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natural gas

Drop in natural gas production sees increased use of coal for electricity generation
15th Jun 24, 9:10am
Drop in natural gas production sees increased use of coal for electricity generation
Global demand for oil could peak soon meaning NZ’s plan to revive offshore exploration doesn’t add up, Jen Purdie says
14th Jun 24, 9:48am
by Guest
Global demand for oil could peak soon meaning NZ’s plan to revive offshore exploration doesn’t add up, Jen Purdie says
Gas companies appear unlikely to rush in to open ocean exploration despite the Government's decision to lift a ban imposed by its predecessor
13th Jun 24, 10:14am
Gas companies appear unlikely to rush in to open ocean exploration despite the Government's decision to lift a ban imposed by its predecessor
Energy Minister Simeon Brown says plans to shut down New Zealand's only spot market for gas is a matter for the industry
29th May 24, 7:07am
Energy Minister Simeon Brown says plans to shut down New Zealand's only spot market for gas is a matter for the industry
End to offshore energy ban and storing CO2 underground among energy policies proposed by ACT for the coming election
3rd Sep 23, 2:53pm
End to offshore energy ban and storing CO2 underground among energy policies proposed by ACT for the coming election
Gavin Evans, Andreas Heuser & John Carnegie discuss energy sector issues and challenges with Eric Frykberg in our latest Of Interest podcast
12th Aug 23, 9:40am
Gavin Evans, Andreas Heuser & John Carnegie discuss energy sector issues and challenges with Eric Frykberg in our latest Of Interest podcast
A report out for submissions says gas will still be needed for electricity generation even though it will be phased out over time for environmental reasons
9th Aug 23, 12:06pm
A report out for submissions says gas will still be needed for electricity generation even though it will be phased out over time for environmental reasons
Political parties' energy spokespeople speak at election forum on energy policies with red tape and the need to reduce fossil fuel consumption being major concerns
31st Jul 23, 11:39am
Political parties' energy spokespeople speak at election forum on energy policies with red tape and the need to reduce fossil fuel consumption being major concerns
Natural gas reserves drop below 10 years' supply, MBIE says, leading to a comparison between the NZ situation and the war hit European energy scenario
17th Jul 23, 10:44am
Natural gas reserves drop below 10 years' supply, MBIE says, leading to a comparison between the NZ situation and the war hit European energy scenario
NZ’s gas problem: phasing out natural gas in homes demands affordable alternatives first, John Tookey says
25th May 23, 10:07am
by Guest
NZ’s gas problem: phasing out natural gas in homes demands affordable alternatives first, John Tookey says
NZ industry burns the equivalent of 108 litres of petrol every second – that has to reduce to meet our carbon targets
5th May 23, 7:35am
by Guest
NZ industry burns the equivalent of 108 litres of petrol every second – that has to reduce to meet our carbon targets
Patrick Watson of Mauldin Economics is excited about the potential of geothermal energy, saying near-unlimited electricity everywhere could enable massive changes
25th May 22, 10:54am
Patrick Watson of Mauldin Economics is excited about the potential of geothermal energy, saying near-unlimited electricity everywhere could enable massive changes
Brian Fallow takes a look at the energy policies of the Labour, National, Green and ACT parties against the backdrop of uncertainty over the future of the aluminium smelter at Tiwai Point and the oil refinery at Marsden Point
12th Oct 20, 9:45am
Brian Fallow takes a look at the energy policies of the Labour, National, Green and ACT parties against the backdrop of uncertainty over the future of the aluminium smelter at Tiwai Point and the oil refinery at Marsden Point
Rodney Dickens says because of new technologies being used to extract oil and gas, we should in time benefit from much cheaper energy and petrol/diesel prices
23rd Sep 14, 12:54pm
Rodney Dickens says because of new technologies being used to extract oil and gas, we should in time benefit from much cheaper energy and petrol/diesel prices