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livestock farming

Allan Barber sees food production becoming a distant second in land-use priorities in what could have profound impacts on our economy and ability to pay our way in the world
14th Sep 24, 9:21am
Allan Barber sees food production becoming a distant second in land-use priorities in what could have profound impacts on our economy and ability to pay our way in the world
David Norton says aspects of carbon farming with exotics are "ecologically fraudulent". "And I think we should be rewarding and providing an income for native forests as a permanent long term carbon sequestration tool, both post- and pre-1990"
26th Mar 23, 9:59am
David Norton says aspects of carbon farming with exotics are "ecologically fraudulent". "And I think we should be rewarding and providing an income for native forests as a permanent long term carbon sequestration tool, both post- and pre-1990"
Angus Kebbell makes the case for protecting livestock farming and resisting carbon farming as a better way to help New Zealand earn its way in the world - and be more honest in how we reduce our carbon footprint and sequester carbon
18th Mar 23, 9:43am
Angus Kebbell makes the case for protecting livestock farming and resisting carbon farming as a better way to help New Zealand earn its way in the world - and be more honest in how we reduce our carbon footprint and sequester carbon
Gabrielle is changing minds about plantation forestry. But with the full-country focus now on climate adaption especially for urban areas, Guy Trafford worries that the East Coast issues may slip off the radar
6th Mar 23, 10:11am
Gabrielle is changing minds about plantation forestry. But with the full-country focus now on climate adaption especially for urban areas, Guy Trafford worries that the East Coast issues may slip off the radar
Guy Trafford says if urban NZ wants the lifestyle that export earnings from farming generates but doesn't want the cows that generate it, they are going to have to pay to get what they think they want
12th Aug 22, 7:20am
Guy Trafford says if urban NZ wants the lifestyle that export earnings from farming generates but doesn't want the cows that generate it, they are going to have to pay to get what they think they want
If society wants lower impacts from livestock on private land, will they achieve it by paying farmers for their loss, or regulate it because they have power to impose costs on landowners?
9th Aug 22, 10:11am
If society wants lower impacts from livestock on private land, will they achieve it by paying farmers for their loss, or regulate it because they have power to impose costs on landowners?
Angus Kebbell explores why some farmers are feeling less than positive even in a time of good prices, favourable weather, and healthy markets. They are negative about the pace of imposed change
19th Dec 21, 4:09pm
Angus Kebbell explores why some farmers are feeling less than positive even in a time of good prices, favourable weather, and healthy markets. They are negative about the pace of imposed change
Livestock farmers may get a good boost in income and improve environmental outcomes by integrating some horticulture into their operations
13th Nov 21, 10:49am
Livestock farmers may get a good boost in income and improve environmental outcomes by integrating some horticulture into their operations
The current onslaught against farming is neither enjoyable to be in or observe. But out of it all perhaps there may be a rosy future
25th Sep 19, 10:41am
The current onslaught against farming is neither enjoyable to be in or observe. But out of it all perhaps there may be a rosy future
There is no reason for ‘carbon guilt’ over New Zealand's meat or milk says Federated Farmers, who claim the advantages we hold benefit the world
10th Aug 19, 9:47am
by admin
There is no reason for ‘carbon guilt’ over New Zealand's meat or milk says Federated Farmers, who claim the advantages we hold benefit the world