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The basket of goods and services Statistics NZ uses to measure inflation is years out of date and may not be accurate, according to Reserve Bank bosses
21st Feb 25, 10:03am
The basket of goods and services Statistics NZ uses to measure inflation is years out of date and may not be accurate, according to Reserve Bank bosses
Patrick McGuire & Goetz von Peter of the Bank for International Settlements on tracking the size of carry trades
18th Sep 24, 9:53am
by Guest
Patrick McGuire & Goetz von Peter of the Bank for International Settlements on tracking the size of carry trades
Brian Easton says Statistics NZ focusing on administrative data and abandoning the census could be seen as symbolic of a narrowing remit; hopefully that is not Stats NZ’s intention
13th May 24, 8:51am
Brian Easton says Statistics NZ focusing on administrative data and abandoning the census could be seen as symbolic of a narrowing remit; hopefully that is not Stats NZ’s intention
David Hargreaves welcomes news Statistics NZ will produce more timely, monthly, pricing data but reckons we still need a full CPI indicator every month and an earlier view of GDP information
24th Oct 23, 8:01am
David Hargreaves welcomes news Statistics NZ will produce more timely, monthly, pricing data but reckons we still need a full CPI indicator every month and an earlier view of GDP information
Our statistics provider has responded to criticism of a lack of timely pricing data by greatly expanding the amount of information it will produce each month
18th Oct 23, 12:57pm
Our statistics provider has responded to criticism of a lack of timely pricing data by greatly expanding the amount of information it will produce each month
Rick Jones argues it's simply too important for New Zealand to NOT have monthly CPI inflation data
15th Dec 22, 12:28pm
by Guest
Rick Jones argues it's simply too important for New Zealand to NOT have monthly CPI inflation data
Inland Revenue estimates the average 'high wealth individual' in New Zealand pays 12% tax on all their income, including non-taxable capital gains
25th Feb 21, 6:54am
Inland Revenue estimates the average 'high wealth individual' in New Zealand pays 12% tax on all their income, including non-taxable capital gains
Tom Coupe on going to pot, dark dealing in PPE, knowledge at a premium, making some noise and making fast cash by ordering pizza from yourself
19th Jun 20, 10:00am
Tom Coupe on going to pot, dark dealing in PPE, knowledge at a premium, making some noise and making fast cash by ordering pizza from yourself
Tom Coupe on coronavirus. The quest for accurate statistics, misjudging risk, panic buying and the economic impact of pandemics
6th Mar 20, 10:00am
Tom Coupe on coronavirus. The quest for accurate statistics, misjudging risk, panic buying and the economic impact of pandemics
Infometrics' Brad Olsen on the Govt and data protection, Stats NZ's new branch, the local elections, whether the end really is in sight for the US-China trade war and meeting global meat demand
18th Oct 19, 10:00am
Infometrics' Brad Olsen on the Govt and data protection, Stats NZ's new branch, the local elections, whether the end really is in sight for the US-China trade war and meeting global meat demand
Statistics Minister James Shaw evasive when quizzed on details surrounding the Government Statistician's resignation over the flawed Census
13th Aug 19, 3:28pm
Statistics Minister James Shaw evasive when quizzed on details surrounding the Government Statistician's resignation over the flawed Census
Stats NZ boss resigns as independent review finds response rate to 2018 Census fell to a very low 83%, resulting in 'significant' data gaps 
13th Aug 19, 11:21am
Stats NZ boss resigns as independent review finds response rate to 2018 Census fell to a very low 83%, resulting in 'significant' data gaps 
Motu researchers on the politics of pandanomics, the perils of fruit juice, the perks of deactivating Facebook, the best time to score, and whether weeds can save the world...
24th May 19, 10:01am
by Guest
Motu researchers on the politics of pandanomics, the perils of fruit juice, the perks of deactivating Facebook, the best time to score, and whether weeds can save the world...
Motu researchers on the political benefits of destruction, Bill's datatopia, why meddling governments make you happy, the productivity gap, the Fed and fiscal policy, scaling the depths of bad puns and more
10th Feb 17, 9:59am
by Guest
Motu researchers on the political benefits of destruction, Bill's datatopia, why meddling governments make you happy, the productivity gap, the Fed and fiscal policy, scaling the depths of bad puns and more
Insurance Council on why it's taking so long for quake claims to be settled; highlights inaccuracies in govt data on the matter
22nd Jul 16, 5:03am
Insurance Council on why it's taking so long for quake claims to be settled; highlights inaccuracies in govt data on the matter
Organisation for Migration puts Auckland ahead of London, Paris and New York, as a city with a population made up of a higher portion of people born overseas
11th Feb 16, 12:09pm
Organisation for Migration puts Auckland ahead of London, Paris and New York, as a city with a population made up of a higher portion of people born overseas
NZ Initiative's Eric Crampton says New Zealand should follow the US example of making public data widely available
9th Nov 15, 10:35am
NZ Initiative's Eric Crampton says New Zealand should follow the US example of making public data widely available
As the arguments continue over 'how much is enough?' Auckland's residential construction market IS now seriously ramping up
9th Sep 15, 12:04pm
As the arguments continue over 'how much is enough?' Auckland's residential construction market IS now seriously ramping up
The flurry of Auckland house sales ahead of rule changes in October and November could point to a more subdued spring/summer market than usual in our largest city
7th Sep 15, 4:29pm
The flurry of Auckland house sales ahead of rule changes in October and November could point to a more subdued spring/summer market than usual in our largest city
What the Reserve Bank people say in their latest interest rate review is seen as more important than what they actually do with the rates
3rd Sep 15, 3:15pm
What the Reserve Bank people say in their latest interest rate review is seen as more important than what they actually do with the rates
David Hargreaves says the Reserve Bank should be holding scheduled reviews of interest rates more frequently - not less
3rd Sep 15, 8:55am
David Hargreaves says the Reserve Bank should be holding scheduled reviews of interest rates more frequently - not less
ANZ economists see regional house prices as likely out-performing those in the country's largest city in the near term
26th Aug 15, 1:09pm
ANZ economists see regional house prices as likely out-performing those in the country's largest city in the near term
Reserve Bank Deputy Governor says the sharp rise in the number of smaller residential investors in Auckland relying on credit is a risk to the market
24th Aug 15, 1:51pm
Reserve Bank Deputy Governor says the sharp rise in the number of smaller residential investors in Auckland relying on credit is a risk to the market
There are clouds on the economic horizon – but it is far from certain whether they will bring a downpour or just cooler conditions
6th Aug 15, 8:10am
There are clouds on the economic horizon – but it is far from certain whether they will bring a downpour or just cooler conditions
RBNZ sees more interest rate reductions likely, but rules out extensive cuts; says further falls in NZ currency still 'necessary'; Westpac sticks with 2% OCR prediction
29th Jul 15, 9:12am
RBNZ sees more interest rate reductions likely, but rules out extensive cuts; says further falls in NZ currency still 'necessary'; Westpac sticks with 2% OCR prediction