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New documents show Finance Minister Nicola Willis spent her trip to the United States discussing the political risks to global trade
20th Jul 24, 9:37am
New documents show Finance Minister Nicola Willis spent her trip to the United States discussing the political risks to global trade
Chris Trotter says you can’t just switch populism on and off like a lightbulb. Nor can you boast about ignoring the wishes of the “overwhelming majority” of the New Zealand people. Not if you want to remain the dominant right-wing party
12th Feb 24, 8:02am
Chris Trotter says you can’t just switch populism on and off like a lightbulb. Nor can you boast about ignoring the wishes of the “overwhelming majority” of the New Zealand people. Not if you want to remain the dominant right-wing party
Antara Haldar urges policymakers to heed Larl Polanyi's warning that the economy cannot be disembedded from society
3rd Feb 24, 9:16am
by Guest
Antara Haldar urges policymakers to heed Larl Polanyi's warning that the economy cannot be disembedded from society
Raghuram Rajan explains why so many previously discredited economic policies have become easier to sell to the public
19th Aug 23, 9:24am
by Guest
Raghuram Rajan explains why so many previously discredited economic policies have become easier to sell to the public
Chris Trotter says the key to the growth of right-wing nationalists has the been the abject failure of the formerly dominant Left. The vacuum created has seen the rise and fall of many far-right experiments
26th Sep 22, 9:54am
Chris Trotter says the key to the growth of right-wing nationalists has the been the abject failure of the formerly dominant Left. The vacuum created has seen the rise and fall of many far-right experiments
What America needs are policies to shape the direction of technological development and restore workers' living standards and bargaining power
23rd Dec 19, 11:07am
by Guest
What America needs are policies to shape the direction of technological development and restore workers' living standards and bargaining power
East Asia has a long tradition of forward-thinking policymaking. At a time of serious economic, political, and social challenges, the region must uphold that tradition – or Latin America’s tumultuous present may be its future
30th Nov 19, 10:57am
by Guest
East Asia has a long tradition of forward-thinking policymaking. At a time of serious economic, political, and social challenges, the region must uphold that tradition – or Latin America’s tumultuous present may be its future
The fall of the Berlin Wall saw not only the collapse of communism in Europe, but also the social-democratic compact. To prevent a return to extremism and instability, that compact must be refashioned
14th Nov 19, 4:19pm
by Guest
The fall of the Berlin Wall saw not only the collapse of communism in Europe, but also the social-democratic compact. To prevent a return to extremism and instability, that compact must be refashioned
Despite the damage populists have done in the West, Asian voters are increasingly falling for the likes of India’s Modi, Indonesia’s Widodo, and the Philippines’ Duterte. How can responsible Asian leaders win?
1st Aug 19, 6:29am
by Guest
Despite the damage populists have done in the West, Asian voters are increasingly falling for the likes of India’s Modi, Indonesia’s Widodo, and the Philippines’ Duterte. How can responsible Asian leaders win?
A populist message of "us vs. them" might seem less effective than a message of "all of us together," given that elections are won with broad coalitions. But with widespread alienation and distrust, the motivations are different
3rd Jun 19, 9:26am
by Guest
A populist message of "us vs. them" might seem less effective than a message of "all of us together," given that elections are won with broad coalitions. But with widespread alienation and distrust, the motivations are different
Amid the sound and fury of northern hemisphere populists, you may think Australia has been spared the turmoil sweeping democracies. But perhaps it's not an outlier if you focus on the decline of the mainstream
16th May 19, 9:55am
by Guest
Amid the sound and fury of northern hemisphere populists, you may think Australia has been spared the turmoil sweeping democracies. But perhaps it's not an outlier if you focus on the decline of the mainstream
Kiwibank senior economist Jeremy Couchman on the top 5 drivers of rising populism, including living in a material world, the robots taking over, the lingering GFC effects, the decline of labour's bargaining power, and inescapable rising inequality
5th Apr 19, 10:00am
Kiwibank senior economist Jeremy Couchman on the top 5 drivers of rising populism, including living in a material world, the robots taking over, the lingering GFC effects, the decline of labour's bargaining power, and inescapable rising inequality
Brazilian President Bolsonaro joins the growing ranks of leaders – including America's Trump, Hungary's Orbán, and Poland's Kaczyński – who won power by vowing to end systemic corruption. But he is likely to join them in enabling much more of it
3rd Jan 19, 12:02pm
by Guest
Brazilian President Bolsonaro joins the growing ranks of leaders – including America's Trump, Hungary's Orbán, and Poland's Kaczyński – who won power by vowing to end systemic corruption. But he is likely to join them in enabling much more of it
Hood the hawks: The outlook is strong but uncertain. The RBNZ has released the doves, Kiwibank's Jarrod Kerr & Jeremy Couchman say in their latest economic outlook
7th Dec 18, 11:17am
Hood the hawks: The outlook is strong but uncertain. The RBNZ has released the doves, Kiwibank's Jarrod Kerr & Jeremy Couchman say in their latest economic outlook
The challenge is to try to keep short term political quick-fixes from doing predictable long term damage, and ensure that monetary and fiscal policies work together effectively
14th Jan 17, 12:01pm
by Guest
The challenge is to try to keep short term political quick-fixes from doing predictable long term damage, and ensure that monetary and fiscal policies work together effectively