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Eric Frykberg


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1 year 10 months

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State-owned farmer Pāmu hauls itself out of the economic mire and turns a $62m profit
4th Mar 25, 10:35am
State-owned farmer Pāmu hauls itself out of the economic mire and turns a $62m profit
Even if the Alliance Group adds to the disappeared co-operatives list, the co-op model remains resilient elsewhere
26th Feb 25, 2:29pm
Even if the Alliance Group adds to the disappeared co-operatives list, the co-op model remains resilient elsewhere
Major agricultural organisations urge the Government to consider trade access as well as environmental risks when approving gene technology
19th Feb 25, 9:55am
Major agricultural organisations urge the Government to consider trade access as well as environmental risks when approving gene technology
Increase in meat exports at the end of last year is being welcomed by the industry but it fails to overcome 12 months of comparative gloom
12th Feb 25, 5:25pm
Increase in meat exports at the end of last year is being welcomed by the industry but it fails to overcome 12 months of comparative gloom
Farmers watch as their conservation partner the QEII National Trust faces strained circumstances
8th Feb 25, 9:16am
Farmers watch as their conservation partner the QEII National Trust faces strained circumstances inquiries reveal major obstacles to any inclusion of the state farmer Pamu in a privatisation programme under a future National-ACT Government
1st Feb 25, 9:41am
5 inquiries reveal major obstacles to any inclusion of the state farmer Pamu in a privatisation programme under a future National-ACT Government
Dairy industries in New Zealand, Australia and the United States seek action in new trade dispute with Canada to force it to live up to trade treaty obligations
16th Jan 25, 6:01am
Dairy industries in New Zealand, Australia and the United States seek action in new trade dispute with Canada to force it to live up to trade treaty obligations
Ministry of Primary Industries forecasting a recovery of exports after last year's drop
12th Dec 24, 7:15am
Ministry of Primary Industries forecasting a recovery of exports after last year's drop
A gradual and multi-speed fall in tariffs is helping the horticultural sector overcome choppy trading conditions
3rd Dec 24, 5:00pm
A gradual and multi-speed fall in tariffs is helping the horticultural sector overcome choppy trading conditions
Departing head of the Climate Change Commission says emissions reductions here should not be blocked because other countries are worse
3rd Dec 24, 3:20pm
Departing head of the Climate Change Commission says emissions reductions here should not be blocked because other countries are worse
Canada's Trade Minister gives New Zealand no assurances on dairy sales after talks among CPTPP trade ministers
29th Nov 24, 2:11pm
Canada's Trade Minister gives New Zealand no assurances on dairy sales after talks among CPTPP trade ministers
Alliance Group chairman acknowledges 'disappointing' financial result, but says meat co-operative is approaching better times
19th Nov 24, 3:07pm
Alliance Group chairman acknowledges 'disappointing' financial result, but says meat co-operative is approaching better times
Coalition Government eyes ultra hot geothermal electricity generation through deeper drilling
18th Nov 24, 1:49pm
Coalition Government eyes ultra hot geothermal electricity generation through deeper drilling
Reductions in pastoral farming among advice unveiled by the Climate Change Commission on how to handle greenhouse gas emissions in the years ahead
11th Nov 24, 12:23pm
Reductions in pastoral farming among advice unveiled by the Climate Change Commission on how to handle greenhouse gas emissions in the years ahead
Infrastructure Commission outlines the scale of New Zealand's infrastructure deficit and issues proposals to deal with it
6th Nov 24, 8:20am
Infrastructure Commission outlines the scale of New Zealand's infrastructure deficit and issues proposals to deal with it
Small steps are underway to pay other countries to help meet New Zealand's international climate change commitments
31st Oct 24, 10:31am
Small steps are underway to pay other countries to help meet New Zealand's international climate change commitments
Government plans to block councils from notifying freshwater plans after talks seeking a delay met with only partial success
22nd Oct 24, 7:03pm
Government plans to block councils from notifying freshwater plans after talks seeking a delay met with only partial success
Canada doubles down after New Zealand escalates its trade dispute over dairy sales
21st Oct 24, 10:02am
Canada doubles down after New Zealand escalates its trade dispute over dairy sales
Parliamentary Select Committee hears exporters' complaints about non-tariff barriers adding huge costs in key markets
18th Oct 24, 6:53am
Parliamentary Select Committee hears exporters' complaints about non-tariff barriers adding huge costs in key markets
Big irrigation schemes including the old Ruataniwha Dam are among projects given fast-track treatment by the Government
7th Oct 24, 6:00pm
Big irrigation schemes including the old Ruataniwha Dam are among projects given fast-track treatment by the Government
The European Commission has agreed to delay tough rules on deforestation which could have hurt meat exports worth $200 million
4th Oct 24, 10:13am
The European Commission has agreed to delay tough rules on deforestation which could have hurt meat exports worth $200 million
Alliance Group faces big issues over carbon farming and its own corporate structure in the wake of a proposed closure of its meat works in Timaru
27th Sep 24, 4:00pm
Alliance Group faces big issues over carbon farming and its own corporate structure in the wake of a proposed closure of its meat works in Timaru
The lamb industry is performing badly due to overseas challenges and domestic indifference
26th Sep 24, 7:40am
The lamb industry is performing badly due to overseas challenges and domestic indifference
The Government is warning regional councils to take note of looming changes to resource management law when making 10-year plans which could be expensive to unravel later
20th Sep 24, 9:44am
The Government is warning regional councils to take note of looming changes to resource management law when making 10-year plans which could be expensive to unravel later
Parliament's Health Select Committee hears warnings about tough times in the aged care sector, however asset testing gets little attention
12th Sep 24, 11:17am
Parliament's Health Select Committee hears warnings about tough times in the aged care sector, however asset testing gets little attention