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Two AWS programmes open for New Zealand AI startups with US$1 million in credits

Technology / news
Two AWS programmes open for New Zealand AI startups with US$1 million in credits
NZ startup pitching at VCs

Amazon Web Services is offering New Zealand artificial intelligence (AI) startups usage credits along with business and technical support, to entice developers to build their businesses with the cloud giant.

A four week accelerator programme, the AWS Generative AI Spotlight, has 25 out of 120 spots available for New Zealand and Australian startups who can apply between June 13 to June 30 with successful candidates announced in July this year.

The programme aims to nurture pre-seed, and seed-stage ready startups building, as the name implies, generative AI applications.

Startups selected for the programme will get help accelerating their understanding of GenAI tools and services from AWS and there will be industry experts, founders and investors as well as peers to provide access to business and technical knowledge. 

Successful applicants will have access to the AWS Activate programme and get US$100,000 in cloud credits, the company said.

AWS said the Generative AI Spotlight programme is run in conjunction with regional venture capital firms, one of them being Stone & Chalk in Sydney.

Meanwhile, the Generative AI Accelerator programme has 20 spaces reserved for founders in the Asia-Pacific, out of 80 in total globally. In the second year of running, the programme has expanded from 21 founders last year, with applications accepted until July 19.

The Generative AI Accelerator programme lasts 10 weeks, starting in October this year and provides among other things access to sessions to develop machine learning skills, stack optimisation, and go-to-market strategies.

A substantial US$1 million in AWS credits are available to spend on the cloud provider's compute, storage and database options, along with machine learning accelerators like Trainium, and the Inferentia2 accelerator.

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