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NZ Super Funds' purchase of Canterbury dairy farms for conversion to horticulture signals a new wave of horticultural growth for a sector pushing to be our third largest export earner
23rd Feb 25, 10:50am
NZ Super Funds' purchase of Canterbury dairy farms for conversion to horticulture signals a new wave of horticultural growth for a sector pushing to be our third largest export earner
A gradual and multi-speed fall in tariffs is helping the horticultural sector overcome choppy trading conditions
3rd Dec 24, 5:00pm
A gradual and multi-speed fall in tariffs is helping the horticultural sector overcome choppy trading conditions
Rob Reynish says a transition to horticultural land-use away from livestock or forestry will be no easy and quick thing, but there are major commercial and export-boosting incentives to do it
14th Nov 24, 9:20am
Rob Reynish says a transition to horticultural land-use away from livestock or forestry will be no easy and quick thing, but there are major commercial and export-boosting incentives to do it
Reductions in pastoral farming among advice unveiled by the Climate Change Commission on how to handle greenhouse gas emissions in the years ahead
11th Nov 24, 12:23pm
Reductions in pastoral farming among advice unveiled by the Climate Change Commission on how to handle greenhouse gas emissions in the years ahead
Boston Consulting Group thinks the damage in Hawke's Bay could be worse and longer-lasting than Treasury had forecast
9th May 23, 10:00am
Boston Consulting Group thinks the damage in Hawke's Bay could be worse and longer-lasting than Treasury had forecast
Cyclone Gabrielle hit NZ’s main fruit-growing region hard. Now orchardists face critical climate choices
28th Feb 23, 11:16am
by Guest
Cyclone Gabrielle hit NZ’s main fruit-growing region hard. Now orchardists face critical climate choices
Hawke's Bay apple exporter may have lost half its crop after region hard hit by Cyclone Gabrielle
24th Feb 23, 7:21am
Hawke's Bay apple exporter may have lost half its crop after region hard hit by Cyclone Gabrielle
Livestock farmers may get a good boost in income and improve environmental outcomes by integrating some horticulture into their operations
13th Nov 21, 10:49am
Livestock farmers may get a good boost in income and improve environmental outcomes by integrating some horticulture into their operations
Guy Trafford suspects that Pāmu will achieve its climate obligations under its Westpac sustainability-linked loan by faster land-use conversions that emphasise tax-advantaged forestry, and horticulture
27th Oct 21, 9:22am
Guy Trafford suspects that Pāmu will achieve its climate obligations under its Westpac sustainability-linked loan by faster land-use conversions that emphasise tax-advantaged forestry, and horticulture
Seasonal fruit-pickers from Samoa, Tonga and Vanuatu to be let into NZ without quarantining from September
2nd Aug 21, 5:10pm
Seasonal fruit-pickers from Samoa, Tonga and Vanuatu to be let into NZ without quarantining from September
Government sets aside space in MIQ facilities for around 150 seasonal workers and 24 construction workers to come to NZ every fortnight
10th May 21, 4:07pm
Government sets aside space in MIQ facilities for around 150 seasonal workers and 24 construction workers to come to NZ every fortnight
The New Zealand ag sector is "travelling astoundingly well" amid global turbulence, and is poised for a profitable 2021 according to a new Rabobank report
28th Jan 21, 11:19am
by admin
The New Zealand ag sector is "travelling astoundingly well" amid global turbulence, and is poised for a profitable 2021 according to a new Rabobank report
The recent hailstorm in the Nelson region will have a huge impact on the local economy, raising stress and anxiety for horticulturalists and their workers alike. Other rural sectors are enjoying much better conditions
23rd Jan 21, 11:07am
The recent hailstorm in the Nelson region will have a huge impact on the local economy, raising stress and anxiety for horticulturalists and their workers alike. Other rural sectors are enjoying much better conditions
Agriculture will change but pastoral agriculture will survive and prosper. It is all about international competitive advantage, new technologies and managing the environment. It can be done but it won’t be easy
9th Nov 20, 8:48am
Agriculture will change but pastoral agriculture will survive and prosper. It is all about international competitive advantage, new technologies and managing the environment. It can be done but it won’t be easy
Westpac senior agri economist Nathan Penny says the tourism, seafood and export education sectors plus gold kiwifruit exports are most at risk if our trade relationship with China was to change
8th Oct 20, 9:36am
Westpac senior agri economist Nathan Penny says the tourism, seafood and export education sectors plus gold kiwifruit exports are most at risk if our trade relationship with China was to change
BusinessNZ's Kirk Hope says with a careful focus on risk mitigation, more regard for overseas skills and capital, and better use of the private sector, New Zealand can have the smartest border in the world
24th Sep 20, 9:26am
BusinessNZ's Kirk Hope says with a careful focus on risk mitigation, more regard for overseas skills and capital, and better use of the private sector, New Zealand can have the smartest border in the world
Massey University's GDP Live team with the ageing, shrinking, Japanese population, the bug with the billion dollar bite, flexible workspaces, coronavirus price gouging, the re-rise of Aussie houses and is the world now ready for plant-based meat?
21st Feb 20, 10:00am
by Guest
Massey University's GDP Live team with the ageing, shrinking, Japanese population, the bug with the billion dollar bite, flexible workspaces, coronavirus price gouging, the re-rise of Aussie houses and is the world now ready for plant-based meat?
Auckland Mayor Phil Goff says the effect on Auckland urban development of government plans to protect food producing land is not yet clear
16th Aug 19, 4:47pm
Auckland Mayor Phil Goff says the effect on Auckland urban development of government plans to protect food producing land is not yet clear
Government proposes introducing National Policy Statement to direct local councils to protect highly productive land in the face of urban sprawl; Horticulture NZ happy; Local Government NZ urges 'extreme caution'
14th Aug 19, 4:09pm
Government proposes introducing National Policy Statement to direct local councils to protect highly productive land in the face of urban sprawl; Horticulture NZ happy; Local Government NZ urges 'extreme caution'
Treasury warns of the risks from our dairy exports dominating our overall export performance, and being too concentrated with China as a customer. It finds other concentrations as well
6th Aug 19, 6:24am
by Guest
Treasury warns of the risks from our dairy exports dominating our overall export performance, and being too concentrated with China as a customer. It finds other concentrations as well
Auckland Council report suggests 66% of the city's future urban zoned land is on elite or prime soils as the government works on a national policy statement for highly productive land
31st Jul 19, 3:54pm
Auckland Council report suggests 66% of the city's future urban zoned land is on elite or prime soils as the government works on a national policy statement for highly productive land
Can Pukekohe be both a satellite town for Auckland and remain a key food growing region? Steve Forbes investigates
15th Jun 19, 9:45am
Can Pukekohe be both a satellite town for Auckland and remain a key food growing region? Steve Forbes investigates