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US data weaker than expected; Canada earnings growth stays elevated; Taiwan expansion beats China; Perth house prices zoom; shipping freight rates stay very high; UST 10yr 4.56%; gold holds and oil lower; NZ$1 = 61.3 USc; TWI-5 = 70.6

Economy / news
US data weaker than expected; Canada earnings growth stays elevated; Taiwan expansion beats China; Perth house prices zoom; shipping freight rates stay very high; UST 10yr 4.56%; gold holds and oil lower; NZ$1 = 61.3 USc; TWI-5 = 70.6

Here's our summary of key economic events overnight that affect New Zealand, with news weaker US data has halted the bond selloff.

But first, the actual number of US initial jobless claims rose marginally last week, and the number of people on these benefits was actually unchanged from the prior week at 1.7 mln although that was a small increase from year-ago levels.

However, Q1-2024 GDP was revised lower to +1.3% in their second estimate, from +1.6% in the first and this was more of an adjustment than was expected. The main change was due to less consumer spending than originally estimated.

Both retail and wholesale inventories rose in April, but the changes were in fact very small. And the US continues to be a magnet for imports with a larger trade deficit. However some of this will be markets reacting to impending tariff rises and may be temporary. But their trade deficit as a proportion of total economic activity is little-changed.

US pending home sales fell sharply in April, down a whopping -7.7% from March in a dive that surprised analysts. It was the largest retreat since February 2021. Only a small -0.6% correction from a good March was anticipated. Getting the blame was the impact of "escalating interest rates" throughout April dampened home buying, and that left more inventory in the market.

Canada said weekly earnings in March were +4.2% higher than a year ago, a slight slowing of the pace in February when they rose +4.3%.

Taiwan also reported Q1-2024 GDP growth overnight and that came in much better at +6.6% higher than year-ago levels. And you will notice that is better than China's equivalent +5.3% in the same period.

In Australia, there was a small rise in residential building consent levels in April from March (+1.3%) but lower when seasonally adjusted for Easter. Markets weren't expecting that dip. Year-on-year however, these consent levels are more than +13% higher.

And staying in Australia, major bank NAB is forecasting Perth residential prices to zoom almost +14% higher in 2024. That is the high outlier; Sydney is expecting a +4.5% rise, Brisbane almost +9%, but Melbourne will be the laggard at +2.5% in 2024.

Already high container freight rates rose another +4% last week to push them more than +150% higher than year-ago levels. The same drivers are at play; security risks, canal disruptions, and now plus the rush to beat new US tariffs on some Chinese goods. It is outbound from China rates that are being most affected. However, bulk cargo rates are immune to these rises, unchanged again this week and still at their long-run average levels.

The UST 10yr yield is now at 4.56% and down -7 bps from yesterday. The key 2-10 yield curve inversion is little-changed at -38 bps. Their 1-5 curve is deeper at -64 bps. And their 3 mth-10yr curve inversion is also deeper at -83 bps. The Australian 10 year bond yield is now at 4.47% and down -3 bps. The China 10 year bond rate is little-changed at 2.32%. The NZ Government 10 year bond rate is up +2 bps at 4.96%.

Wall Street has slipped again today as rates rise further with the S&P500 down another -0.3% in late Thursday trade. Overnight European markets were all up +0.6%, except Frankfurt which was only up +0.1%. Yesterday Tokyo ended down -1.3%. Hong Kong was also down -1.3%, but Shanghai fell only -0.6%. Singapore ended essentially unchanged. The ASX200 ended its Thursday session down -0.5% while the NZX50 went the whole hog, down -1.0% at the end.

The price of gold will start today unchanged from yesterday at US$2343/oz.

Oil prices are down -US$2 at just on US$77.50/bbl in the US while the international Brent price is now under US$82/bbl.

The Kiwi dollar starts today marginally firmer from yesterday at just under 61.3 USc. Against the Aussie we are -¼c lower at 92.2 AUc. Against the euro we are also marginally softer at 56.5 euro cents. That all means our TWI-5 starts today at just under 70.6 and little-changed.

The bitcoin price starts today at US$69,480 and up +3.0% from this time yesterday. Volatility over the past 24 hours has been modest at just on +/- 1.8%.

By the way, there are now only 200 days until the Christmas holiday break.  :)  Also, Monday is a public holiday in New Zealand. The next edition will be Tuesday, June 4, 2024.

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No comments after 1h20m, all are off early for long weekend... except us :(


Nursing the hangover from drinking all my tax relief wins from yesterday's budget


Lightweight after 2 beers?


You get hungover off a six pack? Drink some water every second beer next time xo


Too much Heineken Zero then.


Better lay off the Kristov or Kentucky Blue XD


The Tiwai Point aluminium smelter is set to stay open until 2044 - power supply deal reached with suppliers Meridian and Contact


In an ideal world, we wouldn't be paying millions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies to a mining corporation, but the current economic situation in NZ is far from ideal.

This operation alone supports a disproportionate number of high paying jobs in the sub-region and wider economy, making it too big to fail.


Are we subsidising them this time? As a Meridian and contact shareholder I'm pleased to see the new electricity prices are materially higher.


Bigly....China announces export controls on certain aviation equipment Taking effect July 1, relevant equipment, software, technology will be barred for export w/o permission, per statement jointly released by MOFCOM, GAC, and CMC’s equipment development department.   Link


J Swap want fast track permission to quarry gravel on Q E 2 land. J Swap donated to nz First and the chair of the committee. 


QE2 covenants are ridiculous and a scam in my not humble opinion. Manage own land well and retain control and freedom to use it as wished, Why anyone would do them is beyond me 


Its not your land...your merely a caretaker for the next generation.  The scam is these portly gents who think they have the ministers ear by these donations. How many quarries have you seen retuned to previous pristine condition by the "owners"...??


Its your land while you own it, after that its up to the next person to use it and look after it

You worry too much BW


and the people buying it will be well aware there is a QE2 covenant , and what it entails.


Land uses change over time and so do peoples creative visions. Its best not to be restrictive, trying to control and cajole, its also best to stay away from bureaucrats who come along with a heavy iron fist in velvet gloved hand


You and Shane would get along well I assume..?


Most people  who qe2 are bit of land have fenced, pest controlled,  and planted the land.they don't want it undone for a bit of gravel brought for by buying Jones and Co.


Pests dont give a sh1t about your fencing.. probably keeps out the human pests who want to just enjoy the space


That's what the 1080 is for. Fencing is just to keep the cows and sheep out.


go ahead and list all of the legislation pushed through under a fast track by Labour that directly supports Unions.


Throwing away all qe2 protections nationwide for an access road to a single gravel pit? Seems excessive.


Is gravel one of these new high value products we're going to export to the world? 


We must ensure no quarrying in NZ or impose such onerous conditions that it becomes prohibitively expensive and also have to pay off a few tribes to consent to the quarrying.. We can soon regress to dirt roads, mud/adobe huts and anything else that requires gravel. Best initiate MBIE to produce a standard for mud/adobe huts. With bit of Kiwi ingenuity might even be able to get two storey ones. No steel of course. That requires metallurgical coal and mining. One or two on this website need to differentiate between thermal and metallurgical coal. Blast both require mining


Barton Road, Okauia, if anyone wants a google goggle.


Comments not allowed on the TPM article .... ummm maybe too many enraged by their suggestions 


Maori are like the 80s spastics, special needs.


I don't know which is more sad, this comment or the number of upvotes it has.


David C / Admin - this despicable comment merits a ban/suspension. I would also ask that the upvoters get a suspension.

Unacceptable that this rhetoric is given a platform on this forum. 


Be Kind to others agnost, even if you dont agree with them. Suggesting the upvoters which I wasnt, get banned is just stupid 


No place for racism here mate.

And the cowards who hide behind the anonymous likes are even worse.

Are you also Moral Hazard? I didn't see you post anything about upvotes. 


I didn't upvote but I suggest these comments come from actual observations in the real world. You don't get to play the race card for example when every time money gets given to Māori it just disappears into thin air with nothing left to show for it.


"I didn't upvote but" then proceeds to spout a racist stereotype



He called Maori (all Maori) spastics. 

Just think about that for a moment, before you jump into your whataboutism, and then explain to me how what he said is not racist.



Does TPM engage in racism in your opinion 


TPM is highly racist.  agnostium should be delighted to see them banned from mention on


You have no idea KH on what the word means..


Chemist Peter wasn't talking about TPM he said Maori (all Maori) are like spastics. If you can't see how this is racist you are a racist. 


I agree that there is no room for racism here (on this site), but tell me where in NZ do you see the majority of racism? The response it gets from too many people is toxic. How do we counter it? Ignoring only allows them to get away with it.


It is a unsavoury double play insult. Firstly it is unquestionably racist. Secondly the condition of a spastic is one of great sadness and suffering and mocking that in itself, is descending to the level of ignorant, cruel and puerile teenagers, as common  in the 60/70s. Those families that have to accommodate the condition should rightly be as offended as the suggester here should be ashamed. 


Your lazy racism and ableist language has no place here


Why didn’t the police arrest all the spastics yesterday for their illegal protest?


What was illegal about it?


Difficult to be outraged until such time as someone with credibility provides some detail.


That’s likely because TPM must therefore mean “Totally Prohibited Material?”


This was one of the TPM suggestions. 

“If we are 50% of the male prison population, we should get 50% of that budget.  If we are 64% of the female prison population, we should get 64% of their budget."

I'll go out on a limb and suggest that if they can get these numbers down to 17%, there'll be more budget to go around?



The suggestion doesn't stand up to much scrutiny.  Using their logic, TPM would be incentivised to both promote and have a higher representation in prison yet would publicly deny this.  Talk about forked tongues.  It's all a bit doolally.  Sad.  



It’s now policy for media and govt organisations not to engage in discussion about Maoris following complaints from viewers/voters eg how to improve their services. All with a negative opinion are assumed to be racist. It’s the equivalent of the transgender woke BS the States is suffering. There is pushback against woke so hopefully NZ will come around soon enough and move on. 


TRUMP guilty 34 counts - good job - grifter


WOW. Presumably straight to appeal?


Of course.

He's got another 4(?) criminal cases coming up. He's a winner alright! Winning bigly!


Of course he was found guilty. As Vlad Putin summed up Trumpie's court case  " persecute your political opposition". The prosecutors and the Judge and most of the carefully picked jury were all Dems.


Trump's lawyers allowed Dems to be picked for this jury?!


What? A majority of jurors picked in New York, a state that voted 60% Democrat in the 2020 election, were Democrats?

It would be quite startling if they were majority Republicans. I also note the jury was unanimous in their decision. 


There will be the obvious appeal. But for once the “system” has produced a definitive line in the sand, long overdue and a good one. Trump is now a convicted criminal which kinda makes it difficult to call everyone else a crook as he is wont to do.


Trumps victimhood and complaining will go into overdrive 


And will make me smile every time he does.


Well he is hardly the first who, after being found guilty in court, claims to have been stitched up and/or framed but he is reasonably unique in that he has framed himself.


Did I hear you can get up to 4 years on each count somewhere ? What's the bet he serves little to no jail time ? I really don't like the guy, never have but you kind of get the feeling this whole thing is politically motivated, the Dem's know they have already lost if he gets to run for president again.


Hopefully they lock him up,Biden becomes medically unfit to carry on and then a nation of 330 odd million can find someone more inspirational to lead them.


This is the best solution but that's not politics is it ? They all stand behind the person who gets them back into power no matter what an a**hole he is. Both Biden and Trump are absolutely hopeless and its a disgrace that out of 330 million people its the best they can come up with.


Maybe, but he's a scumbag, always has been, always will be. The law suits he's facing are way overdue, politically motivated or not. He'll appeal and appeal and do anything he can to make this all about it being planned by 'Merica's enemies. I thought it would be hilarious if he got in last time, and elements of it were, however this time around it would be tragic. 


Yeah he's clearly a "bad hombre" (his words, not mine) but Trump Derangement Syndrome has been such a prominent force for such a long time that it's hard to know what to think about some of it. I still remember one of those talk show hosts back in his term, for example, going on about the fact the guy has two scoops of ice cream with his apple pie like it was the biggest deal ever. 

I've wondered for a while now if the way to make Trump go away - although the door has probably long shut on this - is to simply ignore him. Stop talking about him, stop bringing cases against him, stop covering his every utterance. I guess it sets a bad precedent of 'do dodgy things and get away with it' but at the same time he's able to get almost endless coverage thanks to the cases against him. Unless convictions are somehow able to stop him from actually being on the ballot, for as long as he can spin a message of 'this is a witch hunt' he might well be able to play the game of 'any publicity is good publicity'. After all, the polling seems pretty clear right now that he will be President again by EOY. 


The problem is that he has seduced the Republican Party into believing he is the only one that can win the presidency for them.Therefore before anything else they are voting for the power that will fill the troughs down the line for their awaiting snouts. They are hardly alone but all of them are the antithesis of JFK’s “ask not” speech. They are voting for what’s in it for them. Downright sordid and ugly arena for supposedly the world’s great democracy.


I don't disagree (although is it the Republican party being seduced by Trump, or the Republican party being seduced by the hardcore Trump supporters without whom the party stands no chance of winning ... I guess what does it matter if the outcome is the same).

My comment is really more of a "what if" ... what if, following the last election, Trump had just been ignored even if it involved others swallowing a few rats e.g. "that rioting about the stolen election was a bit naughty, don't do it again, good job Trump never encouraged it wink wink".

I can't help but feel he would have faded into obscurity, at least enough to make him a non-starter as a candidate. Whatever his myriad flaws he is skilled at weaponising negative publicity to his own benefit.


Curled up within that, but not so much in play now, was the threat that if not nominated Trump would run as an independent, split the vote, and gift the election to the opposition.


Trump was more popular with republicans than Hayley, but Hayley beat Biden in the polls at the time , while Trump didn't.

i think other republican contenders were sitting back , waiting for this to happen. 


So, out of 350 million people, the USA can't put forward a better candidate than a senile person and a convicted fellon.  Unbelievable!


What do you know about Biden other than what trump says... the crowd size numbers trump fantasises over are comical but the media reports it as fact


Two senile people, one of whom is also a convicted felon.


Watch Joe Bidens speech to the Irish parliament, it was masterful 


I have to say, sometimes Biden can speak quite powerfully and coherently although he has plenty of embarrassing moments (hardly a new thing for him - even when he was VP he was known for gaffs).

Meanwhile Trump - I can't remember him giving a coherent speech since he took up Politics. He can barely put together a coherent sentence (although maybe the Judge can change that soon...)


Trump found guilty on all 34 charges.

Oops, sorry, I just saw that Baywatch beat me to it. 


Good news can always be retold.


The trick is to keep appealing until a non New York court hears the case. Then justice will prevail.


OK so let me get this straight, every New York court is now apparently anti-Trump.

Here's a thought maybe he's actually guilty ... I guess that would cause your brain to 🤯


NAB is forecasting Perth residential prices to zoom almost +14% higher in 2024. That is the high outlier; Sydney is expecting a +4.5% rise, Brisbane almost +9%, but Melbourne will be the laggard at +2.5% in 2024.

Cheap money baby, RBA have to be the most most reluctant reserve banks globally.
