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Agriculture Minister David Carter declares medium level drought zone in all areas north of Auckland Harbour Bridge

Rural News
Agriculture Minister David Carter declares medium level drought zone in all areas north of Auckland Harbour Bridge

Agriculture Minister David Carter has declared a medium level drought zone for all areas north of the Auckland Harbour Bridge, triggering government relief measures for farmers in the region, farm management advice and welfare support.

Here is the release from Carter:

The Government is coming to the aid of Northland farmers facing worsening drought conditions.

Agriculture Minister David Carter has today declared all areas north of the Auckland Harbour Bridge a medium-level drought zone, triggering relief measures for farmers.

These include funding for Rural Support Trusts to provide help, welfare support and farm management advice.

Mr Carter has been in Northland today meeting with farmers, Rural Support Trust members and primary sector representatives to discuss the dry conditions.

“The situation in Northland is serious.  Farmers are still recovering from last summer’s drought and they’re now facing it all over again, weeks earlier than expected,” says Mr Carter.

“Even if there is a wet summer, as some weather experts are predicting, this won’t change the severity of the situation as Northland has experienced its driest spring on record.

“This is putting pressure on many farmers and I urge those who are finding it tough to seek farm management advice.  Now is the time to look at stocking rates and feed levels, and to make the hard decisions.

“Across the country, it’s shaping up to be a long summer and there is every likelihood other areas will soon find themselves in the same situation as Northland.”

Mr Carter says Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry staff are actively monitoring conditions around the country, and working with local Rural Support Trusts, Federated Farmers and industry groups.

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Here is a speech from Carter yesterday saying how worried he is about the drought this year. It's earlier than usual


And ironically our cobbers across the ditch have big flood problems, especially for their wheat -…


Aside from the pressure farmers will be experiencing with the drought, Many of them say their farms are already looking like they did last Feb, what about the pressure of Banks. Anecdotally farmers haven't been able to reduce od's from last drought and are unable to buy in feed due to od's being capped. Some farmers have been told by banks to sell replacement stock and other assets to lower their od, and when they do that, the od is lowered and capped and the farmers are told they no longer have enough security and have to sell farm. So they are buggered. Farmers don't need the ability to go on the dole, they need a supportive financial sector so they can farm the way they should.


What is the lesson WJ.....what should farmers learn from bank behaviour that they ought to have learned from the grandparents....banks are bastards...just ask any aussie.


Wolly,I guess it's in the genes. There is a review of The Code of Banking Practice  subs close Dec 17th. Farmers needs to get their thinking caps on . Fed farm have put out a circular based on a discussion doc I did ,have a look
