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Budget 2024/25 - Summary of all spending plans
4th Jun 24, 11:55am
Budget 2024/25 - Summary of all spending plans
New research shows Millennials and Generation Z are faring worse in the cost of living crisis than older people
28th Sep 23, 2:14pm
New research shows Millennials and Generation Z are faring worse in the cost of living crisis than older people
Budget 2023/24 - Summary of all spending plans
20th May 23, 10:00am
Budget 2023/24 - Summary of all spending plans
Budget in rude health with a year until Election 2023, giving plenty of room for Labour to brandish middle class welfare and National to offer tax breaks for high earners and landlords
6th Oct 22, 9:37am
Budget in rude health with a year until Election 2023, giving plenty of room for Labour to brandish middle class welfare and National to offer tax breaks for high earners and landlords
Budget 2022/23 - Summary of all spending plans
20th May 22, 2:51pm
Budget 2022/23 - Summary of all spending plans
NZ faces rising living costs and higher unemployment at a time a large number of people already require government support
21st Apr 22, 5:17pm
NZ faces rising living costs and higher unemployment at a time a large number of people already require government support
Jenée Tibshraeny struggles to identify quick fixes to soothe the pain of inflation and the necessary tightening of financial conditions
13th Feb 22, 6:00am
Jenée Tibshraeny struggles to identify quick fixes to soothe the pain of inflation and the necessary tightening of financial conditions
The Treasury warns the Government needs to start looking at the tax, health and superannuation systems, as an ageing population is set to send the country's debt too far north
5th Jul 21, 7:08pm
The Treasury warns the Government needs to start looking at the tax, health and superannuation systems, as an ageing population is set to send the country's debt too far north
Secretary to The Treasury Caralee McLiesh sees room for government spending to do more to support the economy in this structurally low interest rate environment
23rd Jun 21, 6:37pm
Secretary to The Treasury Caralee McLiesh sees room for government spending to do more to support the economy in this structurally low interest rate environment
Jenée Tibshraeny argues this is the opportune time to raise benefits, with homeowners happy, business confidence high and the pre-election battle for 'middle NZ' still a wee way off
23rd May 21, 6:01am
Jenée Tibshraeny argues this is the opportune time to raise benefits, with homeowners happy, business confidence high and the pre-election battle for 'middle NZ' still a wee way off
Budget 2021/22 - Summary of all spending plans
21st May 21, 2:12pm
Budget 2021/22 - Summary of all spending plans
Grant Robertson delivers a 'peak Labour Party' Budget, committing to spending more than expected, including on benefit increases
20th May 21, 2:00pm
Grant Robertson delivers a 'peak Labour Party' Budget, committing to spending more than expected, including on benefit increases
Grant Robertson goes into Budget 2021 with options. The questions are: Will he boost benefits and how much more infrastructure investment can the economy deliver on?
19th May 21, 7:20pm
Grant Robertson goes into Budget 2021 with options. The questions are: Will he boost benefits and how much more infrastructure investment can the economy deliver on?
Green Party suggests the Govt gives the RBNZ tools to further restrict bank lending to property investors, and forces it to use these tools if it doesn't on its accord
17th Mar 21, 1:19pm
Green Party suggests the Govt gives the RBNZ tools to further restrict bank lending to property investors, and forces it to use these tools if it doesn't on its accord
Jenée Tibshraeny considers what would happen if house prices fell by nearly 20% - to where they were one year ago
23rd Dec 20, 9:00am
Jenée Tibshraeny considers what would happen if house prices fell by nearly 20% - to where they were one year ago
Treasury to Robertson: Spend more temporarily to boost the economy, make 'crucial' policy changes to improve living standards, consider tax hikes in the future
15th Dec 20, 11:53am
Treasury to Robertson: Spend more temporarily to boost the economy, make 'crucial' policy changes to improve living standards, consider tax hikes in the future
Jenée Tibshraeny looks at why it's time for the Government to get its head out of the sand and address the distributional impacts of printing up to $128 billion
20th Nov 20, 9:11am
Jenée Tibshraeny looks at why it's time for the Government to get its head out of the sand and address the distributional impacts of printing up to $128 billion
Grant Robertson on why now is the time for 'balance' not 'transformation', the importance of confidence in prompting business investment, minimum wage hikes and more
3rd Oct 20, 9:07am
Grant Robertson on why now is the time for 'balance' not 'transformation', the importance of confidence in prompting business investment, minimum wage hikes and more
Robertson talks up, but doesn't officially campaign on, social insurance; Says it's unlikely to be 'fully implemented' in next term of government should Labour be re-elected
25th Sep 20, 1:13pm
Robertson talks up, but doesn't officially campaign on, social insurance; Says it's unlikely to be 'fully implemented' in next term of government should Labour be re-elected
There are 77k more people receiving jobless benefits now than in March, with a minority of Covid Income Relief Payment recipients finding a job before the 12-week payment runs out
4th Sep 20, 3:00pm
There are 77k more people receiving jobless benefits now than in March, with a minority of Covid Income Relief Payment recipients finding a job before the 12-week payment runs out
National commits to giving all mothers a $3000 entitlement to use on health or social services and allowing parents to take paid parental leave at the same time
3rd Sep 20, 2:26pm
National commits to giving all mothers a $3000 entitlement to use on health or social services and allowing parents to take paid parental leave at the same time
Jenée Tibshraeny argues in a changing world the Government needs to balance out the RBNZ's quantitative easing with a bottom-up approach to ensure the most needy don’t miss out
3rd Sep 20, 10:08am
Jenée Tibshraeny argues in a changing world the Government needs to balance out the RBNZ's quantitative easing with a bottom-up approach to ensure the most needy don’t miss out
Shamubeel Eaqub assesses the economic picture in the context of Covid-19 and the looming election and encourages voters to engage with their local candidates
2nd Sep 20, 7:49am
Shamubeel Eaqub assesses the economic picture in the context of Covid-19 and the looming election and encourages voters to engage with their local candidates
Could Labour's first major policy announcement be a permanent unemployment insurance scheme similar to that advocated for by ACT?
4th Aug 20, 3:50pm
Could Labour's first major policy announcement be a permanent unemployment insurance scheme similar to that advocated for by ACT?
Tens of thousands of people are forgoing decent amounts of money by being on Jobseeker Support when they could get the Covid-19 Income Relief Payment
22nd Jul 20, 3:03pm
Tens of thousands of people are forgoing decent amounts of money by being on Jobseeker Support when they could get the Covid-19 Income Relief Payment