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Rob Reynish


Member for

5 years 3 months

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Rob Reynish says a transition to horticultural land-use away from livestock or forestry will be no easy and quick thing, but there are major commercial and export-boosting incentives to do it
14th Nov 24, 9:20am
Rob Reynish says a transition to horticultural land-use away from livestock or forestry will be no easy and quick thing, but there are major commercial and export-boosting incentives to do it
The arable farmers technical library has added an AI search tool, enabling users a far more efficient way to get to the good stuff in their vast database of research. Early adopters are impressed
28th Aug 24, 2:11pm
The arable farmers technical library has added an AI search tool, enabling users a far more efficient way to get to the good stuff in their vast database of research. Early adopters are impressed
Rob Reynish sees a long-term realignment underway in the beef sector that should result in herd numbers settle to a sustainable level - and just when prices are on the rise
19th Aug 24, 11:09am
Rob Reynish sees a long-term realignment underway in the beef sector that should result in herd numbers settle to a sustainable level - and just when prices are on the rise