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NZIER's latest quarterly consensus forecasts see higher household spending on the back of interest rate falls, but GDP growth forecasts are virtually unchanged from the previous quarter
17th Dec 24, 12:01pm
NZIER's latest quarterly consensus forecasts see higher household spending on the back of interest rate falls, but GDP growth forecasts are virtually unchanged from the previous quarter
Successful political leadership embodies a keen awareness of past, present, and future: along with the wisdom to adjudicate what is owed, and should be paid, to each; writes Chris Trotter. Sadly, such leadership has not been much in evidence during 2024
16th Dec 24, 9:21am
Successful political leadership embodies a keen awareness of past, present, and future: along with the wisdom to adjudicate what is owed, and should be paid, to each; writes Chris Trotter. Sadly, such leadership has not been much in evidence during 2024
David Hargreaves examines the upcoming GDP figures, likely to show our economy having contracted for five out of the last eight quarters
15th Dec 24, 6:30am
David Hargreaves examines the upcoming GDP figures, likely to show our economy having contracted for five out of the last eight quarters
Transport Minister Simeon Brown details government's road tolling plans
13th Dec 24, 1:49pm
by admin
Transport Minister Simeon Brown details government's road tolling plans
The Labour Party says the Coalition is being 'sneaky' with new taxes but Finance Minister Nicola Willis says new revenue measures are no secret
3rd Dec 24, 2:10pm
The Labour Party says the Coalition is being 'sneaky' with new taxes but Finance Minister Nicola Willis says new revenue measures are no secret
Commerce Commission says higher electricity bills needed to help fund maintenance and upgrade of electricity network
20th Nov 24, 10:22am
Commerce Commission says higher electricity bills needed to help fund maintenance and upgrade of electricity network
Infrastructure Commission outlines the scale of New Zealand's infrastructure deficit and issues proposals to deal with it
6th Nov 24, 8:20am
Infrastructure Commission outlines the scale of New Zealand's infrastructure deficit and issues proposals to deal with it
Parliament's watchdog will examine how conflicts of interest were managed in the Fast-track Approvals Bill
31st Oct 24, 3:57pm
Parliament's watchdog will examine how conflicts of interest were managed in the Fast-track Approvals Bill
Wellington City should be taking on more debt to limit rate increases and needs a Crown Observer to advise on this process, Local Government Minister Simeon Brown says
22nd Oct 24, 3:17pm
Wellington City should be taking on more debt to limit rate increases and needs a Crown Observer to advise on this process, Local Government Minister Simeon Brown says
Timothy Welch says Winston Peters’ $100 billion infrastructure fund is the right idea. Politics-as-usual is the problem
15th Oct 24, 2:47pm
by Guest
Timothy Welch says Winston Peters’ $100 billion infrastructure fund is the right idea. Politics-as-usual is the problem
Construction boom could act as ‘circuit breaker’ and drive the New Zealand economy out of recession, leading stock brokerage says
8th Oct 24, 3:11pm
Construction boom could act as ‘circuit breaker’ and drive the New Zealand economy out of recession, leading stock brokerage says
A luxury golf course, a ski resort village, and a new roof for Eden Park are all included in the mega-list of projects to be included in the Fast-track Approvals Bill
6th Oct 24, 5:23pm
A luxury golf course, a ski resort village, and a new roof for Eden Park are all included in the mega-list of projects to be included in the Fast-track Approvals Bill
Brian Easton says congestion pricing is easier said than done
23rd Sep 24, 8:40am
Brian Easton says congestion pricing is easier said than done
Exploding pagers and spying cranes in ports: Trusting your infrastructure can be dangerous
19th Sep 24, 12:04pm
Exploding pagers and spying cranes in ports: Trusting your infrastructure can be dangerous
NZIER's latest consensus forecasts see zero GDP growth in the 12 months to the end of March 2025
16th Sep 24, 2:21pm
NZIER's latest consensus forecasts see zero GDP growth in the 12 months to the end of March 2025
Denied the state’s leadership and resources, New Zealand’s economy has been hollowed out and taken over. More importantly, so has its democracy
16th Sep 24, 7:30am
Denied the state’s leadership and resources, New Zealand’s economy has been hollowed out and taken over. More importantly, so has its democracy
David Hargreaves assesses the prospects for the forthcoming quarterly GDP figures, which are likely to be grim, but might hopefully point to better times ahead
15th Sep 24, 6:30am
David Hargreaves assesses the prospects for the forthcoming quarterly GDP figures, which are likely to be grim, but might hopefully point to better times ahead
Large numbers of students pushed the monthly net migration gain to more than 5,000 in July
11th Sep 24, 11:33am
Large numbers of students pushed the monthly net migration gain to more than 5,000 in July
An Infrastructure Commission report says we are keeping up with infrastructure better than we might have thought from the grumbling. But the challenge of providing for the future remains, Brian Easton says
9th Sep 24, 8:51am
An Infrastructure Commission report says we are keeping up with infrastructure better than we might have thought from the grumbling. But the challenge of providing for the future remains, Brian Easton says
Plans for huge investment in roads of national significance risks politicising infrastructure and obstructing the much needed pipeline of projects
4th Sep 24, 6:52am
Plans for huge investment in roads of national significance risks politicising infrastructure and obstructing the much needed pipeline of projects
Infrastructure overhaul will create an independent project pipeline and new Crown agency for private sector collaboration
1st Sep 24, 6:00am
Infrastructure overhaul will create an independent project pipeline and new Crown agency for private sector collaboration
Earl Bardsley argues the NZ Battery Project should be restarted and its dry year infrastructure proposal should be included in the 30-year National Infrastructure Plan
29th Aug 24, 10:11am
by Guest
Earl Bardsley argues the NZ Battery Project should be restarted and its dry year infrastructure proposal should be included in the 30-year National Infrastructure Plan
Shaw sees climate solutions as top investment opportunity; Watts and Bishop highlight urgent infrastructure needs
29th Aug 24, 9:31am
Shaw sees climate solutions as top investment opportunity; Watts and Bishop highlight urgent infrastructure needs
After spending 10 months cancelling the previous government’s projects, Chris Bishop wants a bipartisan infrastructure pipeline
28th Aug 24, 6:17pm
After spending 10 months cancelling the previous government’s projects, Chris Bishop wants a bipartisan infrastructure pipeline
Ministers will no longer have the final say over fast-track consent process
25th Aug 24, 5:02pm
Ministers will no longer have the final say over fast-track consent process