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The national median rent kicked off 2025 with its first increase in 12 months
12th Mar 25, 1:02pm
The national median rent kicked off 2025 with its first increase in 12 months
Katharine Moody suggests regulation of the private rental market could be the only way to avoid the plague of homelessness seen in many parts of the world
25th Feb 25, 9:15am
by Guest
Katharine Moody suggests regulation of the private rental market could be the only way to avoid the plague of homelessness seen in many parts of the world
Landlords will be lamenting the lack of rental growth in 2024 while tenants got some relief from rising rents
14th Feb 25, 10:20am
Landlords will be lamenting the lack of rental growth in 2024 while tenants got some relief from rising rents
Home ownership rates are increasing while renting is declining, according to census data
6th Dec 24, 11:00am
Home ownership rates are increasing while renting is declining, according to census data
Rents are static around the country suggesting supply and demand are reasonably balanced
10th Oct 24, 9:17am
Rents are static around the country suggesting supply and demand are reasonably balanced
Nick Brunsdon of Infometrics looks at housing affordability from the perspective of renters' incomes
26th Sep 24, 9:38am
by Guest
Nick Brunsdon of Infometrics looks at housing affordability from the perspective of renters' incomes
Generation Rent author Shamubeel Eaqub on where renting's at in NZ, where it has come from and where it's heading
20th May 24, 12:40pm
Generation Rent author Shamubeel Eaqub on where renting's at in NZ, where it has come from and where it's heading
The national median housing rent increased by $35 a week in the year to March, Auckland rents up by $50 a week
20th May 24, 11:22am
The national median housing rent increased by $35 a week in the year to March, Auckland rents up by $50 a week
Annual rent increases range from $7 a week in Dunedin to $130 in Queenstown-Lakes
3rd Nov 23, 10:45am
Annual rent increases range from $7 a week in Dunedin to $130 in Queenstown-Lakes
BNZ chief economist estimates the average annual expense associated with buying the median NZ home currently exceeds the cost of renting by just over $38,000 a year
19th Sep 23, 11:46am
BNZ chief economist estimates the average annual expense associated with buying the median NZ home currently exceeds the cost of renting by just over $38,000 a year
A new paper by Treasury, the Reserve Bank, and the Ministry of Housing says housing supply and wage inflation are the two biggest factors in setting rental prices
7th Aug 23, 2:55pm
A new paper by Treasury, the Reserve Bank, and the Ministry of Housing says housing supply and wage inflation are the two biggest factors in setting rental prices
David Hargreaves suggests that with KiwiSaver now 16 years old, it would be a good time to re-examine what its role is and how well it is set up to fill that role
19th Jul 23, 5:00am
David Hargreaves suggests that with KiwiSaver now 16 years old, it would be a good time to re-examine what its role is and how well it is set up to fill that role
Not all rent control policies are the same – the Green Party proposal deserves an open-minded debate, Tom Baker says
6th Jul 23, 8:05am
by Guest
Not all rent control policies are the same – the Green Party proposal deserves an open-minded debate, Tom Baker says
Katharine Moody takes a look at rental affordability, suggesting Parliament considers a formula approach to rental market regulation
28th Jan 23, 9:30am
by Guest
Katharine Moody takes a look at rental affordability, suggesting Parliament considers a formula approach to rental market regulation
Build-to-rent is seen as affordable, but it’s unlikely to help those most in need
9th Dec 22, 7:49am
by Guest
Build-to-rent is seen as affordable, but it’s unlikely to help those most in need
Human Rights Commission calls for new rent freeze and an increase in the accommodation supplement to help those hit hardest by cost-of-living shocks to rent, food
16th Aug 22, 12:14pm
Human Rights Commission calls for new rent freeze and an increase in the accommodation supplement to help those hit hardest by cost-of-living shocks to rent, food
The biggest rent increases in the year to March were in South Auckland
16th May 22, 1:22pm
The biggest rent increases in the year to March were in South Auckland
Claire Dale details a coming storm for New Zealand’s future retirees: Still renting and not enough savings to avoid poverty
31st Mar 22, 12:07pm
Claire Dale details a coming storm for New Zealand’s future retirees: Still renting and not enough savings to avoid poverty
Auckland's North Shore has NZ's most expensive rents with an average $642 a week, Invercargill the cheapest at $373
10th Mar 22, 8:45am
Auckland's North Shore has NZ's most expensive rents with an average $642 a week, Invercargill the cheapest at $373
A closer look at the calls for the Government to provide regulatory and financial support to grow the build-to-rent sector
25th Jul 21, 6:01am
A closer look at the calls for the Government to provide regulatory and financial support to grow the build-to-rent sector
Brendon Harre explores how housing can be restored to its central place in a move back to recovering our Egalitarian Dream
14th Mar 21, 9:28am
by Guest
Brendon Harre explores how housing can be restored to its central place in a move back to recovering our Egalitarian Dream
Even though it's 'new', Diana Clement points out the updated law governing tenancies is either vague with some key concepts causing confusion, or completely misses dealing with modern intensive living issues
9th Mar 21, 10:14am
Even though it's 'new', Diana Clement points out the updated law governing tenancies is either vague with some key concepts causing confusion, or completely misses dealing with modern intensive living issues
Brendon Harre says the longer we ignore the growing social issues flowing from rising housing costs, the worse our productivity performance will be
13th Feb 21, 9:46am
by Guest
Brendon Harre says the longer we ignore the growing social issues flowing from rising housing costs, the worse our productivity performance will be
Brendon Harre sees the property owning ‘haves’ taking all the economic opportunity and leaving nothing for the ‘have-nots’. He wants a Housing Commissioner with the ability to level the field
27th Dec 20, 6:02am
by Guest
Brendon Harre sees the property owning ‘haves’ taking all the economic opportunity and leaving nothing for the ‘have-nots’. He wants a Housing Commissioner with the ability to level the field
Susan St John makes the case for taxing a deemed rate of return on excessive real estate holdings (after a family home exemption), to redirect scarce housing resources to where they are needed most
26th Dec 20, 9:31am
Susan St John makes the case for taxing a deemed rate of return on excessive real estate holdings (after a family home exemption), to redirect scarce housing resources to where they are needed most