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Federated Farmers

Gareth Vaughan suggests bank capital will again be a key area of debate as parliamentary select committees inquire about banking competition
14th Jun 24, 5:00am
Gareth Vaughan suggests bank capital will again be a key area of debate as parliamentary select committees inquire about banking competition
Revenue and Climate Change Minister Simon Watts eyes capital and funding opportunities in climate change, with energy and emissions high on that list
13th Jun 24, 5:00am
Revenue and Climate Change Minister Simon Watts eyes capital and funding opportunities in climate change, with energy and emissions high on that list
Government delivers six year delay to on-farm emissions pricing, as promised during the election campaign
11th Jun 24, 12:57pm
Government delivers six year delay to on-farm emissions pricing, as promised during the election campaign
NZ's rural lenders acting as 'pseudo-regulators' through their membership of the Net-Zero Banking Alliance, Federated Farmers argues. ANZ hits back
8th Jun 24, 9:00am
NZ's rural lenders acting as 'pseudo-regulators' through their membership of the Net-Zero Banking Alliance, Federated Farmers argues. ANZ hits back
Federated Farmers cheers end to 'war on farming' as government trumpets Resource Management Act changes
23rd Apr 24, 6:59pm
Federated Farmers cheers end to 'war on farming' as government trumpets Resource Management Act changes
Government looking at ways to stop councils from implementing strict rules on water imposed by the previous Labour government
10th Apr 24, 6:16pm
Government looking at ways to stop councils from implementing strict rules on water imposed by the previous Labour government
Government review could recommend easing emission reduction targets for farmers and freezing current methane levels in the atmosphere
8th Apr 24, 6:05pm
Government review could recommend easing emission reduction targets for farmers and freezing current methane levels in the atmosphere
The new Coalition Government initiates moves to stop any new designations of private farmland as Significant Natural Areas (SNAs)
31st Jan 24, 9:47am
The new Coalition Government initiates moves to stop any new designations of private farmland as Significant Natural Areas (SNAs)
A survey for Federated Farmers shows over a quarter of farmers feeling under pressure from banks while overall satisfaction levels with the banks have dropped
18th Dec 23, 1:16pm
A survey for Federated Farmers shows over a quarter of farmers feeling under pressure from banks while overall satisfaction levels with the banks have dropped
Guy Trafford wonders if the election result puts SOE Pāmu Farms into play to be sold off. The pressure from ACT may move a hesitant National. But all eyes will be on how if happens and to whom the farms are sold
16th Oct 23, 10:19am
Guy Trafford wonders if the election result puts SOE Pāmu Farms into play to be sold off. The pressure from ACT may move a hesitant National. But all eyes will be on how if happens and to whom the farms are sold
Guy Trafford says those who are surprised at the appeal of the ACT Party to farmers shouldn't be. There is a long trend of mature farmers favouring parties who espouse the values of hard work and personal responsibility
11th Oct 23, 12:04pm
Guy Trafford says those who are surprised at the appeal of the ACT Party to farmers shouldn't be. There is a long trend of mature farmers favouring parties who espouse the values of hard work and personal responsibility
Farmers' lobby group wants rural banking probe, suggests banks' moves towards net-zero could reduce competition in agricultural banking
13th Sep 23, 8:28pm
Farmers' lobby group wants rural banking probe, suggests banks' moves towards net-zero could reduce competition in agricultural banking
Farmers will have to pay for methane emissions from 2025 under a Labour Government plan
18th Aug 23, 4:27pm
Farmers will have to pay for methane emissions from 2025 under a Labour Government plan
Guy Trafford pulls together the trends from the recent survey on farmer sentiment, matches them with what farmers say about their own businesses, and overlays what they want from the political parties
16th Aug 23, 9:36am
Guy Trafford pulls together the trends from the recent survey on farmer sentiment, matches them with what farmers say about their own businesses, and overlays what they want from the political parties
Angus Kebbell finds more farmer voices chafing under new land-use proposals and regulations in the run-up to the 2023 election
24th Jun 23, 10:07am
Angus Kebbell finds more farmer voices chafing under new land-use proposals and regulations in the run-up to the 2023 election
Allan Barber says the risk for agricultural sector voters is to resist action in the expectation a change of government will let them off the hook - which is a far from a guaranteed outcome
11th May 23, 10:35am
Allan Barber says the risk for agricultural sector voters is to resist action in the expectation a change of government will let them off the hook - which is a far from a guaranteed outcome
Damage and spend: the economic cost of Cyclone Gabrielle
1st Mar 23, 11:15am
Damage and spend: the economic cost of Cyclone Gabrielle
Guy Trafford has read the Government's proposed response to HWEN and thinks the immediate strong negative reaction by farmer lobby groups is somewhat overdone
12th Oct 22, 4:39pm
Guy Trafford has read the Government's proposed response to HWEN and thinks the immediate strong negative reaction by farmer lobby groups is somewhat overdone
As farmers look ahead, they are leaking confidence as pressures mount from all directions
4th Aug 22, 11:31am
As farmers look ahead, they are leaking confidence as pressures mount from all directions
A new farming proposal to reduce carbon emissions involves a lot of trust – and a lot of uncertainty
22nd Jun 22, 9:33am
by Guest
A new farming proposal to reduce carbon emissions involves a lot of trust – and a lot of uncertainty
Big methane decisions lie ahead that will affect all New Zealanders, Keith Woodford says
15th Jun 22, 1:53pm
Big methane decisions lie ahead that will affect all New Zealanders, Keith Woodford says
Guy Trafford reviews the Rabobank/Federated Farmers survey on pay-related benefits of working in rural businesses and finds improvements have been surprisingly positive
28th Apr 22, 12:13pm
Guy Trafford reviews the Rabobank/Federated Farmers survey on pay-related benefits of working in rural businesses and finds improvements have been surprisingly positive
Prices are high, but so are farm input costs. Chris Dillon explains why farmers are fortunate both are still in step and the risks when they aren't. The wild card is the struggle to improve productivity in the face of unwise box-ticking regulators
30th Jan 22, 9:17am
Prices are high, but so are farm input costs. Chris Dillon explains why farmers are fortunate both are still in step and the risks when they aren't. The wild card is the struggle to improve productivity in the face of unwise box-ticking regulators
Climate science does not distinguish between urban and rural, cocky and townie. It will take both to bring NZ safely through the dangerous 21st century
22nd Nov 21, 8:58am
Climate science does not distinguish between urban and rural, cocky and townie. It will take both to bring NZ safely through the dangerous 21st century
Local wheat farmers suspect buyer consolidation is pushing local arable farmers away from growing wheat for bread-making, with the few remaining buyers helping Australia bolster their volumes hurt by a China freeze-out
6th Aug 21, 12:01pm
by admin
Local wheat farmers suspect buyer consolidation is pushing local arable farmers away from growing wheat for bread-making, with the few remaining buyers helping Australia bolster their volumes hurt by a China freeze-out