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national superannuation

Patrick Nolan says that as we finally get serious about reforming our superannuations system (as the claimant level rises sharply), we will have to face up to some serious trade-offs, and make hard choices
26th Oct 24, 9:45am
by Guest
Patrick Nolan says that as we finally get serious about reforming our superannuations system (as the claimant level rises sharply), we will have to face up to some serious trade-offs, and make hard choices
Kiwis born since 1985 have largely missed out on the explosive gains in wealth and higher incomes seen since then. Now they are being set up to pay for baby-boomers' retirement without a big enough NZ Super Fund to help them, Bernard Hickey writes
25th Sep 16, 5:02am
Kiwis born since 1985 have largely missed out on the explosive gains in wealth and higher incomes seen since then. Now they are being set up to pay for baby-boomers' retirement without a big enough NZ Super Fund to help them, Bernard Hickey writes