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Brian Fallow


Member for

8 years

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Brian Fallow casts an eye over the Government's Emissions Reduction Plan and discovers there is much more work ahead
16th May 22, 12:51pm
Brian Fallow casts an eye over the Government's Emissions Reduction Plan and discovers there is much more work ahead
Brian Fallow takes a look at the energy policies of the Labour, National, Green and ACT parties against the backdrop of uncertainty over the future of the aluminium smelter at Tiwai Point and the oil refinery at Marsden Point
12th Oct 20, 9:45am
Brian Fallow takes a look at the energy policies of the Labour, National, Green and ACT parties against the backdrop of uncertainty over the future of the aluminium smelter at Tiwai Point and the oil refinery at Marsden Point
Brian Fallow suggests cutting the GST rate would have a more stimulatory impact on the economy than the National Party's proposed tax cuts
21st Sep 20, 10:32am
Brian Fallow suggests cutting the GST rate would have a more stimulatory impact on the economy than the National Party's proposed tax cuts
Brian Fallow takes a look at how the US presidential election may play out and warns it's likely to be messy, including for financial markets
15th Sep 20, 10:08am
Brian Fallow takes a look at how the US presidential election may play out and warns it's likely to be messy, including for financial markets
Brian Fallow argues nothing about Labour's tax policy indicates a willingness to deliver a tax system to tackle the triple challenge of the debt legacy of the pandemic, stunted productivity and shameful levels of child poverty
10th Sep 20, 10:22am
Brian Fallow argues nothing about Labour's tax policy indicates a willingness to deliver a tax system to tackle the triple challenge of the debt legacy of the pandemic, stunted productivity and shameful levels of child poverty
National Party's Paul Goldsmith says GST cash refund for businesses able to show their revenue dropped more than 50% across 2 successive months due to original lockdown no longer appropriate
28th Aug 20, 3:36pm
National Party's Paul Goldsmith says GST cash refund for businesses able to show their revenue dropped more than 50% across 2 successive months due to original lockdown no longer appropriate
Brian Fallow takes a look at the idea of a central government funded universal jobs guarantee, saying the idea should receive serious consideration
21st Aug 20, 11:17am
Brian Fallow takes a look at the idea of a central government funded universal jobs guarantee, saying the idea should receive serious consideration
Brian Fallow asks just how freaked out or sanguine we should be about burgeoning public debt
9th Aug 20, 6:02am
Brian Fallow asks just how freaked out or sanguine we should be about burgeoning public debt
Brian Fallow argues there is a better use for the electricity consumed by the Tiwai Point smelter than keeping a reluctant foreign owner in a business it wants to quit
24th Jul 20, 2:58pm
Brian Fallow argues there is a better use for the electricity consumed by the Tiwai Point smelter than keeping a reluctant foreign owner in a business it wants to quit
Brian Fallow examines the economic priorities outlined so far by the leaders of the two main political parties and finds 'pious waffle berefit of new policy' with rhetoric that is almost identical
13th Jul 20, 2:36pm
Brian Fallow examines the economic priorities outlined so far by the leaders of the two main political parties and finds 'pious waffle berefit of new policy' with rhetoric that is almost identical
Brian Fallow takes a look at the National Party's heel dragging on climate change, suggesting the party is the climate’s fair weather friend
30th Jun 20, 9:34am
Brian Fallow takes a look at the National Party's heel dragging on climate change, suggesting the party is the climate’s fair weather friend
Brian Fallow casts an eye over policies targeting SMEs that are emerging as a key electoral battle ground
16th Jun 20, 9:52am
Brian Fallow casts an eye over policies targeting SMEs that are emerging as a key electoral battle ground
Brian Fallow provides a timely reminder that NZ banks are reliant on imported credit, the flip side of NZ households’ collective tendency to spend more than their income
29th May 20, 9:01am
Brian Fallow provides a timely reminder that NZ banks are reliant on imported credit, the flip side of NZ households’ collective tendency to spend more than their income
Brian Fallow looks at whether it's fair to burden future taxpayers with a huge public debt while failing to address the cost of an ageing population
19th May 20, 11:24am
Brian Fallow looks at whether it's fair to burden future taxpayers with a huge public debt while failing to address the cost of an ageing population
Brian Fallow takes a look at tourism, the sector of the economy perhaps most impacted by Covid-19 and travel restrictions
5th May 20, 3:29pm
Brian Fallow takes a look at tourism, the sector of the economy perhaps most impacted by Covid-19 and travel restrictions
Brian Fallow looks at where the Government is getting the money from for its dramatic increase in spending, concluding direct monetary financing is possible down the line
22nd Apr 20, 10:17am
Brian Fallow looks at where the Government is getting the money from for its dramatic increase in spending, concluding direct monetary financing is possible down the line
Brian Fallow looks at the dire economic prognosis thanks to COVID-19, and probes the key issues and options for policy makers as they look ahead to a time when the virus is under control
8th Apr 20, 3:26pm
Brian Fallow looks at the dire economic prognosis thanks to COVID-19, and probes the key issues and options for policy makers as they look ahead to a time when the virus is under control
Beneficiaries key beneficiaries of the Government's coronavirus economic relief package, but Brian Fallow is surprised by the restoration of the depreciation deduction on commercial and industrial properties
17th Mar 20, 2:57pm
Beneficiaries key beneficiaries of the Government's coronavirus economic relief package, but Brian Fallow is surprised by the restoration of the depreciation deduction on commercial and industrial properties
Brian Fallow delves into the multifaceted debate around the proposed overhaul of the Reserve Bank's monetary policy framework
3rd Oct 18, 9:24am
Brian Fallow delves into the multifaceted debate around the proposed overhaul of the Reserve Bank's monetary policy framework
Brian Fallow looks at the breakdown of bipartisan consensus on trade policy and what this means, or might mean, for the sale of residential properties to overseas buyers
18th Sep 17, 10:49am
Brian Fallow looks at the breakdown of bipartisan consensus on trade policy and what this means, or might mean, for the sale of residential properties to overseas buyers
Brian Fallow takes a pre-election look at income and consumer spending data to get an idea of how the average New Zealander is doing financially
5th Sep 17, 11:35am
Brian Fallow takes a pre-election look at income and consumer spending data to get an idea of how the average New Zealander is doing financially
Brian Fallow takes a look at what policies Winston Peters might want enacted in return for propping up a National or Labour led government, - and what they may cost
23rd Aug 17, 8:24am
Brian Fallow takes a look at what policies Winston Peters might want enacted in return for propping up a National or Labour led government, - and what they may cost
Brian Fallow argues climate policy cries out for political consensus but that remains elusive. Suggests the establishment of an independent, expert advisory body
7th Aug 17, 11:05am
Brian Fallow argues climate policy cries out for political consensus but that remains elusive. Suggests the establishment of an independent, expert advisory body
Brian Fallow runs the ruler over Labour's fiscal plan and looks at what spending plans from Grant Robertson might look like compared to those from Steven Joyce
24th Jul 17, 10:49am
Brian Fallow runs the ruler over Labour's fiscal plan and looks at what spending plans from Grant Robertson might look like compared to those from Steven Joyce
Brian Fallow talks to The Opportunities Party's leader Gareth Morgan about his policies and where his votes might come from
5th Jul 17, 2:06pm
Brian Fallow talks to The Opportunities Party's leader Gareth Morgan about his policies and where his votes might come from