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right wing

Over the 33 years between 1990 and 2023, and allowing for the aberrant 2020 result, the average level of support enjoyed by the parties of the Left and the Right turns out to be, as near as dammit, identical
3rd Feb 25, 9:23am
Over the 33 years between 1990 and 2023, and allowing for the aberrant 2020 result, the average level of support enjoyed by the parties of the Left and the Right turns out to be, as near as dammit, identical
What social-liberal progressivism faces, writes Chris Trotter, is a conservative populist surge composed of defenders of a status-quo that, if not gone, is, at least, widely perceived as going
22nd Jul 24, 8:21am
What social-liberal progressivism faces, writes Chris Trotter, is a conservative populist surge composed of defenders of a status-quo that, if not gone, is, at least, widely perceived as going
Chris Trotter asks: Why is this government so determined to shut-up, shut-down, and shut-out the Right?
29th Aug 22, 8:11am
Chris Trotter asks: Why is this government so determined to shut-up, shut-down, and shut-out the Right?
A United States forced to live by the beliefs and values of the 18th and 19th Centuries cannot hope to go on leading the 'Free World,' or to compete economically with nations focused fearlessly on the future, Chris Trotter argues
27th Jun 22, 9:22am
A United States forced to live by the beliefs and values of the 18th and 19th Centuries cannot hope to go on leading the 'Free World,' or to compete economically with nations focused fearlessly on the future, Chris Trotter argues
Chris Trotter sees more radicals on the right than the left, and suspects Jacinda Ardern's extended appeal is bolstered by her promises to conserve and protect, appealing to deep-seated antipathy to updating changes, even necessary change
28th Dec 20, 6:02am
Chris Trotter sees more radicals on the right than the left, and suspects Jacinda Ardern's extended appeal is bolstered by her promises to conserve and protect, appealing to deep-seated antipathy to updating changes, even necessary change