Election 2023 - Tertiary Education Policy
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Green Party
Link to
policy here
Chlöe Swarbrick
- Work with tangata whenua to provide high quality and accessible tertiary education for Maori, including initiatives for alternative or culturally appropriate education approaches that effectively deliver services to Maori.
- Undertake a comprehensive review of the Performance Based Research Fund model and investigate the merits of alternative funding streams.
- Move towards a more representative, democratic and transparent governance model for all tertiary institutions, where there is a partnership in the governing body, including Maori.
- Review the levels of financial support given to students to ensure they are equitable and at a liveable level.
- Work towards a 'fee-free' public tertiary education system.
- The Green Party will guarantee every student has an income of at least $385 per week - and it will be paid for with a fair tax system.
- Read more here
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New Zealand First
- Implement the Up Front Investment Tertiary Policy as quickly as possible so as to remove student debt from the next generation and to ensure that workforce planning is used to remove our dependence on the importation of skilled labour as a norm.
- Move to introduce a universal living allowance which is not subject to parents means testing as a priority for all full-time students.
- Immediately introduce a dollar-for-dollar debt write-off scheme so that graduates in identified areas of workforce demand may trade a year’s worth of debt for each year of paid full-time work in New Zealand in that area.
- Work with the sector to reset the international student market so that when it is safe to restart this sector it is done safely and is rebuilt to provide quality education and experiences to these students but also provide high quality income for our nation. International Education must not be used as a back door to immigration.
- Continue to support the resourcing of apprenticeships and on-job learning to develop a skilled workforce and address unemployment across all ages.
- Raad more here
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Te Pāti Māori
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