Food prices edged up 0.1% in December, following a 0.1% drop in November, according to Stats NZ.
The increase in December brought the annual increase in food prices up to 1.5%. On a seasonally-adjusted basis, the food prices rose 0.2% in December following a revised 0.5% seasonally adjusted rise in November.
The information's been released as part of the monthly Selected Price Indexes (SPI) series, which includes items that make up about 45% of the Consumers Price Index, the recognised measure of inflation. The CPI for the December quarter is due to be released on January 22 and the Reserve Bank (RBNZ) is forecasting it will show annual inflation at 2.1%, down from 2.2% in September. The RBNZ aims for inflation in a 1% to 3% range, with an explicit target of 2%.
ASB senior economist Mark Smith said the latest SPI figures were broadly in line with expectations, with prices up 0.5% over Q4.
The monthly figures are consistent with the the RBNZ's 2.1% CPI pick, he said.
"Annual inflation from the monthly [SPI] measure is now trending higher, reducing the risk of annual CPI inflation settling below 2%."
ASB economists expect another 50 basis point cut to the Official Cash Rate by the RBNZ next month - which would take it down to 3.75% and they see a 3.25% OCR "endpoint".
"However, the outlook for 2025 remains incredibility uncertain with the timing and magnitude of OCR moves dependent on outlook and developments over 2025," Smith said.
So, as indicated above, there appears nothing in Thursday's December SPI data to suggest any nasty surprises in next week's CPI release, although the latest release does not include actual rentals for housing data for December 2024. Rentals make up 9.5% of the CPI.
Stats NZ says the administrative data for this information is provided by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE). MBIE has recently completed upgrades to their tenancy bond-lodgement system, "and we need more time to integrate this data for the rental price indexes".
"We’re working to integrate this dataset in time for the release of Selected price indexes: January 2025 in February 2025."
Stats NZ will use information previously received on rents for October and November in calculating the rental price input for the December quarter CPI.
But back on the food, the December month saw a 3.1% rise in food and vegetable prices (but these are down 8% across the whole year), while meat, poultry and fish, grocery food and both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks saw price falls.
In terms of the whole year higher prices for grocery food and restaurant meals and ready-to-eat food drove the annual increase in food prices, up 2.7% and 3.1%, respectively, Stats NZ said.
The price increase in grocery food was due to higher prices for butter, standard 2L milk, and olive oil.
"The price for a 500g block of butter has increased by about 50% since this time last year, with an average price of $6.66,” Stats NZ's prices and deflators spokesperson Nicola Growden said.
"The same-size block of butter had an average price of $4.48 in December 2023."
Kumara prices, which rocketed in 2023 were around 60% lower in December 2024 than they were 12 months earlier.
The price increase in restaurant meals and ready-to-eat food was due to higher prices for lunch/brunch, hamburgers, and evening restaurant meals.
In terms of some of the other prices in the SPI, international travel prices had their 'normal' gigantic leap in December, rising by some 29.6%, but prices were actually down 10.3% annually. Domestic prices rose just 0.3% in December and were up 2.8% for the year.
Domestic and international accommodation prices both dropped in December.
Although petrol and diesel prices are both down on an annual basis - they both rose in December and these prices will certainly be worth watching in coming months.
Here is the detailed SPI information as supplied by Stats NZ:
I was looking at inflation reported in other countries, and saw South Africa reports inflation per income decile. Does Stats NZ do something similar?
Guess you would need to weight the basket of goods separately for each decile based on what they actually spend their money on.
It is worth noting that to be in the highest quintile (5) your individual income is deemed to be $55,368 or greater.
But note that the CPI and the HLPI are not quite the same: "One important difference between the two is the treatment of housing. The CPI captures the cost of building a new home, while the HLPIs capture mortgage interest payments."
The HLPI is a better reflection of living costs for many households.
Inflation measures, particularly those used by govts and central banks, typically exclude asset prices such as real estate, stocks, and bonds. This exclusion raises questions about the accuracy and comprehensiveness of inflation statistics like the CPI.
The exclusion of asset prices from inflation measures is rooted in both theoretical considerations and practical challenges associated with volatility and measurement bias. While this approach simplifies the calculation of consumer-focused inflation metrics, it may obscure important economic signals and contribute to a distorted understanding of overall economic health. As discussions around wealth inequality and economic stability continue, the sheeple are more or less thrown into a maze.
Which AI engine spat that out?
It's important for you to understand. What is reported to you as 'inflation' is simply a construct and disguises the reality that expanding the money supply is also 'inflation.' Now think about how this monetary expansion is the conversion of base into broad money. That's right. It's through asset prices. And let me give a 'dumbed down' example. The cost of housing construction is considered a proxy for the Ponzi. But it's a very crude and deceptive proxy considering that the exchange and transacting of existing houses is an entirely different dynamic than the production of a new house. In many ways, chalk and cheese.
Well said JC. People need to understand that everything (especially assets) are not getting more expensive, the dollar is just buying less. In general, asset appreciation just keeps pace with the rate of expansion of the money supply.
...and some think this asset 'appreciation' should be taxed.
Well said JC.
Well Lassie we're cut from the same cloth when it comes to the idea of monetary inflation and how the CPI shouldn't really be looked at in isolation. But the problem as I see it is that the ruling elite doesn't seem to want to play ball. By that I mean they would prefer to suppress the price of money through indicators like the CPI (smoke and mirror techniques) because it enables them to feather their own nests while oppressing a vast proportion of the population. I'm not saying that we're any wiser than our fellow Aotearoans, but the perspectives shouldn't be dismissed either.
The RBNZ published a white paper in 1988 proposing to replace house prices with equivalent rent in their inflation calculations. The reason given was the calculated figure was lower, making the figures and thus the RBNZ look better. The proposal was applied in the early 90s.
However, equivalent rent moves in step with rent which moves in step with income. But house prices, absent the control metric formerly linked, were now decoupled and free to inflate independently of incomes. Coupled with our neo-feudal tax laws, this caused significant inflation in monetary 'supply' with little control (wait till there's a run on property [everyone tries to sell at once] - the emperor is wearing no clothes and the money that is NZ's housing property stock doesn't exist, but the private banks have made out like bandits meanwhile).
If they hadn't done this, 1. Interest rates would have been on average higher, acting as a shock absorber to the monetary oil flowing into housing market. 2. Property wouldn't have departed from incomes, as excessive price increases would self correct due to the corresponding interest increase (basic control theory). 3. The inequality caused by our neo-feudal tax laws would have been significantly reduced. Who knows how many current social issues could have been avoided.
Note NZ was not alone in doing this.
Great summary.
The Australian Bureau of Statistics uses equivalent rents, specifically through the concept of imputed rent. This is included in income assessments to provide a more accurate analysis of economic wellbeing across different housing tenures. However, since 2022, they use actual rents used in the CPI by utilizing a large dataset - data from approximately 600,000 rental properties, representing about 32% of the national rental stock.
But as you suggest, the relationship between rents and house prices is complex as housing had not been a consumption good as in the past.
We include imputed rent in our GDP - it is about 15% of our economy, lol.
"Inflation measures, particularly those used by govts and central banks..."
Your history needs some work, J.C.
Governments had semi-valid measures of inflation before central banks stepped in with 'modern monetary policy' that hijacked CPI measures to align with the central banks using interest rates to control inflation. Probably the biggest con by the wealthy ever.
See Chaosinflesh post above for more info.
btw ... Fess up. Which A.I. did you use?
I disagree. The CPI has always been an artificial construct. Don't care if you put 1,000 PhDs in a commercial tower to work on it. Because there is no real measure of inflation to benchmark against, it's in many ways a crap shoot. In fact, monetary aggregates might give a better picture of reality. If I suggested that inflation could be 8-10%, there's a chance I could be asked to leave the BBQ and not invited back ever again.
Ah, so that's why I don't get invited to barbecues.
Entropy would suggest that inflation is the change in broad monetary quantity (so the summation of all assets/items) vs the count of said items, as all items decay (well, except digital bits as long as we have the power to maintain their storage).
Hard to calculate, yes. But a reasonable proxy would be those items that make up the bulk of the value of the items - assets like houses, shares, savings (which is just a transfer of dome physical element to digital).
Shelter, especially in NZ, is our most basic, most critical need. I would posit we would be better served, from an inflationary perspective, just measuring the change in the value of NZ's housing stock (edit: caveat if we fixed the tax laws). Somehow people at the BBQ are unable to see the incongruity having 7% house price inflation yet reporting only 2%! But we've done the opposite, and faff about with items far less consequential, at weightings that don't reflect their actual impact on the overall summation of all items.
Shelter, especially in NZ, is our most basic, most critical need
As in all societies. But here's a question that's never raised in mainstream circles: if a nation's economy is 'developed' - like Aotearoa, Aussie, UK, US, Canada, etc - it would stand to reason that the labor and time exchanged at the lowest rung of the hierarchy of needs (shelter, food, water) would be getting less over time. But that's not the case. People need to exchange more of their labor and time.
Therefore, the idea that we're 'developed economies' is a kind of logical fallacy.
" The CPI has always been an artificial construct. "
A lot of absolute bollocks about today. Yet another example.
Need I pull up your numerous posts on the subject, J.C.?
You appear to treat it as gospel all the time.
If you're going to take that view, then we expect you to take ALL THE TIME !!! (... and not just when you're caught talking bollocks.)
J.C. "In fact, monetary aggregates might give a better picture of reality."
Are you drunk? Best stop posting, ay?
Are you drunk? Best stop posting, ay?
Monetary aggregates is quite different to the CPI. Monetary aggregates refers to the different classifications of money supply within an economy, used to gauge the total amount of money available.
"Monetary aggregates is quite different to the CPI. "
WTF? I can't be bothered ...
Whatever you say, J.C.
thank you
IRD breakdown of income by percentile (June 2024) puts the top income quintile at $74,000:
That's individual income, and its not clear whether it's all working age adults, all employed adults,all adults including 65+. Add salt to taste.
4.5M data points from a population of 5.3M. It's everyone except non-working children or the entirely income-less.
Yeah, I should have read a bit further. All adults at least, possibly all normally resident regardless of age due to ~20% of the data being under $10k per year.
Havnt checked but I suspect Stats NZ are using after tax income whereas IRD are using pre tax
It appears to be the average 5th quintile household income (~146k) divided by average 5th income household size (2.7). Row 64 of the facts xls.
Equivalised expenditure/income explained
Equivalisation is a technique that adjusts expenditure/income information to help compare economic standard of living across households. The basic concept is to look at expenditure/income per ‘standardised’ person – each person is standardised according to the household they live in. Equivalisation is based on the premise that larger households need relatively fewer resources per person to maintain the same standard of living as smaller households; there are economies of scale and pooling of resources within larger households.
The modified OECD scale is used to define the HLPI household groups. It is a simple scale that is widely used internationally. The scale assigns a value of 1 to the first household member, 0.5 to each additional adult, and 0.3 to each child (aged under 14 years). For example, this implies that a household of two adults and one child would need 1.8 times the expenditure/income as a one-adult household to obtain the same standard of living. The table below shows the expenditure and income boundaries used to define the household groups in the 2012/13 Household Economic Survey (used to calculate the June 2014 quarter expenditure weights). The expenditure and income of each household has been equivalised to a 1-adult household.
Quintile boundaries (equivalised 1-adult household)
Quintile 1 (low)Less than $17,943Less than $19,892
Quintile 2$17,943 – $25,328$19,892 – $28,307
Quintile 3$25,329 – $34,670$28,308 – $41,112
Quintile 4$34,671 – $46,137$41,113 – $55,367
Quintile 5 (high)$46,138 +$55,368 +
Source: Statistics NZ
So are you referencing a stat from 2014 in your original post?
Not as far as I know. Searched the latest figure and think the numbers provided came from a 2020 review....however if you have a more up to date link that would be good.
"... however if you have a more up to date link that would be good."
Umm? If you're going to make assertion, surely it is your responsibility to substantiate it? This isn't FB. Or "X".
But up to you. I already have little time for your comments.
The table below shows the expenditure and income boundaries used to define the household groups in the 2012/13 Household Economic Survey (used to calculate the June 2014 quarter expenditure weights)
So my question is - is the 'table below' [which references 55368] from your copy paste (and thus 2012/13) or is that your own calculations or a separate copy from elsewhere?
Because Stats' June 2024 release seems to have equivalent income for upper quintile as $78,217. (Row 64 in the facts sheet available at the link you provided).
Ah...my bad.
Should have seen that....was in the June 2024 fact page and clicked on the methodology link and saw the figures, sloppy.
Even at 78K for the 80th percentile though is low enough.
-50bps coming,
Food and rentals hold the biggest weighting in the CPI data, with food only increasing 1.5% and accommodation prices remain stagnant over the last year, the CPI will remain low.
Agree. 50 BPs guaranteed.
Think there is a case for 75, but it won’t happen!
Excuse my ignorance but is tobacco and alcohol actually included in the CPI? If so I hope their weighting is incredibly low.
i could not agree more, only basic necessities should be included in my opinion.
currently alcohol and tobacco hold a 7.5% weighting in CPI, which i think is ridiculous.
You may be looking for a different index, there's plenty to choose from. This one is supposed to weight and track actual consumer spending.
I got it from here, in figure 1 on table view.
What I mean is, if you are wanting a price index that only includes basic necessities, there may be one out there but it is not the CPI.
i see what you mean. fair.
..include drugs and hookers and it would be more accurate for realnz.
HAHA you are absolutely right. the cost for a max spin on the pokies.
Come out to west Auckland and tell them that drugs and alcohol aren't necessities.
You'll get an ambulance ride and a chance to see just how forked our hospital system is.
Prices for P in Aotearoa and Aussie are up there with the highest in the world. Great for the producers as we spend / consume like drunken sailors on recreational stimulants.
I'll take your word for it, you obviously have far more knowledge than me what the gangs charge for drugs.
I'll take your word for it, you obviously have far more knowledge than me what the gangs charge for drugs.
The illicit drug trade is missing from GDP data as well.
In the first instance, Yes, it is often not counted. After that, it usually is.
I would hope that their weighting matches the proportion of consumer spending that goes towards them.
I suspect it does.
yes, with the weighting typically reviewed and then revised every 3 years.
It looks like oil is picking back up again after a good run of sustained downward pricing.
Needs to be higher due to higher future extraction costs. But of course we will soon get to the point where the EROEI gets to the stage where it all comes to an end - whether the climate is buggrd or not.
"Needs to be higher due to higher future extraction costs."
No. It needs to be massively higher RIGHT NOW !!!
And that has absolutely nothing to do with 'extraction costs' - either now, or in the future!
We could burn our planet up, before the inevitable change, that MUST happen, actually does.
This is why 'populists' are so dangerous when they become leaders. I.e. by pandering to fools - the risks mount considerably, maybe even exponentionaly.
Money alone cannot produce the things we want and need; it can only pay for them. Prices in our economy depend on both the supply of money and the ability to produce goods and services. If more money is available without an increase in production, prices go up. If more goods and services are available without an increase in the money supply, prices go down. Thus prudent management of our money supply is a vital responsibility. Money today is an acceptable medium of exchange, a measure of value for buyer and seller, and a means of storing value for future use. Future improvements in our money system will reflect changes in technology such as electronic money, and hopefully, a better understanding of how our economy works.
- Your Money and the Federal Reserve System, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, 1970
Weird how they have recreational travel in there, but exclude insurance and power which would seem to fit better with the other groups, Food, housing and transport.
Just got yet another renewel from AMI (which is owned by IAG who happen to control over 80% of the market) for our 2nd car, which is just a 2004 run about Toyota. They have increased by over 40% and dropped the value of the vehicle by 50%.
This Insurance stuff is getting beyond out of control. Government either needs to break IAG up or do the Kiwibank option. With wages not increasing anymore, but cost of living still going up by double digits percentage points how much longer will people continue with insurance in the way we have in the past?
Insurance is now my third highest cost after mortgage and food. It used to be much much further down the list by has now well and truely surprised phone/internet, past power and rates.
But it's been many decades since we have had a government that is concerned what is best for the country rather than what is best for their ideology, globalism, optics, you name it.....
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