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kiwisaver reform

 Retirement Commission reports 25% gender gap in KiwiSaver balances, with women lagging behind men across most age groups
17th Mar 25, 1:18pm
 Retirement Commission reports 25% gender gap in KiwiSaver balances, with women lagging behind men across most age groups
Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister Andrew Bayly sees potential for KiwiSaver provider consolidation as new investment rules aim to boost local opportunities
14th Dec 24, 9:10am
Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister Andrew Bayly sees potential for KiwiSaver provider consolidation as new investment rules aim to boost local opportunities
Government reforms will allow $120 billion currently in KiwiSaver funds to be more easily invested in private assets, changes also on the way for NZX to make it less ‘unattractive’
13th Dec 24, 8:23am
Government reforms will allow $120 billion currently in KiwiSaver funds to be more easily invested in private assets, changes also on the way for NZX to make it less ‘unattractive’
Kiwisaver governance lacks clarity, says Retirement Commissioner Jane Wrightson, as she calls for comprehensive reform and cabinet-level advocacy
4th Sep 24, 1:31pm
Kiwisaver governance lacks clarity, says Retirement Commissioner Jane Wrightson, as she calls for comprehensive reform and cabinet-level advocacy