5.84 6.23 6.34 5.89 5.77 5.94  
2013-14 8.40 7.68 7.57 8.31 8.51 8.50  
2014-15 4.40 6.47 4.95 4.54 4.63 4.50 4.50
2015-16 3.90 6.30 3.62 4.02 3.97 4.00 4.50
2016-17 6.12 7.10 5.18 6.30 6.08 6.23 6.22
2017-18 6.69 8.10 6.12 6.78 6.77 6.80 6.84*
2018-19 6.35 8.50 5.86 6.58 6.39 6.44 6.50*
2019-20 7.14 8.70 6.75 7.30 7.27 7.14 7.30*
2020-21 7.54 9.25 7.50 7.55 7.61 7.68 7.70*
2021-22 9.30 9.95 9.40 9.30 9.45 9.45 9.45*
2022-23 8.22 9.40 8.32 8.20 8.33 8.38 8.37
2023-24 7.83 10.50 7.93 7.83 7.89 8.00 7.98^
2024-25F 9.50-10.50
  10.10 10.10   9.10-10.10
* Oceania/Yili is on record saying they pay the Fonterra milk price, plus 15c. Westland/Yili promise +10c.
** ASX/NZX listed with major holdings by Bright Foods, A2 Milk and Mitsui
** Synlait will pay Fonterra milk place +10c for the following three seasons, with additional incentives for specialty milk and best practice on top.
Open Country pays in four in-season payments which creates a cash-flow advantage - the value varies from season to season and has been included in the above values.
Both Fonterra and Tatua payouts require investment in shares.

Market shares

Chart sourced from Productivity Commission report.

for more perspectives, see

Exchange rates
Commodity prices
Farm cost indexes
Interest rate trends
Rural credit aggregates
- Farms for sale
Farm sales prices and activity
International dairy prices

World dairy map - 2023 - Rabobank


Here is a summary of analysts' farmgate cash milk price forecasts for the current season (2024/25) and the upcoming 2025/26 season.

Institution Rural economist/source Forecast $kgMS
Forecast $kgMS
Forecast $kgMS
when issued/
latest data
Forecast $kgMS
Forecast $kgMS
Fonterra Company statement actual is
actual is
actual is
5-Dec-24 $9.50-$10.50
ANZ Susan Kilsby $9.30 $8.20 $7.85 5-Dec24 $9.85  
ASB Nathaniel Keall $9.25 $8.10 $8.00 17-Jan-25 $10.25  
BNZ Doug Steel $9.30 $8.20 $7.90 13 Nov-24 $9.75  
Rabobank Emma Higgins $9.70 $8.50 $7.80 6-Mar-25 $10.00  
Westpac Michael Gordon $9.30 $8.20 $7.90 11-Feb-25 $10.30 $10.00
NZX Milk price forecast $9.24 $8.31 $7.68 6-Mar-25 $9.88