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Budget 2022/23 - Summary of all spending plans

Public Policy / analysis
Budget 2022/23 - Summary of all spending plans

This table outlines the New Zealand Government's planned spending for the 2022/23 budget year.

Actual spending for the previous four years is on the left.

The numbers are drawn together from data released by the Minister of Finance on May 19, 2022.

Links to the primary sources used, from Treasury's website, can be found at the bottom of the page.

Click on any heading to drill down to what makes up these numbers. (Coming soon) Figures for each allocation are in millions of NZ$.


Actual  2017/18 Actual       2018/19 Actual 2019/20 Actual 2020/21 Estimate 2021/22   Budget 2022/23 %
NZ$m NZ$m NZ$m NZ$m NZ$m   NZ$m  
705.1 779.4 814.4 0.0 0.0 Official Development Assistance (Old) 0.0 0.0%
2.2 16.1 17.7 10.6 7.4 Pike River Re-entry 0.0 0.0%
2,257.1 722.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Social Housing (Old) 0.0 0.0%
3.3 3.6 3.7 3.5 4.8 Commissioner for Environment 4.5 0.0%
5.2 5.8 6.4 8.6 13.5 Women 13.0 0.0%
10.9 10.4 9.8 12.3 15.7 Serious Fraud 16.8 0.0%
22.0 21.8 21.2 22.0 26.2 Office of the Clerk 26.0 0.0%
20.5 20.1 20.5 19.0 24.7 Parliamentary Counsel 27.2 0.0%
32.0 29.8 32.9 35.6 37.3 Education Review Office 38.8 0.0%
47.2 46.0 46.1 47.3 55.2 Public Service 48.4 0.0%
17.3 18.2 23.5 27.1 43.1 Ombudsmen 54.3 0.0%
9.6 11.8 20.0 49.1 68.2 Pacific Peoples 76.6 0.1%
66.8 74.2 90.0 95.2 89.8 Security Intelligence 108.7 0.1%
68.5 68.8 73.3 79.3 84.2 Attorney-General 129.6 0.1%
94.7 94.5 101.4 113.8 124.2 Audit 129.8 0.1%
0.0 28.7 66.7 71.3 119.9 Forestry 146.6 0.1%
90.0 106.0 124.0 112.5 210.0 Prime Minister and Cabinet 147.2 0.1%
89.2 89.3 97.5 212.9 146.8 Sport and Recreation 159.4 0.1%
152.1 150.0 167.1 177.5 221.1 Parliamentary Service 212.9 0.1%
103.1 129.7 137.0 161.5 184.9 Comms Security & Intelligence 234.5 0.2%
202.3 160.0 158.2 189.0 273.4 Statistics 319.8 0.2%
240.7 183.6 225.6 221.4 409.1 Lands 333.7 0.2%
214.1 229.4 246.2 261.6 332.7 Customs 336.2 0.2%
304.3 98.9 62.1 405.5 472.3 Te Arawhiti 420.3 0.3%
336.8 278.2 112.6 763.0 793.2 Building and Construction 424.1 0.3%
306.9 336.1 432.3 496.4 737.5 Māori Development 563.6 0.4%
284.0 329.3 385.5 518.5 666.6 Arts, Culture and Heritage 640.7 0.4%
475.5 483.2 564.0 665.4 614.7 Justice 731.4 0.5%
591.1 618.6 656.0 719.6 784.1 Courts 835.2 0.6%
413.7 457.2 532.4 631.0 715.3 Conservation 840.7 0.6%
687.3 684.3 758.0 1,111.4 1,223.0 Internal Affairs 879.7 0.6%
791.8 848.7 787.7 812.9 966.8 Ag, Biosecurity, Fish & Food Safety 1,010.1 0.7%
253.3 434.6 297.9 536.9 873.1 Defence 1,178.0 0.8%
863.8 980.0 1,132.7 1,360.8 1,511.1 Oranga Tamariki 1,430.1 1.0%
448.8 518.4 524.9 1,412.3 1,558.8 Foreign Affairs 1,788.2 1.2%
1,682.7 1,988.0 2,074.7 2,156.2 2,321.9 Police 2,380.4 1.6%
1,741.3 2,176.9 2,106.8 2,328.3 2,379.2 Corrections 2,457.2 1.6%
1,744.3 1,734.7 1,945.1 2,275.9 2,512.0 Labour Market 2,640.2 1.8%
876.8 707.9 853.3 1,215.8 2,084.8 Environment 2,921.9 1.9%
1,713.7 2,062.2 2,796.9 4,156.0 3,705.4 Business, Science & Innovation 3,501.0 2.3%
2,906.8 3,149.0 6,414.4 3,301.0 3,784.0 Defence Force 3,748.3 2.5%
0.0 1,121.8 1,602.0 2,153.8 3,281.7 Housing and Urban Development 4,388.5 2.9%
3,289.5 2,919.1 3,617.7 4,845.0 6,645.3 Transport 7,021.0 4.7%
5,706.7 6,721.0 16,365.1 19,149.2 26,679.1 Treasury & Finance 18,153.2 12.1%
8,832.4 15,403.5 17,550.3 17,347.2 19,998.3 Education 20,182.9 13.4%
15,666.7 16,780.0 18,584.3 21,047.8 27,569.9 Health 22,811.4 15.2%
22,081.9 24,974.6 40,046.4 32,725.8 39,595.4 Social Welfare 38,488.2 25.6%
$81,582 $94,402 $124,855 $131,109 $161,686 Total Expenditure $150,480 100%
$295,641 $310,163 $318,731 $342,477 $361,900 GDP (nominal, per RBNZ) $392,100  
27.6% 30.4% 39.1% 38.3% 44.7% Govt spending as % of GDP 38.4%  
and this compares with taxes collected as follows:      
$93,337 $100,486 $99,848 $116,012 $124,529 Total Revenue $137,652  


The data in this table is net spending, after fee and charges revenues have been deducted from the gross expenditure planned.

Sources: You can download the data behind these tables from the NZ Government website here.

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Wow, essentially doubled in four years.  My Wellbeing doesn't feel 2X better....


Great summary table... 

Parliamentary Counsel up 30% in 2 years?, massive increase in transport and defense costs and statistics of all things... +100%.. (?!?) relative to 4 years ago

Why is roughly ~41% of the total budget focused on healthcare and social welfare?

Since 2018 we've seen an 8% GDP increase in government spending across the board to 38.4%, from an earlier % of 27-30%


Because super is a massive drain by the retiring boomers. By far the biggest social welfare spend.



now that's inflationary spending....go granter...


... did you get the impression from yesterday's budget that Grant was doling out goodies alike a lolly scramble  ... thinking us kiddies would be grateful , scrambling around trying to pick up some sweet treats he's scattered around us ...


Like I say to my kids any idiot can spend someone else's money, only the clever ones know how to make it. 





Social welfare almost doubled in 5 years. Lovely.


How many more boomers turned 65 over those 5 years. Social welfare payments also increased.


Good information.

Frightening to see the growth in "Social Welfare" (which predominantly seems to be pension funding) and Health numbers. Ideally these should be held in line with GDP as the population ages because otherwise we'll end up with excessive tax burden on the working age population.


Had the usual chat with a boomer about how they paid tax all their life etc the other day. I said I hope your government saved it somewhere to pay for your retirement like we are with NZ super fund and KiwiSaver. But no their government spent it on them because that’s what they voted for, and now I have to pay for their retirement as well as my own. Meanwhile some property developer makes millions in capital gains and doesn’t pay a cent in tax and also gets a free retirement. Pays not to work in this country. 


Just give them some data to work with.  

  • Boomer couple, each person receives $18k per year in pension.  
  • Average Life Expectancy NZ = 81
  • 16 years x $18k = $290k  
  • Median Wage = $56k, PAYE  = $10k
  • $290k ÷ $10k = 29 years of 100% PAYE just to fund 1 Boomer.

But yes, Muldoon got the vote because the Kiwisaver Scheme labour introduced in the 70s was deemed "communism" so there was no intent on that generation ever saving for their own retirement.  


Would be nice if pensions were split out of welfare. Or maybe welfare split into the various types given each type is still a big chunk of the pie. Dole / DPB / Boomers / PI supplement / other welfare maybe. 


They're spenders [not even savers] and certainly not earners. They think to earn is something for your parents ashes.


Well if their going to give out increasing pensions to people,

Then surely they should be doubling down on NZ Super fund contributions to offset?! by a multiple of 2 or more?

But no, they would rather cut back on the super fund and spend it on non wealth generating general expenses

