fixed home loan rates
Is the pay-more-now-to-save-more-later mortgage strategy a good idea? We do the calculations to show how low the target fixed rates will have to be to make the gamble worth it
17th Mar 25, 12:40pm
Is the pay-more-now-to-save-more-later mortgage strategy a good idea? We do the calculations to show how low the target fixed rates will have to be to make the gamble worth it
Retail interest rates have been on the move recently, and the period of change is far from over. We take a early, interim look at one measure of bank rate spreads to assess how these changes are playing out
10th Aug 24, 9:10am
Retail interest rates have been on the move recently, and the period of change is far from over. We take a early, interim look at one measure of bank rate spreads to assess how these changes are playing out
Even though rates are now at fifteen year highs, home loan borrowers should be anticipating further fixed rate rises, and quite soon for the next shift up
24th Sep 23, 12:00pm
Even though rates are now at fifteen year highs, home loan borrowers should be anticipating further fixed rate rises, and quite soon for the next shift up
Home loan borrowers have learned to take out longer fixed rate mortgage contracts. The 2021 incentive to lock in unusually low interest rates may change in 2022 to the fear of facing higher interest rates
14th Jan 22, 11:23am
Home loan borrowers have learned to take out longer fixed rate mortgage contracts. The 2021 incentive to lock in unusually low interest rates may change in 2022 to the fear of facing higher interest rates
A much larger rise in inflation, especially tradable inflation, has turbocharged wholesale swap rates with more in prospect, signaling giant mortgage rates are ahead
18th Oct 21, 6:20pm
A much larger rise in inflation, especially tradable inflation, has turbocharged wholesale swap rates with more in prospect, signaling giant mortgage rates are ahead
Fixed mortgage rates are low but they could go even lower as wholesale rates fall to record levels. In the meantime bank margins rise to top of the recent range
12th Apr 16, 7:57am
Fixed mortgage rates are low but they could go even lower as wholesale rates fall to record levels. In the meantime bank margins rise to top of the recent range
ASB responds to higher wholesale money costs by raising 3, 4 and 5 year fixed mortgage rates just prior to the holiday break
19th Dec 15, 4:49pm
ASB responds to higher wholesale money costs by raising 3, 4 and 5 year fixed mortgage rates just prior to the holiday break