Chris Trotter says if Christopher Luxon secured his promised New Zealand-India FTA by giving India what it most wants, NZ First would have all it needed to campaign against its former coalition partner with every prospect of increasing its tally of seats
24th Mar 25, 8:50am
Chris Trotter says if Christopher Luxon secured his promised New Zealand-India FTA by giving India what it most wants, NZ First would have all it needed to campaign against its former coalition partner with every prospect of increasing its tally of seats
Will institutions with billions of dollars at their disposal invest them in a country so obviously in a deep funk?
17th Mar 25, 8:14am
Will institutions with billions of dollars at their disposal invest them in a country so obviously in a deep funk?
The next question after 'will Luxon really go?' is, of course, 'will that work?'
10th Mar 25, 7:26am
The next question after 'will Luxon really go?' is, of course, 'will that work?'
If those elected to the Māori Seats refuse to take them, then what possible reason could the country have for retaining them? – asks Chris Trotter
4th Dec 23, 9:33am
If those elected to the Māori Seats refuse to take them, then what possible reason could the country have for retaining them? – asks Chris Trotter
Chris Trotter looks at whether Christopher Luxon's corporate leadership style can cut it in politics
20th Nov 23, 7:52am
Chris Trotter looks at whether Christopher Luxon's corporate leadership style can cut it in politics
Kishore Mahbubani shows how the Malaysian prime minister could stabilize his country and ensure the continued success of ASEAN
3rd Nov 23, 9:17am
Kishore Mahbubani shows how the Malaysian prime minister could stabilize his country and ensure the continued success of ASEAN
Romantic heroes or ‘one of us’ – how we judge political leaders is rarely objective or rational
9th Oct 23, 12:45pm
Romantic heroes or ‘one of us’ – how we judge political leaders is rarely objective or rational
Suze Wilson says controlling the political narrative is key to winning the NZ election and it's no easy task for Chris Hipkins
20th Sep 23, 10:59am
Suze Wilson says controlling the political narrative is key to winning the NZ election and it's no easy task for Chris Hipkins
Chris Trotter says the irony of the long-running generational saga lies in how completely the moral relativism of 20th century youth has congealed into the moral absolutism of their hapless children in the Twenty-First
5th Jun 23, 10:32am
Chris Trotter says the irony of the long-running generational saga lies in how completely the moral relativism of 20th century youth has congealed into the moral absolutism of their hapless children in the Twenty-First
Effective leaders develop political muscle-memory of their own – National should get one, Chris Trotter says
29th May 23, 9:32am
Effective leaders develop political muscle-memory of their own – National should get one, Chris Trotter says
Jim O'Neill sees little evidence to suggest that the UK economy's underperformance will improve any time soon
23rd Dec 22, 9:21am
Jim O'Neill sees little evidence to suggest that the UK economy's underperformance will improve any time soon
National Party Deputy Leader Nicola Willis appointed Finance spokesperson; Housing portfolio passed on to Chris Bishop
16th Mar 22, 10:00am
National Party Deputy Leader Nicola Willis appointed Finance spokesperson; Housing portfolio passed on to Chris Bishop
National Party Finance spokesperson Simon Bridges retiring to explore 'commercial opportunities'; Says he has 'every confidence in National to win the election'
15th Mar 22, 11:57am
National Party Finance spokesperson Simon Bridges retiring to explore 'commercial opportunities'; Says he has 'every confidence in National to win the election'
Politics as usual is no longer capable of delivering an Aotearoa worth living in. It is time for a new net to go fishing, says Chris Trotter
7th Feb 22, 8:57am
Politics as usual is no longer capable of delivering an Aotearoa worth living in. It is time for a new net to go fishing, says Chris Trotter
Luxon's leadership sees support for National rise, but only at the expense of ACT; Support for Ardern falls to the lowest level since before she became PM
27th Jan 22, 7:06pm
Luxon's leadership sees support for National rise, but only at the expense of ACT; Support for Ardern falls to the lowest level since before she became PM
Westpac executive Karen Silk appointed Reserve Bank Assistant Governor; How different will the committee tasked with setting monetary policy look this year?
27th Jan 22, 4:36pm
Westpac executive Karen Silk appointed Reserve Bank Assistant Governor; How different will the committee tasked with setting monetary policy look this year?
When the tribe is imperilled, all eyes turn to the chief. So long as the tribe believes the chief is doing everything within her power to keep them safe, she will remain impervious to criticism
24th Jan 22, 9:00am
When the tribe is imperilled, all eyes turn to the chief. So long as the tribe believes the chief is doing everything within her power to keep them safe, she will remain impervious to criticism
Simon Bridges softens his criticism of Adrian Orr after saying he wouldn't reappoint him Reserve Bank governor; David Seymour says the OCR should've been hiked sooner
7th Dec 21, 3:51pm
Simon Bridges softens his criticism of Adrian Orr after saying he wouldn't reappoint him Reserve Bank governor; David Seymour says the OCR should've been hiked sooner
National's caucus reshuffle: Collins demoted, Muller back in, Bishop and Stanford winners, Bayly, Woodhouse and McClay losers
6th Dec 21, 3:55pm
National's caucus reshuffle: Collins demoted, Muller back in, Bishop and Stanford winners, Bayly, Woodhouse and McClay losers
Judith Collins loses National Party leadership as bid to crush Simon Bridges backfires; Shane Reti appointed Interim Leader
25th Nov 21, 1:15pm
Judith Collins loses National Party leadership as bid to crush Simon Bridges backfires; Shane Reti appointed Interim Leader
Thriving Southland is taking its community engagement to the next level with upskilling its volunteer leaders as more catchment area groups get formed
20th Nov 21, 2:21pm
Thriving Southland is taking its community engagement to the next level with upskilling its volunteer leaders as more catchment area groups get formed
Labour loses its shine, bleeding a couple of points to National in the latest political poll; ACT holds its ground, after receiving a bump in the last poll
15th Nov 21, 6:58pm
Labour loses its shine, bleeding a couple of points to National in the latest political poll; ACT holds its ground, after receiving a bump in the last poll
Kishore Mahbubani argues that Indonesia's president has established a model of good governance for others to follow
7th Oct 21, 12:30pm
Kishore Mahbubani argues that Indonesia's president has established a model of good governance for others to follow
ACT shoots up in poll at the expense of Labour and National; Seymour more popular than Collins, Luxon and Bridges combined
27th Sep 21, 6:30pm
ACT shoots up in poll at the expense of Labour and National; Seymour more popular than Collins, Luxon and Bridges combined
Support for both Jacinda Ardern and Judith Collins falls in 1 News Colmar Brunton poll, as 27% of respondents can't pick a preferred PM; Labour comfortably the favourite party
15th Mar 21, 6:42pm
Support for both Jacinda Ardern and Judith Collins falls in 1 News Colmar Brunton poll, as 27% of respondents can't pick a preferred PM; Labour comfortably the favourite party