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NZIER's latest consensus forecasts see zero GDP growth in the 12 months to the end of March 2025

Economy / news
NZIER's latest consensus forecasts see zero GDP growth in the 12 months to the end of March 2025

And then there was none.

According to the NZ Institute of Economic Research's latest quarterly 'consensus' forecasts, there will be zero GDP growth in the year to March 2025.

That forecast is down from the estimate of 0.6% growth in the 12 months to March 2025 made in the last quarterly forecasts issued in June. The June forecasts themselves had been revised down from earlier forecasts issued in March.

Official GDP figures for the June quarter 2024 are set to be released on Thursday and are expected to show that the economy contracted again in the quarter. If that proves to the case, it will mean that the NZ economy has shrunk in five of the past seven quarters.

NZIER senior economist Ting Huang said the downward revisions in economic forecasts "reflect expectations for sluggish economic growth over the coming year".

She said recent data, such as NZIER’s Quarterly Survey of Business Opinion measures of business confidence and firms’ own trading activity "also suggest a deteriorating growth outlook for the coming year".

"Beyond 2025, lower interest rates are expected support a recovery in economic activity."

Indeed, the forecasts suggest that in the 12 months to March 2026 there will be 2.2% growth in GDP.

Contributors to the consensus forecasts include economists from NZIER itself, Treasury, the Reserve Bank (RBNZ) and the country's 'big five' banks.

Huang said forecasts for household spending also suggest a deteriorating outlook for the coming year, with the annual average growth revised lower from 0.5% to 0.2% for 2025.

"Households have cut back sharply on discretionary spending as they face increased mortgage repayments.

"On top of this is the uncertainty over household income due to a slack labour market, and this is expected to weigh on household spending over the coming year," Huang said.

"The residential investment outlook for 2025 was slightly less negative than the previous forecasts, but growth forecasts for the subsequent years were revised lower. While it is expected that lower interest rates should support a renewed interest in residential investment over the coming years, some of this will be offset by the uncertainty over mortgage serviceability given the softer labour market," she said.

The inflation outlook has been revised lower for both 2025 and 2026 as well, with forecasts pointing an annual inflation as measured by the Consumers Price Index (CPI) of 2.3% by March 2025 and staying near the Reserve Bank's 2% inflation target mid-point (of the 1% to 3% targeted range) in the subsequent years.

"The revised forecasts point to expectations for annual CPI inflation becoming anchored over the coming years," Huang said.

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Anyone else see that there is an elephant in the room re

  • Economists prediction of economy / unemployment / GDP in 2025 and
  • Economists predictions of house price movements in 2025

Remember even Big Bird gets it

One of these things is not like the other......

I was fly fishing the other day on a river in a forestry block and the loggers where dropping trees close by, you could hear the saw stop, then a cracking noise, then about 2 seconds later the shock wave as the tree hit the ground....     I think we are hearing cracking noises all over the NZ Economy at the moment...       and there are going to be shockwaves all the way too Xmas and then likely after as many retailers go to the wall.


Remember even Big Bird gets it

Never underestimate the water coolers and neighborhood BBQs for subjective reads on economic sentiment. 

Nevertheless, I agree with the economists' revisions. Because they have come to a new realization, whether it's through SQL databases or whatever.

People need to understand that 'when the facts change', you need to revise how you perceive and think about things.  


and a lot of slash?


Was that the machine working on the side of the Poutu Stream,at the top of the Tongariro by any chance?


If a tree falls in the forest, but everyone has left for Australia, did it really make a sound?


Why would Government do this? This isn't how you win the next election.


They will have to announce some stimulus going into the next election, the $36bil infrastructure build will have very long RMA & Design periods, even with fast track etc.... what format it takes will be interesting given the divergent nature of the coalition. 


the $36bil infrastructure build will have very long RMA & Design periods, even with fast track etc

It's a bit late in the game to take the long-term strategic vision. Pretending that we're S'pore, Korea, or Japan doesn't cut the mustard. 


They're going to waste billions doing business cases for infrastructure that will never get built. I mean our firm will make a packet from it but I resent it as a taxpayer. 


Work The MoW used to do as of course.


We have the road cone team on stand by for the new infrastructure - but no one else.



but this is what got them elected last time. 


No the Labour Party got the Coalition elected.



Trumps PR team would give you a job IT..


I could look after security, they have an opening in that area....


I made a similar point recently, and got some good responses. 
Firstly it’s only really a problem for them if there is a credible opposition….

Secondly they are probably banking on things improving before the next election, through cyclical and OCR-driven influences, which I think is likely 


In the past you took on more debt, asset went up, sold took profit and paid debt back.

Now if you get out you take loss.

NZ Men don't take losses, hence they are stuck in the trade, l think even at lower OCR stuck in cash flows they do not want or paying off non performing investments is going to be a huge drag on new investment and discretionary spend.



"It's all the previous guvmint's fault. And, Look, we haven't made it worse."


The current government didn’t do this. It’s the hangover from a 6 year labour bender. 


 If you ignore the 9 years of debt fueled dereliction from Key's government.


Definitely feeling the Back on Track vibe.


Shows how stupid the "2 consecutive negative quarters is a recession" rule is. We will have shrunk in five of the past seven quarters and still not be in recession according to that rule. 


It's not a rule, just a guide.


We're faring significantly worse on the per person measure. Our real GDP per capita in 2024 is just about what it was in 2019.

The economy has added more than 200k workers in that time span.


It's ok, if you take some specific data over a chosen time frame, from a small area of the country, you can call a press conference to announce some good news. There were 23 new jobs created in South Taranaki in the last 24 days! Look at us, aren't we fantastic stewards of the economy? (See also crime rates in central Auckland)

National are banking on house prices rising in 2026. Once swing voters are back riding happily in the increasing equity saddle, the election will be a done deal. 


If people keep leaving, and people don't keep coming, house prices may remain in the doldrums well into 2026.

Well, I guess Chris Bishop will call it a win.


I'm torn - house prices go up with the sales volumes (3 - 6 month lag), and sales volumes pick up very quickly after rates fall. The big question for me is whether the latent demand amongst wannabe FHBs in crappy rentals and young families waiting to pounce on an upgrade / school place is greater than the surplus stock. When I looked at this in detail in the UK, the data showed rate falls always led to surges of activity and prices in the most desirable areas. We'll see.       


Do we really have young families' who can afford at these prices? I don't see it. Regardless of interest rates the cost of home ownership and general living is spiralling. 



Forgive the anecdote, but I work with people from several youngish families. Most have one or more young children. They are sat in pretty small houses worth $700k to $800k and they have varying amounts of equity. The bottom of the market is their opportunity to get a bigger house in an area with decent schools. They are poised. This latent demand is why houses in desirable areas always go up first when house prices start to climb. It can also explain why you often see a fall back after the initial surge.


No one wants the crap until top of market , then they really buying land...

Still a global recession to wash over us JFoe, we are ahead of the curve



But who's to say their houses are worth 700 - 800k? surely the lower end houses need to drop in order to pull down the rest so it would be a push.


true this the low end sets the market


They have to sell those houses first, before they can buy another.  Who's buying them?  FHB and investors presumably.  Both will need to get back into the market to absorb all those "starter houses".  That wont happen until rates are significantly lower and employment levels more stable.


There are two requirements for that to occur....the confidence(?) to borrow, and the risk appetite to lend. And even if you have both (at sufficient level) you still need to avoid defaults.

More than a rock and a hard place.


 A graveyard of hope


I'm shocked I tell you. Shocked!


One wonders whether they've factored in the Boomers far more cautious attitude to spending.


The reckonomists might have given a passing thought to propensity to spend. But their biggest blindspot is credit - their models still assume that it is savings that drive investment, and many still have maths based on a fantastical loanable funds model.


AI will pull NZ out of this nosedive...Shane is working on it..


I thought it was AI in the nosedive.


let it burn, the lack of obvious solution tells you as much


Whatever do you mean ? Spending billions on hardware so you can reformat a paragraph seems so worth it.


Luxon and government asleep at the wheel, focusing on populist politics that divide the nation instead of focusing on economy and reducing the impact of high interest rates.

I know it's too late but have really been questioning the choice of government as of late. 


The cure for high interest rates is high interest rates.  And as can be seen in Australia, the more the Govt spends trying to reduce the impact, the longer those rates are going to stay high.


If the standard definition of being in a recession is two consecutive quarters of negative growth, then shouldnt we need to see two consecutive quarters of positive growth to say we are out of recession?  If you used that definition then we have been in recession for almost two years and counting.


Feeling better all ready?


"Beyond 2025, lower interest rates are expected support a recovery in economic activity."

While it is expected that lower interest rates should support a renewed interest in residential investment over the coming years...

So the solution is to encourage the same thinking that created the current situation...
