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Joe Public


The voice for everyday kiwis struggling to get on the property market with a "do nothing say nothing government" and a "reserve bank lost in limbo".

Bubbles should be managed to reduce the upside thus reducing the downside.

Let's not forget John Key's 2007 speech

Tuesday, 21 August 2007, 9:29 am
Speech: New Zealand National Party
John Key MP
Leader of the National Party

Over the past few years a consensus has developed in New Zealand. We are facing a severe home affordability and ownership crisis. The crisis has reached dangerous levels in recent years and looks set to get worse.
This is an issue that should concern all New Zealanders. It threatens a fundamental part of our culture, it threatens our communities and, ultimately, it threatens our economy.
The good news is that we can turn the situation around. We can deal with the fundamental issues driving the home affordability crisis. Not just with rinky-dink schemes, but with sound long-term solutions to an issue that has long-term implications for New Zealand’s economy and society.
National has a plan for doing this and we will be resolute in our commitment to the goal of ensuring more young Kiwis can aspire to buy their own home.

It’s a worthy goal and one I hope you will support us in achieving. Thank-you.

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