Population growth from migration remained at the record 71,300 a year in the 12 months to February, the same as it was in the January year, according to Statistics NZ.
This will bring little relief to Auckland where burgeoning migration-driven population growth is creating an increasing shortage of affordable housing and putting growing pressure on infrastructure such as transport and social services.
There were 128,816 permanent and long term arrivals in the 12 months to February, up 3.7% compared to the previous 12 months, less 57,483 long term departures (up 1.1%), giving a net gain of 71,333 for the year.
That compares with a net gain of 67,391 in the year to February 2016, 55,121 in the year to February 2015 and 29,022 in the year to February 2014.
More New Zealanders continue to leave the country permanently or long term than arrive back, with a net loss of 1687 NZ citizens in the 12 months to February, and a net gain of 73,020 citizens of other countries.
China and Hong Kong remain the biggest source of new migrants, with a net gain of 11,045 from that country in the 12 months to February, followed by India 8267, the UK 6192, South Africa 4679 and the Philippines 4526.
The number of people arriving on work, and residency visas was up while student visas were down.
Around a third of all people who arrived in the country on a permanent or long term basis in the 12 months to February were on work visas, Statistics NZ said.
In a Quickview note on the figures ASB's economists said if present trends continued, it wouldn't take long for the annual gain from migration to push past 72,000 a year.
Net long term migration
Select chart tabs
Here we go again !
To Infinity and beyond....
They shall come and we will build. Almost biblical.
very sad to see this government is completely disregarding the concerns of the average kiwi. All they want to proclaim is that there is Economic growth in this country, which is not the case on a per capita basis..
Easier lark than selling milk powder or kiwifruit
I'm aware of the housing market (particularly in Auckland at the moment)... however can someone please tell me where exactly do all of these people live / sleep at night? What about next month's and the month after that?
Good question! There are 8350 houses/apartments/townhouses in the greater Auckland area listed for sale on Trade Me, and 2853 available for rent! You would think there would be none!
If the area I live in on the shore is anything to go by, they are living together, 2 sometimes 3 families in a 4 bedroom house. Cars parked everywhere. I believe the 3 people per house measure everyone throws around to use for calculating house demand is BS.
It comes down to affordability.
They mostly displace the locals who are at the bottom of the food chain who then live in a garage or a car.
I get a sense from people I speak to that if Winston comes out with an all out anti-immigration policy , he could be more than just a Kingmaker after the next election .
Kiwi's are fed up , some because they cannot afford a home , some because their children will never afford a home , and many because they see their way of life being changed by migrants
Good old 'National' Party eh.
Same here Boatman, Ive been at three different business lunchrooms today and the talk is all the same... why is this madness continuing and who will stop it?
Stop lunching and go work on saving up for that deposit/paying off you mortgage.
If i time my deliveries right, i get coffees and snacks! but no mortgage sorry...
National will form an expert committee to lunch often and discuss potential ways to put off doing anything for as long as possible.
They will not act to change things. They've openly said they do not want to bring house prices down, ergo houses will never get more unaffordable under this National party.
If house prices remained static and wages increased house affordability would improve.
Election will stop it. Lucky that election is just few months away.
He appears to be the only option at this stage.
That's what they said about Trump.
Do we actually have a govt at the moment? Perhaps we can have an election as I haven't seen any evidence of one for some time.
... the children have been having a sleep-over at little Johnny's ... an 8 year slumber party ...
And , now that he's shifted to another town , the kiddies are over at Wild Bills ...
... still sleeping .... our sweet little Gnats ... sleeping beautifully ...
Area under graph that's important. Im picking this boom to be 4-5x the previous in early 2000s triggered by sept 11 which preceded the 2000 property boom.
See awesome pic: http://tinypic.com/r/2lb25c7/9
The goverment should give migrants less points if they are intending to move to Auckland and more points if they intend to move to the region's. There's plenty of room for migrants south of the bombays
but no jobs, many rural NZers are already moving to the cities as it is.
over 200 moved to manawatu in Feb 2017, compared to 500 to wellington region, manawatu is punching well above its weight... likely most to PN which is a city you speak of, and has a major university, so likely accounts for start of uni year too... Still there isn't that many house for sale or rent in palmy, so once again no idea where they'll be sleeping
There is a difference between intention and reality
You would need to have permanent ankle-bracelet-monitors and if they relocate to AKL they get deported
How about maximum points if they go to the auckland Grammar Zone? Double points if they move in next to zac or double -gz? Triple points if they move in with 6 kids and 4 dependant elders??
Triple the points if they help build a 3rd Grammar School and make it a Triple-GZ LOL~
Quadruple it if they build it next door to you. Easy to spruik 'progress' when it don't effect the hollow men.
You are obviously not a native born Aucklander or NZer
You don't know the history and do not appear interested
There are exactly 6 Grammar Schools in Auckland
the last one was established in 1953
Not making any more
Might establish another AGS campus
But not another Grammar School
Bet he did not go to Grammar (some say there is only one: AGS)
Privatise Auckland Grammar and Epsom Girls, housing crisis solved.
This is already in place. More incentive and points to move outside of Auckland.
We don't want your immigrants or your displaced Aucklanders in the provinces. We like our lifestyle. We like being able to get a feed of mussels off the rocks. We like living in unpermited hippy shacks and not having mortgages. We don't view building houses for immigrants as a sustainable future.
They already do! And increased the points for moving to a place other than auckland just last year!
And don't think there is lots of room in cities (with jobs, uni's) South of Bombays, welly students are living in tents, shortage just as bad in Palmy which is seeing rents go up and up there.
It's a real shame with all that vibrant immigration they can't find some more teachers willing and able to subsist in Auckland.
But these insane numbers are a great way to lose an election!
Maybe not! National are just adding numbers to their voting base..
Why would you move to Auckland to be a teacher when the wages are not enough to build a viable life?
Until Grammar starts providing a house for teachers, there's little point.
Let's face it, there are many advantages living in a cosmopolitan city if you can afford it. Where do you think Adele is going to have her concerts this week? Auckland or Twizel?
It could be worse, we could be in America. ;)
High net migration is "baked in" to the Nat Govt's plan - see recent report from MBIE;
Strong migration-led household spending and activities in the
construction and business services industries will mainly drive employment growth over the
forecast period. Over the forecast period, strong employment growth is related to an increase
in labour supply resulting from higher net migration. Net migration is forecast to remain high
in the next two years and is likely to be above the long-term average in the medium to long
Clearly, the only way to stop the madness is a change in Government.
Very happy with this report, especially 'China and Hong Kong remain the biggest source of new migrants'
$$ Ka-Ching Ka-Ching $$
Let them come and let them call New Zealand home, the more the merrier!! #VoteForNational
I do enjoy your posts and the way they wind up others. If we cant laugh at this issue then we'd be crying and depressed.
Poor troll attempt. 0/10. Try harder. We all know you're a selfish, arrogant, ignorant and greedy person.
I'm not trolling. I am just saying YES to increase in net migration as I think it adds to our colourful cultural activities in Auckland. Have you been to the Otara Flee Market or the Pakuranga Night Market? If you have, then you will understand the real benefits of having a colourful and diverse cultural mix in our society.
I'm not trolling.
Yes you are. And the sarcastic demeaning of what multiculturalism represents shows why.
J.C. your comment is very interesting. I have read Double-GZ's comments over the past 18 months or so and I am pretty sure when it comes to different cultures, ethnic groups etc, he is being absolutely genuine here. You may be assuming he is an Aucklander born and bred in which case, yes, your analysis would likely be correct, but what if he is not? This is the advantage of a monocultural society where very subtle cues can be detected in communications, even in written conversation and incidently why there are so many mother-in-law problems in a mono-cultural family. It's when you read between the lines as it were, interpret a facial expression or a slight difference in tone that much is assumed. Double-GZ once wrote that English is not his first language. It is confusing because his English skills are very good.
I am actually quite intrigued by your comment, demeaning of what multiculturalism represents. It occurs to me that all of us Kiwis (I'm English born btw but been here since 1965 when I was five) need some sort of manual because, honestly, I'm not even sure I know what it represents. Did Double-GZ not show enough reverence or something? Did he commit the crime of noticing? Do you think we should regard all people as absolutely the same in every respect? Should we avoid asking people where they are from or compliment them on their differences? Should we eschew absolutely any generalizations? It sounds awfully like you think Double-GZ committed some sort of micro-aggression.
Double-GZ's opening post was provocative, and in internet forum parlance was a deliberate troll - designed to provoke a response
Yes i would agree, technically, however others have trolled Double-GZ and myself in the past too. That is why an article as dry as the auction results can get well over a hundred comments. I just think J.C. is wrong about the sarcasm and demeaning part. I see it more as being a little naive...perhaps.
Thanks for the confirmation that English is not his first language - I missed that - many of his posts have asiatic overtones to them
Stop arguing if English is my 1st or 2nd or 3rd language for goodness sake. What if it is? What if it isn't? I am who I am and I am DGZ, just like the title of this listing :-)
Yes yes and yes! I'm totally genuine that we need more injection of people from other backgrounds, Asia, Africa, South America, Europe, the Middle East etc etc - we need them in our cosmopolitan city and that's how we grow!! Auckland is no longer mono nor micro because we are the world, we are the future and we are the ones who make a better Auckland so let's start accepting the truth!!
Just want to share with you that I really really do enjoy the cultural mix we have in Auckland and I absolutely love my work place (and I'm sure the same applies other work places in Auckland). One of my colleagues just reminded me today that the six of us who were sitting together in the lunchroom having lunch chit-chatting are actually coming from six different countries, with six different backgrounds....I was totally gobsmacked and just like that, in a blink of an eye, I realised that I am no longer living in the old Auckland and this is the beginning of the new change - let's embrace it people!!
interesting comments, 6 people from 6 countries. was there born and bred kiwi amongst the group?
must be an interesting discussing about NZ with limited knowledge of our history or culture.
sounds like a takeover to me not a blending of cultures
That is interesting!
I reckon you're a little more up front when you lay off the "colourful cultural activities" and stick with the "the more population we import the higher my house price goes" angle that you've used in the past.
You know I can't forget you saying not so long ago "it's good they all choose to live in the same suburb so they're comfortable having other ching-chong eyes around".
Gives me a strong impression that your gut preference is for immigration to other suburbs where they're nicely out of view unless called upon for some delicious food, while at the same time driving up prices for everyone and pushing houses further out of the reach of young and next generations of Kiwis.
O-M-Goodness! What eyes? You have misunderstood me because I am not like that.
It was just a comment of yours that stuck in my head when we were discussing enclaves a month or so back. Can't speak to your motivations, though.
"Gives me a strong impression " - could that be last nights curry?
Nah, that gave me a strong expression.
This charge could probably be better aimed at me than Double-GZ. My theory is that zones of affluence are the next best thing to secure borders and strong folkways. New Zealand's and certain other countries unaffordable house price problem is a result of too many people wanting to secure a place in a zone of affluence. New Zealand is perceived as a sort of Nordic country in the South Pacific and many people want in and can afford to get in. Many of them do it for their children's sake. Some do it so that they can have children such as the Chinese. It is much preferable to their own countries. Consequently they are willing to pay a high price for the privilege. Auckland's eye-watering prices are as if the DGZ has suddenly extended to cover the entire city and is now spilling over into the regions. It is my Elysium dream coming to fruition which is why I'm okay with the high prices in a world where globalisation rules. I see it as a bit of a shame, especially for young locals who don't have parental support, however currently it is what it is.
There are measures we can take to balance the equation, and balance the lot of locals vs. those from around the world who would like to take the place of locals.
Beyond just saying "Well, I'm one of the lucky ones, tough luck you guys" to young Kiwis, discussion needs to be had around measures such as a meaningful Stamp Duty on foreign purchases, slowing down the influx of dubious money, viable immigration volumes that bear some relation to our ability to ramp up supply, and even ensuring we really are importing skilled migrants.
To me, the attitude of greed that's driving the "gates can't be open wide enough" attitude to foreign purchases and immigration is just reprehensible, an absolutely selfish abandonment of the next generations of Kiwis.
It's completely unappreciative of the sacrifices that preceding generations made to create the high rates of home ownership that were achieved in the 1980s, and thus completely unappreciative that the generations that benefited from these efforts also have some responsibility to pass on society in a reasonable state for those who follow.
It just needs a little less dollar-eyed selfishness from the generations lucky enough to be born at the right time. That's all.
"I see it as a bit of a shame, especially for young locals who don't have parental support..."
is basically telling young Kiwis "Well, we could do something about affordable housing, but that will reduce the amount of money I make, so tough luck".
Perhaps some have just forgotten how to be Kiwi. Or did they ever know?
I would be all for some sort of system that assisted born and bred Kiwis into their first homes as a priority. Much like the one in Singapore. Unfortunately this may be contrary to the current policy where we are all considered to be multicultural citizens and priority is given to ensuring that migrants and national minorities are not disadvantaged and that their identities are preserved. Giving special rights to Kiwis would imply that they are in someway superior and perpetuate undemocratic hierarchical relationships.
Rather than choosing an option that's too hard for NZ then concluding "Ah well, nothing can be done" (crocodile tears?), I'd suggest starting with arguing for a foreign purchase Stamp Duty (15-20%) and limiting foreign purchases to new builds only.
Nothing worse than immigrants telling us we need more people!!
Oh gawsh yes double bubble, it would be absolutely super to have more colour and diversity in our boring leafy suburbs. Apparently... central Awk used to be full of colour and diversity but the poor dears run out of money and had to leave..
And this doesn't include the so-called temp work visas - over 100 thou?
I think this shows how easy it is to immigrate to new zealand
Nonsense! See my comment below.
Election coming soon to NZ.
And for some reason National will win by a landslide. I'll bet you a dozen beers they do!
This year the voting percentage will be very high as will be for change of government.
Some may like or not but truth is bitter for them.
I can assure you, I won't be voting for National. But I can assure you too Reena, most people will vote for National. There will be no 'trump-brexit' moment this time round. Maybe, just maybe next time round. But certainly not this time round.
Quite possible.
And I hate to think how angry people might be by next time around, if National keeps going the way they are.
I think we may see the rise of racism, Trumpism, civil unrest. People chose Trump because they were tired of being ignored by those they saw as the elites. At some point, Kiwis will get tired of being ignored by National just because they weren't born early enough to matter.
we have plenty of history with kiwis getting angry and taking on the government even rising up from mass marches to riots.
interestingly most have been during national governments.
you can go all the way back to the maori rising up against the british, or hone heke cutting down the flag poles
and I wonder how many do not know our history or even why king country is named as such
we might seem a placid folk to new immigrants but don't get us riled up
I still remember the springbok tour and seeing all squads of police taking on the protesters, throwing cans at the plane as it flew over our stand at eden park flour bombing the pitch
now I'm older and wiser I know I was a sheeple and believed Muldoon, and we should have called off the tour
also remember the queen street riot that started out of pretty much nothing
the hikoi and the stopping of the traffic on the harbour bridge
Good points sharetrader and I agree there is kiwi potential for positive outrage. I just feel it's not at this point in time. There has been wholesale buy in to the "rock star" economy. There is going to need to be something big and ugly to sway your average kiwi's thinking.
Good points sharetrader and I agree there is kiwi potential for positive outrage. I just feel it's not at this point in time. There has been wholesale buy in to the "rock star" economy. There is going to need to be something big and ugly to sway your average kiwi's thinking.
Your average Kiwi voter is too busy working and raising families to engage in what is happening to their country.
They trust the media to be the eyes and ears of democracy.
Our media still has talk back hosts and Mike Hosking's who tell the listeners that what this country needs is more people. I quote Hosking who said this country needs a population of 16 million.
He didn't say why, or who would pay for the infrastructure, or what they would do for work.
They didn't get a majority in Parliament last time - and I doubt they will this time either. In this third term they've had a majority of one - provided both Dunne and Seymour supported them. The election is going to be far from a landslide for anyone.
We always vote ACT for our Epsom electorate and National for party vote. Will be a landslide in DGZ but I can't say about other areas.
ACT could be interesting. David Seymour is young, and has been starting to show a little spine and independence of thought from National, on occasion. He knows young Kiwis are being shafted.
Yes, please vote for him. Double the votes :-)
"That's nice".
Good for big companies like Fletcher;G J Gardner;Jalcons and Janion who invested big money on land bank. Stupid migrants will buy it.
Who are all these migrants? How the hell are they qualified to get in? I have travelled and made many friends all over the world. These are two families that cannot get enough points to enter NZ as migrants-
First family, double income no kids, can bring just shy of a million into NZ. He's an architectural draughtsman who was the designer and project manager of a stadium that hosted a quarter-final of the soccer World Cup, as well as designing and project managing massive up market estates. She is an industrial psychologist, who has moved into the high end market of shipping.
Second family of four. She is a tax accountant and he is a degreed law enforcement expert of 30 years, dealing with youth crime, crime intelligence and analysis. 2 kids under 12. Both families speak English as a first language.
Would someone please explain why these people cannot get into NZ?
You either get it or you don't get it, there's no two ways about it. I think NZ has already been very generous to let so many people in, but we can't just let everyone in...there will always be winners and losers I'm afraid.
So skilled, educated and employable in their fields are out? Taxi drivers, cooks and house cleaners are in? You've given yourself away Double-Zach, you're our immigration minister.
Double-Zac? Double the trouble? I am not your immigration officer meanie. Let me just remind you that every smiley face you see has a sorrow face behind it. Every taxi driver, cook and house cleaner you meet also has a different story hiding somewhere at the back of their front door. Do you think they are doing those jobs willingly? Many of them are qualified doctors, surgeons, accountants and engineers but it is not their fault that many organisations do not accept those qualifications. They are not by any means uneducated low level workers. It's unfortunate really.
I agree with you DGZ and am totally teasing you about being the immigration minister. I have no problem with immigration and honestly feel for the people who come here with big dreams, who are skilled and won't be employed. My issue is with the system that allows so many of them in, the same system that brings in so many who have no skills. Surely a multilayered targeted approach to immigration would be better? First and foremost, the best and brightest, who will bring innovation and creative wealth to our shores. Then the middle middle-class, the skilled and immediately employable. Then the wretchedly treated and the refugees. Shuffle the above groups around if you like. But the open slather of predominantly low income earners, doesn't do anyone well. Especially for the middle-class, who are the back-bone of the NZ economy. I don't know if you have always been as wealthy as you are now, if you were, then you'll never understand. But if you weren't, you'll know somewhere in your heart where I coming from...
Every homeless person has a sad story too. How many have you invited in to live in your house?
NZ simply doesn't have the infrastructure and housing to be the world's destination for everyone.
It's greed that we see in you ("$KaChing $KaChing"), willingly at the expense of young Kiwis.
Problem is at the moment - the losers are winning.
Their problem is lack of contacts already in the country running fraudulent immigration schemes who would be willing to offer a job as a nail technician or chef in exchange for a large under-the-table payment and slave labour until the time requirement for permanent residence had been achieved.
You know that. I know that. What is the agenda behind our government ignoring that? If I could see what the agenda was, I'd be a whole lot more comfortable. I cannot see how this policy can benefit anyone in NZ in the long run and that is disconcerting!
Certain countries, one in particular, have been designated very very high priority by the NZ government, with huge resources from various govt depts poured into recruitment. With High Commisioners, NZ Immigration, & other agencies setup for large targets.
Yes, but why? Why them? What does that group offer NZ? Or at least the politicians that import them? If I understood the pay off for the politicians, I'd at least understand why.
Literal pay-off, perhaps. The only explanation I can think of for letting immigration policy be dictated by two-bit crooks in Mumbai and Beijing is corruption. Almost certainly in combination with staggering incompetence and naivety.
Stems from a post WW2 policy promoted by UN to Western Govts to
Challenge the "historically dominant majority group in each country, which is required to renounce fantasies of racial superiority, to relinquish claims to exclusive ownership of the state, and to abandon attempts to fashion public institutions solely in its own (typically white/Christian) image. In fact, much of multiculturalism’s “long march through the institutions” consists precisely in identifying and attacking long held traditions and beliefs"
This is a quote by the way, not my view either way, and written by a pro-multicultural author.
It is an ideological movement embedded deeply now in western Govts (but also an economic lever).
May provide some explanation on Govts underlying motivations - they are really bound by this and cannot alter the worldview or the policy.
Also from that publication:
The case of immigrant multiculturalism is just one aspect of a larger ethnic revival across the Western democracies, in which different types of minorities have struggled for new forms of multicultural citizenship that combined both antidiscrimination measures and positive forms of recognition and accommodation.
I would have thought indulging in positive forms of recognition was being discriminating.
Ancient cultures used to disperse their captives in isolated small pockets across the victor country to prevent the captives getting together and rising up. Perhaps the reverse for modern times.
The multicultural man is the next stage in our evolution. Hopefully it is not a dead end. I think this is what they mean when they say we are all immigrants. A young person today has to think of himself as an immigrant in a new land. Maybe even go to a new land. One will have to take advantage of any opportunities that are on offer.
It does feel a little bit like the end of history though because up until now history has been the story of a people. Now it is the story of individuals and who can remember their great grandparents?
Here is your explanation blue meanie;
The advice, obtained by the Herald under the Official Information Act, said former international students made up 27 per cent of all skilled migrants in 2006 but this had risen to 43 per cent in 2015 and was likely to reach 48 per cent by 2020.
Most were automatically eligible for residency as skilled migrants. Even a former student with a Level 5 qualification (the lowest level) would get the required 140 points if he or she had stayed on a post-study work visa, had a job offer and was under 30.
Other more valuable applicants were likely to miss out. "For instance, a 50-year-old Chief Technology Officer recruited from offshore with a job offer for $120,000 and 25 years of industry experience, who holds a diploma qualification, would only be eligible for 135 points."
The headline says it all: Too many international students immigrating to NZ, say officials
And still - the Government does nothing.
This is true, and I have a number of friends who went through the scheme. They all say the same thing: the PTE institutes are absolute crap, half the people enrolled don't bother attending their classes (but demand to be passed, and are), and the sector is basically just a visa mill.
They won't be working in any real jobs, and there are only so many service stations, so more footsoldiers for the methamphetamine syndicates.
Thank you Kate. I see now.... and that's exactly where my friends sit, educated, fairly wealthy and would offer immediate gain to NZ. Alas, they are over 40 and not NZ educated. I always enjoy your succinct and eloquent comments. You have this ability to explain complex issues simply. Thank you and keep up the good work.
At some point in time there will not be enough jobs for the rapid population increase. It's not clear to me that the economy is growing fast enough to sustain this. NZ is probably playing catchup now but sooner or later there just won't be enough jobs. Couple that with the fact we can't keep expanding dairy and other environmentally pressuring industries without facing further environmental degradation. Then throw in the lack of affordable housing to put people in which leads to poverty, crime, homelessness and xenophobia towards immigrants for "causing the issue". This is a social disaster waiting to happen that could affect our entire way of life and culture. I want to hear more about what the election candidates plan to do to mitigate this.
When the next recession hits these masses of low quality migrants are going to become a huge liability.
Its population Ponzinomics ... add more people and you get some "growth".
But the kicker is there is less resources per person. A cow in a paddock can understand this.
Great analogy.
quote of the day!
latest poll has national slipping and WP as kingmaker, time for national to do something to appease middle NZ
national 43.5% labour 29.5% greens 14.5% WP 7.5%
If they take that needle out of their arm and unhook from the immigration IV they will collapse in a heap, it is all that is keeping them alive and it is all they have as a policy to show "growth". Is there a single person left in the country that cannot see through this?
End of the day lots of vested interest. Pick one thing that would promote our educated youth to stay in NZ, vs The GC (approx 500k there now), and us the trying to fill the tax payer hole with PTE scam entry immigration?
Yep its the price of our houses. Election coming, never a more pointed issue. Either vote for change or vote for the face of NZ to continue to change.
News Item
Of the 71,000 new migrants into NZ, 57,000 stayed in Auckland - 80%
Sustained upward pressure on housing availability and prices
New immigrants with only 12 months residency in NZ are eligible to vote. This is crazy They can't possibly understand after one year the needs and desires of New Zealanders. Frankly only NZ citizens should be eligible to vote in our Government. The vast majority of new immigrants will vote National and in a tight election such as that we are likely to see this year these foreigners' votes are likely to be decisive.
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