The Reserve Bank (RBNZ) has again left the Official Cash Rate (OCR) unchanged on 5.50% and says risks to the inflation outlook are now 'more balanced' but there is a limit to the ability to 'tolerate upside inflation surprises'.
However, the statement from the RBNZ appears far less 'hawkish' than was expected - and the markets have immediately reacted to that. The Kiwi dollar dropped by over half a cent to US61.2c, while wholesale interest rates were quickly falling also. As an example of the latter, the two-year swap rate fell by 16 basis points in the immediate aftermath of the announcement.
And this less hawkish sentiment was backed up by the forecasts contained in the RBNZ's new February Monetary Policy Statement (MPS) also released on Wednesday.
The forecasts now give a lesser chance (although still a chance) of another hike than the forecasts in the previous (November 2023) MPS.
Additionally the first CUT to the OCR is now forecast to happen earlier - in the first half of 2025 compared with in the second half as was previously forecast. And inflation is still forecast (IE same as in the last MPS) to get back under 3% by the September quarter of this year.
It should be noted, however, that the markets have been expecting that the first cut will come THIS year, probably in November. But the RBNZ is still sticking to the view that the first cut won't be till next year.
In the RBNZ statement on Wednesday, Governor Adrian Orr said the bank's Monetary Policy Committee (which makes the OCR decision) remains confident that the current level of the OCR is restricting demand.
"However, a sustained decline in capacity pressures in the New Zealand economy is required to ensure that headline inflation returns to the 1% to 3% target. The OCR needs to remain at a restrictive level for a sustained period of time to ensure this occurs."
In the MPS document, the RBNZ said that conditional on its central economic outlook, the OCR is expected to remain around current levels for an extended period in order for the Monetary Policy Committee to meet its inflation target.
"The outlook for the OCR is slightly lower than in the November 2023 Statement. This reflects that the slightly lower outlooks for capacity pressures, import prices and house price inflation more than offset the higher outlook for export prices," the RBNZ said.
This decision by the RBNZ seems to have been even more keenly awaited than usual. For a start it's the first such decision for this year after a gap of three months. In addition, while economists almost universally had expected a 'no change' verdict, the economists at the country's biggest bank ANZ had stuck their necks out and forecast a 25 point rise, to be followed by another in April.
In the event the 'hold' decision by the RBNZ on Wednesday means it's now the fifth consecutive unchanged decision since the last hike in May 2023.
The RBNZ is attempting to get inflation back into a 1% to 3% range, with an explicit target of 2%. Inflation, after rocketing from mid 2021 and hitting a peak of 7.3% in mid-2022, has now been out of the target 'range' for over two-and-a-half years. The RBNZ's response has been to force up interest rates. The OCR was raised rapidly by the RBNZ from just 0.25% at the start of October 2021 to 5.5% in May of last year.
Recent economic data have been a mixed bag for the RBNZ. The annual inflation rate as measured by the Consumers Price Index (CPI) fell to 4.7% as of the December quarter, down from 5.6% in September 2023. But less encouraging for the RBNZ was the fact that domestic inflation, while falling from 6.3% to 5.9%, came in higher than the RBNZ forecast. Meanwhile, lower than the RBNZ forecast was the unemployment rate as of the December quarter at 4.0% versus the RBNZ's pick of 4.2%. The RBNZ needs to see more 'slack' in the workforce to take heat out of the economy. GDP, however, shrank by 0.3% in the September quarter, while the RBNZ had picked it to GROW by 0.3%.
This is the statement from the Reserve Bank:
Over the past year or so, the New Zealand economy has evolved broadly as anticipated by the Committee. Core inflation and most measures of inflation expectations have declined, and the risks to the inflation outlook have become more balanced. However, headline inflation remains above the 1 to 3 percent target band, limiting the Committee’s ability to tolerate upside inflation surprises.
Restrictive monetary policy and lower global growth have contributed to aggregate demand slowing to better match the supply capacity of the New Zealand economy. With high immigration and weaker demand growth, capacity constraints in the New Zealand labour market have eased.
However, recent high population growth is supporting aggregate spending, as evident in upward pressure on dwelling rents, for example.
Internationally, global economic growth remains below trend and is expected to slow further during 2024. This subdued environment will support a further moderation in New Zealand’s import price inflation.
The outlook for the China economy remains particularly weak relative to recent historical norms, with structural factors constraining long-term growth. A more general risk to global growth is that central banks may need to keep policy interest rates at restrictive levels for longer than currently reflected by financial market pricing, to ensure that inflation targets are met.
Heightened geopolitical and climate conditions remain a risk for inflation. The recent rise in global shipping costs is one manifestation of these risks. The Committee remains alert to these relative cost pressures and will act to limit spillovers into general inflation if necessary.
The Committee remains confident that the current level of the OCR is restricting demand. However, a sustained decline in capacity pressures in the New Zealand economy is required to ensure that headline inflation returns to the 1 to 3 percent target. The OCR needs to remain at a restrictive level for a sustained period of time to ensure this occurs.
Summary of Monetary Policy Committee meeting:
The Monetary Policy Committee discussed recent developments in the New Zealand and global economies. The Committee agreed that the New Zealand economy has evolved largely as expected over the past year or so. Headline inflation, core inflation and most measures of inflation expectations are continuing to decline. However, inflation remains above the Committee’s target range. Restrictive monetary policy is contributing to an easing in capacity pressures. Monetary policy needs to remain restrictive to ensure that inflation returns to target.
Global growth was below trend last year. New Zealand’s trading partner growth is expected to slow in 2024. This will support a further drop in global inflation and New Zealand import price inflation. Measures of headline and core inflation continue to fall among our trading partners. Global supply disruptions have eased, and restrictive monetary conditions continue to contribute to reduced demand. Although prices of New Zealand’s exports have recently increased, continued below trend global growth is expected to limit the scale of further increases.
In discussing global financial conditions, the Committee noted that long-term wholesale interest rates have fallen since the November Statement. This has put downward pressure on domestic wholesale interest rates. Globally, central banks have generally kept policy interest rates steady at restrictive levels, and financial market participants have shifted their focus towards the timing and degree of potential policy rate cuts expected this year.
The Committee discussed recent domestic economic developments. Capacity pressures have eased significantly over the past year. Aggregate demand is now better matched with the supply capacity of the economy. A combination of lower demand and growing supply is bringing domestic inflation down. Below-trend global growth and slightly lower prices for our imported goods and services have also helped to lower headline inflation over recent quarters.
Members noted that gross domestic product (GDP) declined by 0.3 percent in the September 2023 quarter. This was weaker than projected in the November Statement. Revisions to GDP going back several years imply that potential GDP – the amount of production that the economy can supply sustainably – has also been lower than previously assumed. On net, these factors imply that the starting point for capacity pressures in the New Zealand economy is only slightly lower than previously assumed.
The Committee discussed the low rate of productivity growth implied by recent GDP data. If sustained, lower productivity would contribute to a lower rate of potential growth of the economy. This would limit the rate at which the economy can sustainably grow without generating inflation.
Members noted that strong net immigration is contributing to demand, with the recent increase in rent inflation an example. However, net immigration also means that there are more workers available, boosting the supply capacity of the economy. Businesses are reporting that it has become much easier to find workers. In general, capacity pressures in the labour market have eased.
Members discussed the recent increases in global dairy prices and lower prices for our imported goods and services. These developments have resulted in an improvement in New Zealand’s terms of trade, which will increase primary sector incomes and domestic activity. Recent attacks on shipping in the Red Sea and drought near the Panama Canal are creating delays in getting exports to global markets and increasing global shipping costs. These rising costs could decrease exporter profitability and will likely feed into global and imported inflation if sustained.
Members noted that annual house price inflation remains modest. There is heightened uncertainty around the outlook for house prices. This reflects continued restrictive interest rates, the scale of decline in residential investment, and the net economic effects of currently strong net immigration.
The Committee discussed recent inflation outturns. Annual consumer price index (CPI) inflation declined to 4.7 percent in the December 2023 quarter. While this is much lower than its peak of 7.3 percent in mid-2022, it remains above the Committee’s 1 to 3 percent target band. Inflation was lower than expected in the December 2023 quarter. Both tradable and non-tradables inflation fell, with tradables inflation falling by more than expected. Recent drops in core inflation and business inflation expectations are encouraging, but they remain above the 2 percent mid-point of the Committee’s target band.
Members discussed the lags of monetary policy and how the economy has evolved relative to the series of projections made over the last year or so. In general, the economy has evolved as expected. Headline inflation is slightly lower than had been assumed, reflecting lower-than-expected tradables inflation. The unemployment rate is lower than projected, but wage inflation has been more subdued. The current assessment of capacity pressures is consistent with previous projections. These past forecasts and outcomes are consistent with the assessment that monetary policy settings have constrained demand broadly as expected.
The Committee discussed the implications of fiscal policy for the economic outlook and the potential impacts of new proposed policies. The Committee noted that the central projection for government spending is based on Treasury’s published forecasts in the Half Year Economic and Fiscal Update (HYEFU) 2023. Government expenditure is projected to decline as a share of the economy in coming years. There is uncertainty over the timing and scale of new fiscal policy initiatives and the implications for monetary policy. The Committee will take any new fiscal initiatives into account when Budget 2024 is released in May.
The Committee discussed the recent publication of the Selected Price Indices from Stats NZ. The Committee welcomed the publication of these monthly indicators. The Committee also noted that more frequent publication of inflation figures and more regular reweighting of the CPI would be consistent with global practice. Such changes would support the Committee in assessing the current state of the economy, particularly in periods of heightened economic uncertainty and volatility.
Members discussed recent developments in domestic financial conditions. Overall, credit growth remains subdued. Financial conditions have become less restrictive since the November Statement. Mortgage rates have dipped slightly at most tenors and term deposit rates have fallen at tenors of more than six months. The margin between mortgage rates and wholesale interest rates is expected to return to more historically normal levels, as competition for term deposits continues and funding conditions for banks continue to tighten. This is expected to see mortgage rates hold up relative to wholesale interest rates.
The Committee discussed the key risks to the outlook for inflation. Members noted that overall, risks to the outlook for inflation were more balanced than at the time of the November 2023 Statement. However, from a monetary policy perspective, there remains less capacity to absorb upside inflation surprises, relative to downside surprises.
The Committee discussed the outlook for China, given its significance for the global economy and for New Zealand export and import prices. Structural challenges facing the economy in China remain concerning for long-term growth. Potential growth is slowing, partly due to demographic trends, but also due to substantial declines in productivity growth. High levels of debt, particularly in the property sector, and weak demand remain the most acute downside risks.
The Committee discussed the backdrop of heightened geopolitical tension and risk of spillovers to the global economy. The current rise in global shipping costs is a realisation of these spillovers. Although higher shipping costs add to near-term inflation, projections assume that this relative price shock will reverse. There is considerable uncertainty over the size and duration of higher shipping costs. Consistent with the Remit, the Committee has therefore 'looked through' the first-round effect of recent higher shipping costs. Nevertheless, the Committee remains alert to these costs lasting longer than currently assumed. In that event, potential spillovers into general prices might require a monetary policy response.
Members also noted downside risks to the global growth outlook in advanced economies. Median analyst projections were for a steady decline in inflation, with global growth expected to track modestly below the growth rates seen in 2023. A more general risk to global growth is that central banks may need to keep policy interest rates at restrictive levels for longer than currently reflected in financial market pricing, to ensure that inflation targets are met.
Members noted that, while pressures in the New Zealand labour market are easing, some of the labour market capacity measures in our suite have eased only modestly. The Committee noted that variations in labour demand lag broader economic activity. Labour markets have evolved as expected, and a further moderation in labour market capacity pressure is expected. Capacity pressures in the labour market will need to continue to ease to meet our inflation mandate.
The Committee agreed that in the current circumstances, there is no material trade-off between meeting their inflation objectives and maintaining the stability of the financial system. The Committee discussed the Bank’s current public consultation on the proposed settings for Debt-to-Income (DTI) restrictions on borrowing. The Committee agreed that the DTI policy will further support financial stability through the interest rate cycle.
The Committee noted the recent changes to the Reserve Bank Act, Remit and MPC Charter. In line with the Charter, the Committee discussed the reasons inflation is outside of the target range, the expected time for inflation to return to the target midpoint of 2 percent, and the reasons for that timeframe.
The Committee noted that high inflation reflected:
- the significant disruption to global supply stemming from COVID-related responses from policy makers, businesses, and households.
- the substantial disruption to domestic production from COVID-related policies and a tight domestic labour market,
- the impact on demand of the easing in monetary policy and rise in fiscal spending undertaken at the beginning of the pandemic in the face of substantial uncertainty and significant downside risks to the economy, and,
- the increase in commodity prices and shipping costs resulting from war and geopolitical tension.
These factors are discussed in detail in the November 2022 Review and Assessment of the Formulation and Implementation of Monetary Policy.
The Committee noted that annual headline CPI inflation was expected to return to the target band in the September quarter this year and that monetary policy settings are consistent with annual headline CPI inflation returning to the 2 percent target midpoint later in 2025. The Committee noted, given current projections, there was limited tolerance to increase the time to the target mid-point. The Committee is conscious that the economy has limited capacity to absorb further upside inflation surprises, as this could risk a rise in inflation expectations and make it more difficult to get inflation back to target.
The Committee noted that aggregate demand is now better matched with the supply capacity of the economy. Policy settings consistent with the projected time for CPI inflation to return to the 2 percent target midpoint result in a period of excess supply. These ongoing restrictive monetary policy settings are necessary to guard against the risk of a rise in inflation expectations, while avoiding unnecessary instability in output, employment, interest rates and the exchange rate.
In discussing the appropriate stance of monetary policy, members agreed they remain confident that monetary policy is restricting demand. A further decline in capacity pressure is expected, supporting a continued decline in inflation. The Committee agreed that interest rates need to remain at a restrictive level for a sustained period of time, to ensure annual consumer price inflation returns to the 1 to 3 percent target range. On Wednesday 28 February, the Committee reached a consensus to keep the Official Cash Rate at 5.50 percent.
based on the NBNZ figures, it looks the OCR actually dropping sooner than the Nov prediction.
????? the official OCR forecast by the RBNZ still expects an overage OCR slightly over the current 5.5% until end of 2024
That was part of HM's dream
there is a OCR projection chart on RBNZ MPS page, which is not my dream or anything.
you can see the Feb projection is slightly lower than the Nov one.
Your own chart shows Dec 2023 at 5.5% and Dec 2024 at 5.57%. Where is the before November 2024 drop here exactly? First drop looks to be in Mar 2025 and its only 3bps which means the implication is that a rate drop of 25bps is due between Apr and Jun 2025.
Hopefully HM will pay you for enriching his knowledge
I think you misread what he said/meant. The RBNZ is now indicating an earlier fall in the OCR than they did in the MPS in Nov last year, not that there will be a drop before Nov 2024
I think he hasn't said what he wanted to particularly clearly considering everybody seems to have misread it and assumed he meant cuts in Nov 2024.
The prediction has only changed marginally and if you round it to 25 bps its basically the same.
Cuts over a year away. House market bout to melt.
A quarter of a percent or so rate cut wasn't going to do anything.
They're after destruction across the board before they fly in and save us.
Exactly.... I am honestly quite baffled
In dec 2024 it drops by 4bps!!!
Wow.. 5 mortgagee sales saved...
again, the point of my comment was Nov projection vs Feb projection, which indicate OCR is having less pressure going up than previous prediction.
on a personal note, I don't really care about mortgage rates as it does not affect me that much. the higher interest rate, more interest I earn actually.
Ah.. inner voice vs public voice..
Look at figure 2.16 in the monetary policy statement. The OCR forecast is now less restrictive than it was in the Nov 2023 MPS.
RBNZ forecasting we will be in target band for inflation in 6 months. The OCR is overcooked, THE CUTS BEGIN IN MAY
I respect the Governor's decision but, personally, I'd have raised the OCR 0.25% to drive home the message about inflation and curtail expectations.
Definitely can't rule out an increase in April, with cuts coming later than many observers (including myself) had anticipated.
I thought a drop was coming this morning TTP? Why the sudden change of heart?
RBNZ forecast show inflation in target band in 6 months. A rise does not make logical sense. What for? So while our economy is on its knees in 18 months time, we flog the bastard just in case?
Orr has delivered the boost to business that underpins National's success.
Take that, ANZ!
In other words, no cuts until 2025.
Good luck everbody!
How much do you want to bet?
About 3000 mortgagee sales.
There's pain being felt out there for sure. Hearing of more redundancies, business closures etc. I suspect the lagged indicators will show this in the reporting and cuts will be made when it's too late...
Couple layoffs at work today. A good friend was among them. He was absolutely gutted.
Mike or Ryan?
They were always cutting after some carnage, not before.
AFL : Agony for longer
Too bad so sad - down the OCR goes! Must’ve hurt to see the hold button hey.
This guy be living in 2025, maybe even 2026.
??? somebody should have gone to Specsavers
Dgm, glad to see you are still wonderfully annoying.
Lol... don't blame me for your pain..
You should have listened to the wise ones on this site
Lol... don't blame me for your pain..
why would you assume there pain for me from interest rates? though it is painful dealing with you as you tends to personally attacking others rather than discuss on a topic like an adult.
Dgms assumption is anyone calling him out for being a diddle must be over leveraged and super close to the wire.
Everyday I read your comments and you are so happy to see others suffer through high interest rates.
Using finance to grow a business or to purchase a home doesn’t make you a spruiker/speculator. But you’re happy to laugh at those struggling.
I’m curious do you own a business or a home?
Such an innocent millennial...
You clearly are not who you claim..
My references are to those trying to spruik the market and screw actual millennials..
So, that would be a "NO" about owning a home or a business.
You are the so called Millennial.. how low can you go
High is relative.
In the 2000s Mortgages were 10%-12%, yet Businesses grew and people bought houses.
In the 1980s, Mortgage rates were 20%-30%, yet Businesses grew and people bought houses.
It is also worth noting that people also suffer through low interest rates. So I assume you are happy to see them suffer if we go back to these record lows?
Well yeah, paying off loans are hard. But it's not the interest rates that are the painful part, it's the principal amount. I'd take a mortgage 2 x my income @ 20% over a 6 x @ 5% in a heart beat.
Increase your repayments by 5% on the 2x mortgage, it goes from 30 year to 15 year. Do the same on the 6 x mortgage? Goes from 30 year to 25 year. People who "suffered" through 20% interest rates are absolutely clueless.
I don't disagree at all, in fact I have had that same arguement with many older colleagues. The maths is pretty easy.
But, it is that easy maths that makes me feel less sorry for the current bunch, as it was clear from all sources, that rates were in an "emergency" setting since covid (although I would posit the life support has been on since 2008)
This graph (https://www.rbnz.govt.nz/monetary-policy/monetary-policy-decisions) should be handed over as part of any mortgage discussion so that the homebuyer can see things go up and down.
Faced with the uncertainty of ever increasing rents, the rhetoric that any improvements to the piss poor rental stock would result in ever higher rents, it's not surprising young people will be drawn to buying their own homes. If they could do this by borrowing 2 - 3 x their income, then I'm sure they would. It's a pretty low blow to say to these young people "well you should have known".....
Principal to income was much lower back then, so when rates eventually retreated, mortgages were much easier to service.
The market manipulators at ANZ will be crying. This message from the RBNZ signals that the current level of the OCR is sufficiently restrictive which is good.
Sure they scared a few of their customers to fix long term at inflated rates = win.
Do the banks have a higher margin over swap for longer terms? If not it doesn't really matter
No surprise whatsoever here. Did anybody (apart from ANZ) really expect anything different ?
You might want to look back through some of the comments on previous articles here. There were plenty of people on here saying the OCR needed to go up
There were plenty of people being wrong, then.
from the "you can't make this nonsense up" file, I give you this:
Members noted that gross domestic product (GDP) declined by 0.3 percent in the September 2023 quarter. This was weaker than projected in the November Statement. Revisions to GDP going back several years imply that potential GDP – the amount of production that the economy can supply sustainably – has also been lower than previously assumed. On net, these factors imply that the starting point for capacity pressures in the New Zealand economy is only slightly lower than previously assumed.
The Committee discussed the low rate of productivity growth implied by recent GDP data. If sustained, lower productivity would contribute to a lower rate of potential growth of the economy. This would limit the rate at which the economy can sustainably grow without generating inflation.
The OCR has been on an upwards track for roughly 18 months. What did they expect? That businesses would rush off and invest in new plant and machinery to increase capacity when the ghouls at the RBNZ had said they'd create a recession?
Can they not see that they are a major contributor to our contracting capacity? Surely that must be obvious? But no. Not to them. (It won't become obvious until more businesses fail and even more productive capacity is lost.) Instead they use it to keep the OCR high and lament the fact that capacity in NZ Inc. has fallen.
Edit: Next GDP update Mar 21st. For Q4-2023. Who wants to be bet we're in a recession?
So "the committee" decided this inflation is a systemic issue - no fault accepted at all
and can the Chinese please deflate faster so we can meet our targets
Can the govt please give Orr an ambassador posting somewhere - maybe Myanmar but the further away the better - he is FA use here
I thought this was a subtle acceptance of the part they played?
- the impact on demand of the easing in monetary policy and rise in fiscal spending undertaken at the beginning of the pandemic in the face of substantial uncertainty and significant downside risks to the economy
The cuts will come quicker than the RBNZ are suggesting as they need to keep the market from cutting too early. So probably later this year or maybe around August.
Mortgage rates cuts have started
I said only yesterday that the RBNZ had built up a much larger short NZ$ position and that in turn made OCR decisions somewhat conflicted.
Watch One Roof PR machine go into overdrive now... going to be a few salty dgm's around.
Tony Alexander is probably typing up a +20% house price prediction as we speak.
The moment rates start falling it will be +20%.
yeah - this is definitely good news for house prices.
Now RBNZ has signalled the peak of the ocr, and we have less new homes in the pipeline and a growing population - doesnt take a genius to work out that the demand will shortly outstrip supply all over again.
I am not convinced the DTI thing will make much difference.
re ... "I am not convinced the DTI thing will make much difference."
DTIs, like LVRs, are a ratio and that setting is controlled by our (hopeless inept) reserve bank.
Thus whether you are "convinced" or not is completely irrelevant. They will work.
But only if our (hopeless inept) reserve bank applies them pro-actively or (as they have done) re-actively.
That's exactly what I mean. The dti level needs to be set correctly.. and they can't be removed or the levels moved as soon as prices start to plateau and the RE lobbyists and investors complain.
I have 99% confidence as the next boom takes hold the dtis levels will start to shift or get magically dropped again.
Anytime things start turning to shit bad enough, the RBNZ/Government adjust policy to pump housing.
The sort of thing you do when you're out of the sort of short term options that a 3 year democratic cycle can feasibly deliver.
Folk with large personal property portfolios rigging the market... in my opinion, we should be started to view this as corruption.
They haven't had success elsewhere so I don't know why people keep thinking it'll work here.
Younger buyers need credit the most, so every extra lending restriction put in place hits them the hardest.
Happened when deposit and lending requirements were ramped up over the last 15 years.
That’s a meaningless comment without a timeframe attached to it. In one year, or 5? I would suggest the latter
Tony Alexander is probably typing up a +20% house price prediction as we speak.
And it's not written on stone that he'll be wrong. He does base his analysis on survey outcomes and his forecasting accuracy is pretty reasonable - which is much more than can be said of the DGM.
So in that case I'm guessing more investors want to get rid of their properties and less are thinking of purchasing one according to his Crockers Feb insight survey - his predictions are correct most of the time, right? Or do you just like to pick the stats and surveys that suit your property "empire"?
Anyone who predicts house price increases no matter what would have a fairly good track record over the past 20 years. But it can't last forever...
To be fair he did a pretty good job of predicting the end of the cycle towards the end of 2021.
And the start of the upward cycle mid 2023
NZD tumbling once more, inflation will start climbing again if NZD is not supported. Hope RBNZ followed orders from US FED .
NZ50 +27 points as at 2.45pm.
Thus, things aren't as gloomy as some yearn for.
that's about 0.25% gain, nothing magical
96 gainers, 42 decliners and the rest flat. Hardly a stelllar day.
Didn't interest.co have something recently that argued that 'looking through' inflation was debunked after 2021? So what is the MPC doing looking through shipping rate inflation?
Not sure about the whole inflation is under control thing, just got an e-mail today from Mercury to tell m my electricity is going up. Both the fixed daily charge and the kwhr rate is increasing. Looks like another $20 a month at a guess.
My work canteen has put their price up once again.
Cost pressures, staff costs, etc
Same here with Flick in Nelson/Tasman, fixed charge going from 90c to $1.20in line with the gradual phase out of low user plans and powerup by ~1.5c pre-GST which isn't too bad. Beats the 4-6c rises multiple times over 2 years in Wellington across thelast few years.
Powershop too!
Can't see interest rate cuts anytime soon, we are nowhere near the lower end of target.
It's all about month on month, which is low.
they are in a quandry... look after their mates in banking and govt (property investors)... or actually lower inflation.
One wonders if we will soon have the perfect mix of embedded inflation, run away house prices and high unemployment... lol :)
There was an interest cut yesterday Squishy.
I think the ocr should have been cut.
Shows how much Sharon and her ANZ crew know…
Maybe they did know and the RBNZ did the wrong thing? An argument can be made either way
‘Shazza’s crew’ hairdressers.
maybe they need to take a haircut
A snip from the top yesterday...
Curious what peoples’ opinion is on the implications of this announcement (if any) for the property market?
Not much. Ultimately it's about servicing a mortgage and our lending rates aren't gelling with our housing costs.
I expect winter to show further price falls. Not by much though. Probably a few %.
(That's subject to people holding their jobs. A possible scenario is that the RBNZ has way, way, way overcooked it, and the NACTF confirm they have no macroeconomic nous, and jobs disappear and the RBNZ & the NACTF combine to create the 'mother of all contractions'.)
The latter should be a major concern, but we as a nation are too busy worrying about cutting wasteful spending to take any notice. Meanwhile we expect the economy to return to "normal" with a few heavy handed rate cuts.
Those dark clouds that were on the horizon are now rolling in fast and it's already starting to piss down in some places. We will wait for Orr to do a rain dance next year.
Thought there was an good chance of .25 increase. Holding at current rates is a the fall back position. Cost of construction with min wage increases is not going down anytime soon.
Lets see whats happens in 2024
Hold was obvious
Future direction depends on Fed ... if Fed cuts they can cut
My guess is we will still head up during year
Inflation hasnt gone anywhere ... we are storming into stagflation
HFL = higher for less
Thankyou - gave me a good laugh
A hold in the OCR was largely expected, a rise a small possibility but a cut was never going to happen. There are many out there that simply had blind hope of a cut as they are in way over their heads.
Life is going to continue to get harder for them and the cold hard reality of the s*@t show that has been created is going to hit home.
re ... " but a cut was never going to happen"
History will show - once again - that central bankers do not make helpful decisions (I am being respectful) when they focus on old data while ignoring all the empirical evidence for what will happen next.
Why are they paid so much to do the same old thing?
To be frank, a simple computer program using the same old data they use would cost about $100k and would do much the same as these fools.
Would definitely wager the program would do better.
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