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Wanted: Finance Editor and junior journalist to write for

Wanted: Finance Editor and junior journalist to write for

We're hiring and invite those interested in a career in financial journalism to apply for one of two full-time and permanent roles at, New Zealand's most popular financial news website. We welcome applications. Please send them to Finance Editor We are looking for an experienced journalist to work as a Finance Editor from either Auckland or Wellington. This candidate would ideally have 10 years experience as a journalist, preferably as a financial journalist. This candidate would have an enthusiasm and aptitude for publishing online, including using collaborative publishing tools such as blogs and other social media. This candidate would be comfortable interviewing business and political leaders at the highest level. Any candidate would be able to demonstrate an ability to break stories that move markets, industries and policies.  Any candidate would be comfortable speaking in public and on other media on behalf of They would also be comfortable and engaging on video and in any studio situation. We want someone with a long term view about the changing shape and role of media who wants a future in journalism. Enthusiasm and openness to new technologies and ways of gathering and reporting news and opinion is crucial. Junior Journalist We are looking for a junior journalist to work from our offices in Herne Bay in Auckland, preferably from December. This journalist would have completed (or be about to complete) a journalism qualification and be interested in financial and economic issues. This journalist would be comfortable working across text and video with a variety of social media, including blogging, Twitter, Facebook and You Tube. This journalist would be expected to have demonstrated some enthusiasm and experience in using social media to generate an audience. This journalist would be numerate and able to quickly and accurately write and produce online reports about economic and financial issues. This journalist would have a long term view about the changing shape and role of media who wants a future in journalism. Enthusiasm and openness to new technologies and ways of gathering and reporting news and opinion is crucial.

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