Economic growth
Economists don't see the upside surprise to the latest quarterly GDP figures as derailing likely Official Cash Rate cuts in each of the next two RBNZ reviews - but beyond that there's question marks over what comes next
24th Mar 25, 2:42pm
Economists don't see the upside surprise to the latest quarterly GDP figures as derailing likely Official Cash Rate cuts in each of the next two RBNZ reviews - but beyond that there's question marks over what comes next
After plunging in the previous two quarters, GDP grew a better-than expected 0.7% in the December quarter; figures 'a genuine upside surprise'
20th Mar 25, 10:57am
After plunging in the previous two quarters, GDP grew a better-than expected 0.7% in the December quarter; figures 'a genuine upside surprise'
NZIER's latest consensus of economic forecasts shows that while economic growth is expected to rise above 2% by this time next year, economists see GDP only growing 2.6% by the March 2028 year
17th Mar 25, 2:18pm
NZIER's latest consensus of economic forecasts shows that while economic growth is expected to rise above 2% by this time next year, economists see GDP only growing 2.6% by the March 2028 year
After plunging in the previous two quarters, GDP likely returned to positive growth for the December quarter, but the growth's looking pretty subdued so far
16th Mar 25, 6:30am
After plunging in the previous two quarters, GDP likely returned to positive growth for the December quarter, but the growth's looking pretty subdued so far
Stats NZ figures show that manufacturing and wholesale sale figures flipped into positive territory in the December quarter after both going backwards in the September quarter; meat and dairy were strong contributors
11th Mar 25, 11:50am
Stats NZ figures show that manufacturing and wholesale sale figures flipped into positive territory in the December quarter after both going backwards in the September quarter; meat and dairy were strong contributors
Yu Yongding explains why demand for foreign capital inflows to offset the US's savings shortfall may go unmet
2nd Mar 25, 2:10pm
Yu Yongding explains why demand for foreign capital inflows to offset the US's savings shortfall may go unmet
Transport, Housing & Infrastructure Minister Chris Bishop starts conversation on changes to Auckland's viewshafts
21st Feb 25, 2:44pm
Transport, Housing & Infrastructure Minister Chris Bishop starts conversation on changes to Auckland's viewshafts
Policymakers and commentators at Waikato University’s Economics Forum say New Zealand’s businesses and public sector must embrace risk to overcome stagnation
18th Feb 25, 10:58am
Policymakers and commentators at Waikato University’s Economics Forum say New Zealand’s businesses and public sector must embrace risk to overcome stagnation
The services sector expanded slightly in January, as did the manufacturing sector - results that point toward an economic recovery later in the year
17th Feb 25, 11:04am
The services sector expanded slightly in January, as did the manufacturing sector - results that point toward an economic recovery later in the year
Finance Minister Nicola Willis has told foreign supermarket chains she will clear any barrier possible to bring them to New Zealand
13th Feb 25, 10:48am
Finance Minister Nicola Willis has told foreign supermarket chains she will clear any barrier possible to bring them to New Zealand
Girol Karacaoglu sees a battle of the priesthoods underway while the economy goes down the drain
11th Feb 25, 10:37am
Girol Karacaoglu sees a battle of the priesthoods underway while the economy goes down the drain
The Prime Minister wants to 'end the culture of saying no' but won't say whether he now supports or still opposes construction in his own backyard
30th Jan 25, 5:09pm
The Prime Minister wants to 'end the culture of saying no' but won't say whether he now supports or still opposes construction in his own backyard
Labour says new Economic Growth Minister should focus on helping small businesses access capital, not ‘tinker’ with digital nomad visa rules
28th Jan 25, 2:38pm
Labour says new Economic Growth Minister should focus on helping small businesses access capital, not ‘tinker’ with digital nomad visa rules
Brian Easton finds the evidence is thin & shallow that regulation hurts productivity, and is a claim he wants to hear David Seymour justify
27th Jan 25, 9:15am
Brian Easton finds the evidence is thin & shallow that regulation hurts productivity, and is a claim he wants to hear David Seymour justify
Economic growth is possible, Christopher Luxon reassures us, but only under a government that is willing to get out of the way and let those with drive and ambition get on with it
27th Jan 25, 9:09am
Economic growth is possible, Christopher Luxon reassures us, but only under a government that is willing to get out of the way and let those with drive and ambition get on with it
The Coalition Government promises an economic growth plan within weeks, but can it deliver results?
26th Jan 25, 6:01am
The Coalition Government promises an economic growth plan within weeks, but can it deliver results?
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon unveils new investment agency and hints at radical competition reforms as part of a new 2025 economic growth plan
23rd Jan 25, 1:14pm
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon unveils new investment agency and hints at radical competition reforms as part of a new 2025 economic growth plan
Activity in NZ's services sector contracted further in December, matching a more contractionary performance in the month from the manufacturing sector as well
21st Jan 25, 10:47am
Activity in NZ's services sector contracted further in December, matching a more contractionary performance in the month from the manufacturing sector as well
The NZ government is promising to double exports (again) – but as history shows, this is easier said than done, Eldrede Kahiya says
20th Jan 25, 10:24am
The NZ government is promising to double exports (again) – but as history shows, this is easier said than done, Eldrede Kahiya says
Brian Easton says the state of the current economy may be similar to when National left office in 2017
20th Jan 25, 8:30am
Brian Easton says the state of the current economy may be similar to when National left office in 2017
Dairy is the export leader that underpins the economy but as Keith Woodford notes, it can only do what is possible
18th Jan 25, 9:45am
Dairy is the export leader that underpins the economy but as Keith Woodford notes, it can only do what is possible
Yi Fuxian thinks that China will have to shift its focus from running trade surpluses, to strengthening their middle class
9th Jan 25, 10:45am
Yi Fuxian thinks that China will have to shift its focus from running trade surpluses, to strengthening their middle class
Nouriel Roubini considers what the US president-elect's promised policy agenda will mean for growth, and inflation
2nd Jan 25, 9:36am
Nouriel Roubini considers what the US president-elect's promised policy agenda will mean for growth, and inflation
Massive revisions to Gross Domestic Product data shows the economy took a sudden dive in March this year
19th Dec 24, 3:02pm
Massive revisions to Gross Domestic Product data shows the economy took a sudden dive in March this year
The Coalition Government will not balance its budget within the forecast period, as Treasury forecasts a weaker economic recovery
17th Dec 24, 1:05pm
The Coalition Government will not balance its budget within the forecast period, as Treasury forecasts a weaker economic recovery