The United Nations Conference on Climate Change, COP 28, has just wrapped up in Dubai. The current Minister of Revenue, Simon Watts, is also the Minister of Climate Change so he attended the conference on behalf of the Government. There has been a lot of debate about how far COP28 has moved change forward although an agreement was finally reached on beginning a phase out of fossil fuels.
Now, coincidentally, or maybe not, as COP 28 was ongoing, the Climate Commission released its final advice to inform the Government’s plan to meet Aotearoa New Zealand’s greenhouse gas reduction goal for 2026–2030.
Briefly, the report says that the Government needs to take active steps to encourage change by removing barriers and supporting investment that cuts climate pollution. The Commission's analysis is the country has made progress, but it is not on track to meet its climate goals for the end of this decade. In the Commission’s view, that means that we will be missing out on benefits like new jobs, a more resilient economy and healthier communities.
In all there are 27 recommendations which are focused on areas where the Commission sees there are critical gaps in action or where efforts need to be strengthened or accelerated. A couple of these are encouraging businesses, households and business to switch to electric vehicles and making it easier for more people to choose public or active transport. Key thing here which I think everybody would agree with, is sorting out the roles of the Emissions Trading Scheme and forests in achieving these objectives.
The paper, all 193 pages of it, does refer to tax being one of the tools to be used. For example,
“To support the transition to a low emissions economy, incentives need to be designed to overcome near-term capital constraints to businesses shifting their existing assets and processes to low emissions alternatives. To support this, the Government could explore amending components of the tax system (for example, adjusting depreciation schedules and rates for eligible projects).”
Overall, the Commission has no specific tax suggestions beyond such general suggestions.
Replacing the Ute Tax – a UK suggestion
As it happens, this week the Government repealed what it called the Ute tax and with it the current clean car discount scheme, which seems at odds with the report of the Climate Commission. In the Government’s Coalition Agreements, there was a proposal from ACT for “Work to replace fuel excise taxes with electronic road user charging for all vehicles, starting with electric vehicles.”
Now that also seems at first sight to be contrary to the Climate Commission’s recommendations for reducing emissions. But this week I came across a major report on the UK economy called “Ending stagnation. A new economic strategy for Britain”. This has been produced by The Economy 2030 Inquiry.
The TL:DR (too long: didn't read) of this 293-page report is that Britain is in a far bigger mess than we might appreciate, and Brexit has done nothing to improve its position. The report has a whole heap of recommendations, including, inevitably, suggestions around changing the tax system which is what attracted my initial interest. I'm always interested to see what's going on around the world and what goes on in Britain affects quite a large number of people here, either expat Brits or Kiwis who have family in the UK. I have several cases on the go at the moment involving UK New Zealand tax matters.
The report suggests one of the major challenges the UK economy faces is a transition to Net Zero. Which is also a challenge we face. As part of this the report makes the following suggestion:
“Our tax system also needs to keep pace with net zero transition. To ensure the burden of motoring taxes does not fall on poorer households yet to switch to electric vehicles, a 6 pence per mile charge (equivalent to fuel duty), should be introduced for [electric vehicles]."
Viewed in this context and stepping back from the emotions around the repeal of the Clean Car Discount, ACT’s proposal makes sense. Encouraging people to take up EVs is what we want to do long term. But that doesn't mean those people should have a free pass indefinitely. EVs will soon be subject to road user charges which would be similar to this UK proposal. Therefore charging EVs some form of charge is not unreasonable.
My philosophy around environmental taxes is that the revenue from any such fund raising measures should not go into the general pool of taxation, but instead be ring fenced and applied for environmental measures. In this case my belief is those funds could be used to assist people to swap out older cars into newer cars. Those newer cars may still use fossil fuels, but they will be more fuel efficient, and that's a worthwhile goal because it does reduce the motoring burden and emissions.
Time for a land tax and “mild increases” in tax revenues?
Incidentally the Economy2030 inquiry report specifically references our post 1984 economic transformation and how we dealt with the change involved in major economic reforms. Given Britain is pretty much in a huge hole and needs to change dramatically, the report looks at how we managed our transition post 1984. As part of that, a separate paper was prepared for the Inquiry by the former Reserve Bank of New Zealand Chair Arthur Grimes.
Incidentally, and in what's becoming something of a trend for the new Government, Mr. Grimes’ paper makes suggestions contrary to the Government's actions and intentions. Specifically, around tax breaks for owner-occupied rental housing, his report notes the current policies “increase wealth inequity.” He also believes a “mild increase in tax revenues will eventually be needed”. His suggestion is for “broadening the range of taxes to include a land tax, the most efficient and (vertically) equitable tax available to the Government, should be considered.” I can hear Raf Manji and the members of TOP cheering at this.
Anyway, there's a lot to read in Arthur Grimes’ paper. I think it's a good summary of what we went through and how our experience is relevant for other economies.
The deductibility of staff retention payments
Inland Revenue released an interesting Technical Decision Summary about payments made to retain key staff as part of a sale of a company. What happened was the company was being readied for sale and as part of this process the company entered into retention agreements with key staff. These were variations to their current employment agreements which entitled the key staff to bonus payments calculated by reference to their salaries.
And the idea was to incentivise these key employees to remain with the company to enable the ongoing smooth running of the company during the sale process. The payments were made prior to completion of the sale and were conditional on the employees remaining continuously employed by the company on the relevant payment dates.
The company in this case considered a portion of the retention payments were capital and therefore non-deductible because they were part of a capital transaction being the sale of the business. The case finished up before the Tax Counsel Office and its Adjudication Unit which decided that in fact the retention payments could be deductible in full as the capital limitation did not apply.
This is a very fact specific case which is often the case with Technical Decision Summaries. However, they do give insights into how Inland Revenue might approach a particular case. Bear in mind each is very heavily contingent on the facts. Nevertheless this is an interesting one which turned out to be a good result for the taxpayer.
HM Revenue & Customs One - ChatGPT Nil
On the other hand, it did not go well for one Mrs Harber over in the UK who in her appeal against various HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) assessments used ChatGPT as part of her research.
She then presented these “cases” in evidence.
Unfortunately for Mrs Harber none of these cases were real, ChatGPT in its enthusiasm had just simply dreamed them up, and Mrs. Harber hadn't realised this.
In fact, she asked the tribunal how it could be confident that the cases relied on by HMRC were genuine. The tribunal pointed out that HMRC had provided the full copy of each of those judgments and not merely simply a summary as she had done, and the judgments were also available on publicly accessible websites. Mrs. Harber had not been aware of those websites.
She obviously lost the case, but the Tribunal generally took her approach as more of misunderstanding her obligations so did not penalise over heavily in terms of costs, awards. But it is an interesting commentary on the perils of making use of ChatGPT and the need to have discernment.
WorkRide FBT exemption update
Last week I discussed the WorkRide Product Ruling Inland Revenue had issued which would give an FBT exemption to employers providing E scooters, E bikes and the like. I originally stated there's a cost limit of $4,000.
Subsequently a couple of people contacted me and asked if that limit was correct. It’s not. I was actually referencing a submission I'd made to the Finance and Expenditure Committee proposing a FBT exemption. In fact, the limit will be set by regulation, but that regulation setting the limit has not yet been passed nearly nine months after the relevant legislation was passed. It’s expected by the way the limit will be higher than the $4,000 sum I mentioned. My apologies for the confusion.
What’s the character of the year?
Finally, what is the character of this year? It turns out that in Japan it is a tradition to decide the character (kanji) of the year in mid-December. Over in England, Professor Rita de la Feria the chair of tax law at the University of Leeds, heard from a student that the kanji for 2023 has just been announced and it is 税, or "tax".
On that bombshell, that's all for this week. Next week in our final podcast for 2023 we'll be reporting on the Half Year Economic and Fiscal Update and the accompanying Mini-Budget.
Until then, that’s all for this week, I’m Terry Baucher and you can find this podcast on my website www.baucher.tax or wherever you get your podcasts. Thank you for listening and please send me your feedback and tell your friends and clients. Until next time, kia pai to rā. Have a great day.
Climate Change Commission's report is 193 pages of bumf - and they should be shut down now as a complete waste of resources.
The whole notion that we will be world leaders, creating new jobs etc etc is just a bureaucrats wet dream given that the whole world is operating with the same mantra
Social equity, allocation of resources, achieving impossible climate change targets by 2030 without even thinking about how this will be funded or the very negative impact on our private sector, productive sectors or even the minimum wage workers - completely unbelievable but in fairy land its all going to be wonderful in our net zero economy in 72 months time
Worth a read (although I doubt you will) ...
I understand the tragedy of the commons perfectly - that's why we have and need regulations and protecting the commons is a key Govt role
I also understand adaptation versus mitigation, cost benefit analysis, private property rights as well as user pays - and dont accept that the poor in NZ should be subsidizing the rich because that's the outcome of plenty of the recommendations
re ... " that's why we have and need regulations and protecting the commons is a key Govt role"
Someone at odds with your first comment, don't cha think?
Net Zero is just another idea that looked good when there was a zero cost of money. The world has changed - we can't even afford the things we used to have, let alone a bunch of new stuff that costs more and makes households even poorer than they are now. This is also something every Govt in the western world is now realising.
There's nothing cheap about building new roads and importing the fossil fuel to power the cars that will use them. Also false economy when the likes of the EU start putting up trade barriers against us because of our inaction.
The best we can hope for from this government is increasing the Carbon credit price , or dding a tax or surcharge , introducing conjestion charges.
The ev road user charges were happening anyway , but having it ringfenced with this govt is a joke.
Thanks for the link to the Grimes paper. Should be interesting!
Sounds like a character in a Dickens novel!
lol indeed! I don't understand how a land tax will not break the back of Iwi and Farmers. For those who own land for property it is simply an additional rate. Rates are going up around the country in the 20% region at the moment so its hard to see how that could possible be equitable.
The singular value I can see in it is to ensure that the government quickly becomes by far the largest land owner.
It seems likely that the medium-long term (5 decades) solution to global warming will be technological, and require large scale investments in new green energy technologies. Globally, ETS or C02 taxes will help make this transition, largely by ensuring that oil and coal production is less economical than green energy once externalities and taxes are taken into account. But this is only one of the aspects of New Zealand's tax system that needs to altered to ensure NZ contributes to the global replacement of black energy with green. The tax system needs to encourage/ refrain from deterring capital accumulation, and it needs to be designed to avoid directing investment into the wrong sectors.
Since the late 1970s, NZ tax reform has moved in the wrong direction for either of these goals. The adoption of a government retirement system that accumulates little capital means there is too little capital accumulation in NZ, as Diamond and Feldstein (two of the three greatest tax economists of the late 20th century) explained in the 1960s and 1970s. On top of this, NZ has adopted a tax system that (i) has very high tax rates on capital income other than on owner-occupied housing (ii) relies on distortionary income rather than less distortionary expenditure taxes than almost all OECD countries. As a result we have a tax system that discourages rather than encourages investment int he green technologies needed to reduce carbon emissions globally.
It seems strange that the unusual nature of NZ's tax system on capital income is so little discussed in this context. Perhaps this could be a topic of future columns, Terry. A move to a land tax (on urban land) would be a help, as would a capital gains tax (adjusted for inflation). But these avoid the biggest difference between NZ's approach to tax and the rest of the world's, an approach that seems increasingly outdated. The long hands of Muldoon and Cullen destined to lock NZ into the middle of the outdated doctrines of the middle of the 20th century rather than propel it into the 21st century. Perhaps it will take a post-boomer generation to start analysing how far NZ's tax system has departed from orthodoxy- and how much change might be needed before it can become properly aligned with a newer greener world.
110% agree.
It is gratifying to know there are some at the RBNZ (I'm assuming you are the same AC) who also think our politicians aren't doing enough of what they should, i.e. tackling the big issues head on.
Tax not the "answer". Scrapping the whole scam is the answer. New Zealand is a significant net CO2 sink.
"New Zealand was a net CO2 sink of −38.6 ± 13.4 TgC yr−1."
What's the problem?
Tax the problem.
Problem solved.
BERLIN, Dec 16 (Reuters) - Germany's electrical vehicle subsidy programme will end prematurely on Monday after paying out some 10 billion euros since 2016, the Economics Ministry said, the latest sign of belt-tightening following the adoption of a revised 2024 budget this week.
Hmm ... Worldwide 'belt tightening' by governments will make the chances of a global recession much more likely.
When will voters realise governments don't have to follow the same rules as businesses and consumers must.
Maybe they just realised taking money off poor people and giving it to rich people for their hobby cars was immoral?
If wasting money on pointless projects would keep us out of recession Robbo would still be the finance minister.
"Looking back over recent recessions in New Zealand, real GDP per capita has already fallen by almost as much as it did in the 2008/09 recession. It isn’t that headline GDP is plummeting, but record non-citizen immigration inflows means the population has been growing at a rate not seen since 1947.
...bar Iceland, all the countries with a worse performance than New Zealand were severely hit by the gas price/supply shock after the invasion of Ukraine (I’m not sure what the Iceland story is, but I checked the Icelandic statistics office website and the numbers appear to be correct).
It is a far cry from the stories we used to hear - backed by data - a year or two back about the initial post-Covid rebound having been fairly strong, by international standards, in New Zealand."
I wish the Greenies would make up their minds about their policies. Either we are not going to be driving anywhere in the future, so we need a whole bunch of cycle lanes, footpaths, and public transport. Or we are going to be driving EVs, in which case we need more roads and higher speed limits. What is the point of spending an enormous amount of money to buy a flash new EV when you are then forced to drive it at 30kmph over speed bumps on every road? Might as well just keep your old gas guzzler for as long as possible.
You will still be able to drive , just as much as you can now .
They just want cycling / walking/ public transport to be a viable option , nobodies forcing you to do it .
re ... "...and higher speed limits."
Ironic that vehicles go further for the amount of energy when driven more slowly huh?
oops. There I go again. Introducing science into a pub economists rant. I must stop. ;-)
It's funny you say that, because you often hear Green MPs pointing out that we need a balanced transport system. It's not one or the other. I mean, this current Minister of Transport certainly thinks a rather unbalanced roads-only attitude will work best for New Zealand but that seems pretty naive to me. EVs are a great part of the transport solution. They aren't the sole solution. Walking and cycling needs to be part of the solution too.
And on a personal note, I drive an EV, but I like to walk lots too. I also live around many 30kmph streets with speed bumps - doesn't bother me as a driver too much because I don't hit them at speed and as a pedestrian/person-who-cycles, and especially when I'm walking with my kids, I appreciate that the low traffic neighbourhoods have made it easier for us to walk/cycle instead of driving all the time.
What climate challenge? The climate is quite normal where I live, and it's been much colder this year than last.
Explain the flooding in Queensland then . Given it was just an ordinary cyclone?
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