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The World Gold Council notes that gold demand was firm and record prices prevailed in Q2-2024. OTC investment and central banks remained decisive
3rd Aug 24, 10:23am
by Guest
The World Gold Council notes that gold demand was firm and record prices prevailed in Q2-2024. OTC investment and central banks remained decisive
A market in search of a catalyst: Although gold's gains in 2024 have shone, it was driven by central bank buying. Western investors have been missing, Asian buyers have piled in
3rd Jul 24, 9:53am
by Guest
A market in search of a catalyst: Although gold's gains in 2024 have shone, it was driven by central bank buying. Western investors have been missing, Asian buyers have piled in
Gold market commentary: Will the economic outlook encourage western investors to match strong demand from central banks and Asian buyers?
9th May 24, 11:26am
by Guest
Gold market commentary: Will the economic outlook encourage western investors to match strong demand from central banks and Asian buyers?
In a deep dive into the fundamentals, the World Gold Council claims gold has a key role as a strategic long-term investment and as a mainstay allocation in a well-diversified portfolio
31st Mar 24, 10:16am
by Guest
In a deep dive into the fundamentals, the World Gold Council claims gold has a key role as a strategic long-term investment and as a mainstay allocation in a well-diversified portfolio
The World Gold Council says the gold price is at record highs from a weaker USD, higher risk and momentum, plus factors such as ‘technicals’ and over-the-counter activity all combining
16th Mar 24, 10:50am
by Guest
The World Gold Council says the gold price is at record highs from a weaker USD, higher risk and momentum, plus factors such as ‘technicals’ and over-the-counter activity all combining
Brian Easton reviews the ideas raised in a John Kay/Mervyn King book about where historical data provides no useful guidance to future outcomes, challenging the foundations of modern economics
20th Mar 23, 5:01pm
Brian Easton reviews the ideas raised in a John Kay/Mervyn King book about where historical data provides no useful guidance to future outcomes, challenging the foundations of modern economics
Despite sharp monetary policy tightening, financial conditions have eased around much of the globe, posing a challenge for central banks, the IMF says
5th Feb 23, 10:00am
by Guest
Despite sharp monetary policy tightening, financial conditions have eased around much of the globe, posing a challenge for central banks, the IMF says
The IMF points out that from Brexit and US-China trade tensions to the pandemic and war, successive shocks have combined to keep uncertainty elevated
30th Jan 23, 10:30am
by Guest
The IMF points out that from Brexit and US-China trade tensions to the pandemic and war, successive shocks have combined to keep uncertainty elevated
The World Gold Council notes that recessions are typically good for gold. It assesses the yellow metal's likely performance in 2023, for scenarios of falling inflation, recessions, geopolitical flareups, a China recovery, and pressures on commodities
8th Jan 23, 8:00am
by Guest
The World Gold Council notes that recessions are typically good for gold. It assesses the yellow metal's likely performance in 2023, for scenarios of falling inflation, recessions, geopolitical flareups, a China recovery, and pressures on commodities
Many investors feel that gold’s performance should be much stronger considering multi-decade high inflation across the world. Yet, what may not be evident to everyone is that gold has outperformed most major assets so far in 2022
26th Sep 22, 10:35am
by Guest
Many investors feel that gold’s performance should be much stronger considering multi-decade high inflation across the world. Yet, what may not be evident to everyone is that gold has outperformed most major assets so far in 2022
The World Gold Council's John Reade looks at the three underlying reasons gold has shed almost -6% in July alone
16th Jul 22, 1:35pm
by Guest
The World Gold Council's John Reade looks at the three underlying reasons gold has shed almost -6% in July alone
Uncertainty is rising in the near term. And there is even greater uncertainty ahead in the long term. Fixed income investors are likely to require higher yields from bond investments, says Hamish Pepper
11th Jun 22, 10:11am
by Guest
Uncertainty is rising in the near term. And there is even greater uncertainty ahead in the long term. Fixed income investors are likely to require higher yields from bond investments, says Hamish Pepper
More investors bought gold than cryptos in 2021. We are in another sharp retreating phase for cryptos just as inflation jumps. Louise Street says gold is doing its job as a safe-haven, and exhibiting its inflation hedging qualities
28th May 22, 10:46am
by Guest
More investors bought gold than cryptos in 2021. We are in another sharp retreating phase for cryptos just as inflation jumps. Louise Street says gold is doing its job as a safe-haven, and exhibiting its inflation hedging qualities
Of the four business cycle phases since 1973, stagflation is the one that is most supportive for gold and conversely the worst for risk assets
26th Mar 22, 9:45am
by Guest
Of the four business cycle phases since 1973, stagflation is the one that is most supportive for gold and conversely the worst for risk assets
The World Gold Council's Louise Street wonders if we are about to see a return of the positive stock-bond relationship, arguably the most important input into asset allocation. When bonds aren't asymmetric, gold can provide the balance portfolios need
19th Mar 22, 9:48am
by Guest
The World Gold Council's Louise Street wonders if we are about to see a return of the positive stock-bond relationship, arguably the most important input into asset allocation. When bonds aren't asymmetric, gold can provide the balance portfolios need
The World Gold Council's updated monitoring of central bank gold activity shows they sold more than they bought in January. Most activity is by the central banks of autocracies
6th Mar 22, 1:18pm
by Guest
The World Gold Council's updated monitoring of central bank gold activity shows they sold more than they bought in January. Most activity is by the central banks of autocracies
Highly liquid gold reacts positively to tail events linked to geopolitics and, despite price volatility, tended to keep those gains in the months following the initial event, or so says the World Gold Council
26th Feb 22, 4:53pm
by Guest
Highly liquid gold reacts positively to tail events linked to geopolitics and, despite price volatility, tended to keep those gains in the months following the initial event, or so says the World Gold Council
What makes gold a strategic asset? It has diverse sources of demand: as an investment, a reserve asset, jewelry, and a technology component. It is highly liquid, no one’s liability, carries no credit risk, and is scarce, historically preserving its value
24th Jan 22, 9:30am
by admin
What makes gold a strategic asset? It has diverse sources of demand: as an investment, a reserve asset, jewelry, and a technology component. It is highly liquid, no one’s liability, carries no credit risk, and is scarce, historically preserving its value
Despite coming rates hikes, real rates remain low. Rate hikes can create headwinds for gold, but history shows the impact is limited. High inflation and market pullbacks will sustain demand. Jewellery and central banks will give longer-term support
15th Jan 22, 1:41pm
by admin
Despite coming rates hikes, real rates remain low. Rate hikes can create headwinds for gold, but history shows the impact is limited. High inflation and market pullbacks will sustain demand. Jewellery and central banks will give longer-term support
A bright start, flat middle, and weak ending sums up a lacklustre quarter for the gold price in Q3-2021 as gold demand falls away
30th Oct 21, 10:13am
by admin
A bright start, flat middle, and weak ending sums up a lacklustre quarter for the gold price in Q3-2021 as gold demand falls away
Analysis by the World Gold Council finds that adding gold to an Australian superannuation portfolio will give downside protection, generate returns and protect against inflation
24th Oct 21, 12:38pm
by Guest
Analysis by the World Gold Council finds that adding gold to an Australian superannuation portfolio will give downside protection, generate returns and protect against inflation
Even mild stagflation can damage asset values and investors should be wary, even gold investors, warns the World Gold Council
16th Oct 21, 12:15pm
by Guest
Even mild stagflation can damage asset values and investors should be wary, even gold investors, warns the World Gold Council
The World Gold Council examines how gold reacts in a rising interest rate market and what could be in store this time
9th Oct 21, 9:52am
by Guest
The World Gold Council examines how gold reacts in a rising interest rate market and what could be in store this time
Adan Perlaky sees lower rates and yields driving increased portfolio leverage, with the spread between junk bonds and risk-free assets back as low as just before the GFC
25th Sep 21, 10:46am
by Guest
Adan Perlaky sees lower rates and yields driving increased portfolio leverage, with the spread between junk bonds and risk-free assets back as low as just before the GFC
Adam Perlaky says the long-term strategic rationale for a gold allocation remains. Inflation expectations remain higher, which has historically been good for gold
26th Jun 21, 9:46am
by Guest
Adam Perlaky says the long-term strategic rationale for a gold allocation remains. Inflation expectations remain higher, which has historically been good for gold