Here are some of the data releases we will be following in the week of 18 August through to 22 August 2008. Monday - wholesale spot electricity prices, weekly - bankruptcy notifications, weekly - mortgagee index, weekly - gold price, weekly - birth rate, and infant mortality rate - homeloan affordability for July Tuesday - NZ$ risk premiums over risk-free (US Treasuries) - long term US Treasury benchmarks, weekly - NZ$ libor, weekly (one week delay) - international oil prices, in both US$ and NZ$ - petrol prices, and oil company margins - producer price indexes - farm expense index - capital goods index - Japan reviews its official interest rates Wednesday - mortgage approvals for last week - rents Thursday - migration for July - electronic card activity for July - credit card activity and balances, for July Friday - nothing at this stage If you think we should be tracking other important data, please suggest it by posting a comment below. Of course, we are following interest rate data and updating it many times each day. Registered users of our "just-the-facts" service get additional chart trends for many interest rate series. It's free. You can get our mortgage rate page emailed to you daily as well. It's also free. If you are a finance industry professional, you can subscribe to our "Banking & Finance daily newsletter" in which our key original news items are published first. Subscriptions start at $365, with discounts for 10 or more. More details are here. A free trial is also available.
Next week's data updates ...
Next week's data updates ...
15th Aug 08, 10:00am
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