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Property / News
Property / News
15th Jul 24, 8:59am
Housing sales crashed to GFC levels in June - REINZ describes the market as 'a little chilly'
Economy / News
Economy / News
15th Jul 24, 11:43am
Activity in the service sector has dropped sharply again in June to once again be at the lowest level in 17 years apart from during lockdowns
Public Policy / Opinion
Public Policy / Opinion
15th Jul 24, 11:05am
Stephen Roach reminds Western observers that the Chinese government's real priorities are very different from their own
Public Policy / Opinion
Public Policy / Opinion
15th Jul 24, 7:50am
In Butler, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, 13 July 2024, it wasn’t just Donald Trump who dodged a bullet, writes Chris Trotter
Economy / News
15th Jul 24, 3:59pm
Public Policy / Opinion
13th Jul 24, 9:21am
Public Policy / Opinion
15th Jul 24, 8:27am

What people are reading

Technology / News
11th Jul 24, 2:41pm
Starlink deemed operating illegally in Tonga, ordered to disconnect terminals with users told to apply for provisional licenses
Personal Finance / Analysis
11th Jul 24, 12:11pm
Westpac has responded to the diving wholesale rates following dovish RBNZ signals by cutting its popular short fixed home loan rates, and trimming its short term deposit rate offers
Economy / Analysis
10th Jul 24, 6:37pm
Economists say interest rates could be cut as soon as August after the Reserve Bank performs ‘dovish pivot’ at July meeting
Personal Finance / News
9th Jul 24, 3:43pm
Latest Reserve Bank figures show one in six mortgages in May was taken up for the previously very unfashionable fixed rate term of six months
Property / News
15th Jul 24, 8:59am
Housing sales crashed to GFC levels in June - REINZ describes the market as 'a little chilly'
Economy / News
10th Jul 24, 2:21pm
The Reserve Bank of New Zealand has held the Official Cash Rate at 5.50% but noted this policy may be hurting the economy more than expected
Economy / Analysis
14th Jul 24, 6:00am
David Hargreaves assesses the prospects for the June quarter inflation figures due to be released this coming Wednesday and which will be pivotal for the Reserve Bank in deciding whether to cut the Official Cash Rate sooner or later

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