Election 2017 - Party Policies - Education - Charter Schools
27th May 17, 9:50am
Charter Schools
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- Open more Partnership Schools – increasing choice in New Zealand’s schooling system.
- Allow State and Integrated Schools to voluntarily apply for Partnership School status, giving those schools who want it the same flexibilities enjoyed by Partnership Schools.
- Increase the government funding of Independent Schools. ACT will remove the funding cap and will increase the per-student funding Independent Schools receive to 50% of State School student.
- Read more here.
- Oppose charter schools, repeal the enabling legislation around charter schools, and maintain the current flexibility to support/create some state schools designated special character.
- Read more here.
Not yet available on their website.
- Repeal the amendments to the Education Act 1989 that allowed the creation of Charter Schools at the same time as reviewing Section 156 of the Designated Character Schools section within the same Act.
- Read more here.
Not yet available on their website.
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