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David Seymour says Kiwis are too squeamish about privatisation – history shows why they lost the appetite, Richard Shaw says

Public Policy / opinion
David Seymour says Kiwis are too squeamish about privatisation – history shows why they lost the appetite, Richard Shaw says
David Seymour. Image: Getty Images.

By Richard Shaw*

State asset sales have been a political dividing line in New Zealand for decades now, and it seems voters are again being asked to decide which side they’re on.

In his state-of-the-nation speech last week, ACT Party leader David Seymour advised New Zealanders to “get past their squeamishness about privatisation” and ask themselves:

If we want to be a first world country, then are we making the best use of the government’s half-a-trillion-dollars–plus worth of assets? If something isn’t getting a return, the government should sell it so we can afford to buy something that does.

No doubt this appealed to ACT’s core constituency. But the available evidence suggests many New Zealanders view the privatisation of state assets with scepticism, not squeamishness.

The most rigorous available data are from the New Zealand Election Study: just under 50% of those surveyed in 2020 either “somewhat” or “strongly” agreed with the proposition that “privatisation has gone too far”.

Just over 9% either somewhat or strongly disagreed with that statement. In other words, those who oppose state asset sales comfortably outnumber those who support them.

It seems reasonable to suggest this reflects the sizeable proportion of New Zealanders who remember the asset sales experience of the 1980s and 1990s under both Labour and National governments.

Writing in 2000, during the heights of this bipartisan privatisation boom, economic analyst Brian Gaynor argued:

By selling 100 per cent shareholdings in state assets, the New Zealand Government has allowed a small group of investors, mainly offshore, to make enormous profits. With just a little foresight these profits could have been kept for the benefit of domestic investors and taxpayers.

At the same time, voters have watched levels of wealth inequality rise, and the transfer of public wealth into private hands. And while asset sales can improve efficiency, they can also reduce access to services for those on limited incomes or experiencing higher unemployment.

Market failure

Research has shown a clear majority of New Zealanders would prefer the government provides social services, especially in health and education.

Just over 80% of New Zealanders trust the public service based on their own experiences. And levels of trust in the public service outstrip those in the private sector. All this suggests there is little appetite for a return to the days of peak privatisation.

More broadly, some New Zealanders will also question Seymour’s assertion that state assets should provide a return on investment.

Aside from it not being possible to turn a profit on many of the assets a government needs to serve the needs of its citizens, there are costs associated with putting a market value on certain social goods and services.

As Harvard political philosopher Michael Sandel has argued:

[W]hen money comes increasingly to govern access to the essentials of the good life – decent health care, access to the best education, political voice and influence in campaigns – when money comes to govern all of those things, inequality matters a great deal.

Furthermore, there is ample evidence of the ethical and operational shortcomings of applying the profit motive to public institutions such as prisons, hospitals and schools.

Nor are markets themselves value-free, self-correcting mechanisms. In the material economy, they have a propensity to fail. When they do, the people who suffer most tend to be those least well positioned to defend themselves.

That is why the state performs certain functions: to make sure those unable to pay for privately provided goods and services are not denied them.

The nature and extent of what the state should provide is quite properly a matter for debate. But those decisions affect everyone and should be decided in the public domain, not left to the managers and owners of private companies.

Prime Minister Christopher Luxon: open to a conversation about priviatisation. Getty Images.

Public versus private debt

Seymour also suggested a return to asset sales was justified by the country’s current levels of public debt. He referred to “the other tribe” who are

building a majority for mediocrity – who would love nothing more than to go into lockdown again, make some more sourdough, and worry about the billions in debt another day.

But as the right-leaning Maxim Institute points out,

the real risk in New Zealand is our very high levels of private debt, which includes household debt like mortgages, student loans, credit card, hire purchases, to buying a car in instalments […] Compared to our relatively low levels of public debt our current household debt stands at 95% of GDP.

According to the Treasury, current public debt levels are “prudent”, although “an ageing population, climate change and historical trends mean governments have important choices to make”.

The risk of renewed asset sales and privatisation is that public debt might be reduced but at the expense of private debt increasing.

Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has responded by saying he was open to a conversation about selling state assets. While it was “not something on our agenda right now”, he said, he hinted National may campaign on it ahead of next year’s election.

His other coalition partner, NZ First, has a long-held antipathy to selling local assets to offshore owners. And Luxon may also remember the result of the non-binding citizens-initiated referendum in 2013, when 67.3% opposed the potential sale of the state’s energy companies.

A niche party such as ACT can safely take policy positions that have little appeal beyond its core supporters. But that’s not a luxury available to its major coalition partner, which started the year behind in the polls.

On the other hand, National does not want to be outflanked any further by ACT. Asset sales, it seems, are destined to remain a perennial political fault line.The Conversation

*Richard Shaw, Professor of Politics, Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa – Massey University.

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

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If we dont make public assets available for purchase the monied may be forced to seek return from innovation...though in a world constrained they may seek the (relative) surety of government bonds...if sufficient available.

Perhaps we could remove some of that excess (financial) capital looking for a home some other way?


I saw this on FB page and seems to be fitting with ACT's ideology
"If it moves, sell it. If it keeps moving, sell it cheap. And if it stops moving, privatise it"


The "selling assets reduces spending" idea is claptrap. Why would anyone ever buy the assets if they don't expect them to make money? Selling the assets means worse service for more money, its clearly evident from the last 40 years.


Look at power generation.  Yes, it makes sense from a commercial standpoint. Why would you invest in surplus generation to bring the prices down?   

......power companies paid out $10.8 billion in dividends over the last decade but invested $4.5b in new power projects.…


We suffered for this nonsense, decades ago.

Only the stupid...


... only the stupid suffered this nonsense decades ago  ...

The smart realised it was the correct path forward  .... 


Zero value added. Consistently.


Nope. Bad decision. 

A cursory review suggests most prior asset sales weren’t such great ideas. State control for all utilities and core services.

Act is alienating itself. Even from me a very right leaning voter. Frustrating.


Sell everything ! ... free up $ 500 billion ... the government should sell the lot ...

... bring back private investment , let competition in , bust up the state monopolies   ...

Our experiment in being a socialist democracy has failed  .... we need to transform into a capitalist democracy ASAP ...


why do you write like a Joe Biden presidential debate?


... dunno ... ... does it bother  you ? ...


A little bit but fair play for an honest answer


He's got a sticky "period" key. Had it for years. Uses more ellipses than me... :)


".... we need to transform into a capitalist democracy ASAP"

Don't you mean "transform into a communist dictatorship ASAP"...reading your comments on other articles.


I would like to know exactly how much money goes out of the country each year in the form of dividends from the assets we have sold over the last 30 years.  


Our experiment in being a socialist democracy has failed  .... we need to transform into a capitalist democracy ASAP ...

There goes the universal pension then...


I would think from current experience, busting up the private monopolies is a far more pressing issue.


Yes, a cursory glance at the US, her vasal states and those she has kindly capitally democratised speaks for itself, especially compared to that laggard China. 


Start by selling Kordia. 


... sell 49 % ... list it on the NZX , install independent directors ... government retains 51 % ownership  ... same with HNZ , the schools , hospitals , Landcorp , QV .... bolster the NZX with a beavy of new dividend paying trusts ...  


The arguments seem to be very either/or and absolutist.

How about another way? Like aiming to introduce private sector efficiency models in to publicly-owned assets?

To say some ting like that isn’t possible is an admission of defeat and intellectual bankruptcy.


It should be clear by now that Seymour wants wholesale privatisation including healthcare and education. What he omits to say, is that all these healthcare workers, including doctors, and all the teachers have to be trained and the very considerable cost of that would continue to be borne by us, the taxpayers. To put that cost onto the private sector would make the proposition much less financially attractive.

I have nothing against private hospitals as such and indeed had 2 operations in them last year, but the playing field is far from level.


 ... I think he's proposing selling the land & buildings , then doing a long leaseback ... but keeping existing staff in their current employment as public servants ... not privatizing the operations ....


He's talking about privatising as much as he can wherever he can. It is about transferring control and access to services to people who have wealth.

In a world where the state decides who should benefit from public services, in a democracy,  the hoi polloi has a chance to vote in a party that would prioritise services based on need. This is anathema to the super rich who want services to be allocated exclusively on wealth. Once public services are privatised access is determined by wealth. 


The only way I can explain someone thinking that would be a good idea, is if they were almost dead, and didn't care about the future past the next decade. Is that you Gummy?


... well , that's on you for just not thinking deeply enough about this issue ....

The way we ran things in the past is clearly not fit for purpose in the present  .... we need to be innovative , and do things differently henceforth  ...


And they are talking of repeating those past mistakes despite them not being fit for purpose in the present.


So let's continue to sell state assets which hasn't worked historically. Maybe next time will be different... yeah right.


National would be risking losing office over asset sales or excessive immigration. They would only get away with it if Labour were campaigning on something as toxic to the average voter as taxing the family home or resuming ethnic separation.


Toxic is doing anything that hurts wealthy white peoples feelings or pocket?

I think toxic was telling a NZ'er born in Mexico to go back to where they came from, while trying to dismantle the government so the wealthy can become the new feudal overlords.


He did during covid under the pretense of visiting his sick mother. Turns out is was to get his boyfriend.


He can ‘ anda la mierda’


With privatisation of large state assets comes the problem of them being Too-Big-To-Fail and when the private company then gets in to trouble the government will bail them out.  


True. A la Railways and Air NZ.


Essential services need to run come what may. If a bus route is used below break even it would be culled or conjugated by a private enterprise. Having the freedom to run some services at an operating loss is more important when social cohesion and community / vulnerable considerations are required.



No Waiheke ferries as they currently run.


It seems to me that governments of all shades have been steadily diminishing the public health system for a very long time with the objective of turning it over to privatization.  It has been pretty obvious really.

If poor wages, unaffordable houses, a failing education system, failing infrastructure under the extra weight of the flood of immigrants are not sufficient to force you to leave New Zealand, then surely copying the the totally dysfunctional USA heath system should well and truly be the last straw.  As things stand at the moment New Zealand is a very dangerous place  to become ill.  There is a significant chance that problems will not be diagnosed and even when they are you have a significant chance of not receiving life saving intervention early enough to save your life.  I am a pensioner and am seriously weighing up whether the loss of the  pension by shifting to Australia is more than offset getting better health care should I need it. 


Why choose the US as your example of private healthcare. A multitude of countries have compulsory private healthcare. In some cases you cannot exclude prior conditions and rates are unchanged with age.

NZ take healthcare for granted and don’t appreciate the value. The diabetic on insulin (Lantus) and dulaglutide costs approx $200/month through PHARMAC subsidy. Now multiply that by many years. Renal dialysis is upwards of $50k per year. A TAVI valve $50k…..

Make insurance tax deductible and mandatory.


Mr Seymour has way to much to say for a party that won 2 only electorate  seats  - time to get rid of MMP in its current form.
