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Ministry for the Environment

Government to limit the amount of new forestry in the Emissions Trading Scheme
17th Jul 24, 7:16am
Government to limit the amount of new forestry in the Emissions Trading Scheme
Insurance Council tells Parliament’s Finance and Expenditure Committee natural hazard events are affecting global reinsurers’ view of NZ
16th Jul 24, 12:57pm
Insurance Council tells Parliament’s Finance and Expenditure Committee natural hazard events are affecting global reinsurers’ view of NZ
Statistics NZ reveals disproportionate erosion risk across the country with new 2022 data around highly erodible land and long-term soil erosion
27th Mar 24, 4:05pm
Statistics NZ reveals disproportionate erosion risk across the country with new 2022 data around highly erodible land and long-term soil erosion
An entire year’s supply of carbon units will be offered in the year's final ETS auction and will be erased if unsold
6th Sep 23, 1:11pm
An entire year’s supply of carbon units will be offered in the year's final ETS auction and will be erased if unsold
Fonterra gets $90 million from the Government's decarbonisation fund to lower its carbon emissions by the equivalent of 120,000 cars
20th Jul 23, 1:32pm
Fonterra gets $90 million from the Government's decarbonisation fund to lower its carbon emissions by the equivalent of 120,000 cars
Emissions Trading Scheme review suggests lower price for carbon offsets
19th Jun 23, 11:10am
Emissions Trading Scheme review suggests lower price for carbon offsets
James Shaw says the ETS market is working as intended after another auction gets declined due to insufficient bids
15th Jun 23, 6:49am
James Shaw says the ETS market is working as intended after another auction gets declined due to insufficient bids
Labour tightens rules for carbon farming and gives local councils authority to decide where and when they're permitted
14th Jun 23, 5:00am
Labour tightens rules for carbon farming and gives local councils authority to decide where and when they're permitted
Sean Rush & Katharine Moody say NZ needs to be more realistic when it comes to policy development regarding sea-level rise projections & managed retreat
26th May 23, 10:33am
by Guest
Sean Rush & Katharine Moody say NZ needs to be more realistic when it comes to policy development regarding sea-level rise projections & managed retreat
Emissions Trading Scheme participants are waiting to see the outcome of a review into forestry’s role in the scheme which could impact prices
5th May 23, 3:12pm
Emissions Trading Scheme participants are waiting to see the outcome of a review into forestry’s role in the scheme which could impact prices
Guy Trafford traces the myriad pressures on climate policies in an election year, the unhappy farmers, Climate Change Commission, and failed carbon auction. He wonders what the costs will be post-election as we race to meet our international commitments
19th Apr 23, 11:51am
Guy Trafford traces the myriad pressures on climate policies in an election year, the unhappy farmers, Climate Change Commission, and failed carbon auction. He wonders what the costs will be post-election as we race to meet our international commitments
Guy Trafford reviews that data released by the Ministry for the Environment on changes to greenhouse gas emissions. Rural progress is evident even if minor. Progress in the broad transport sector isn't evident at all
15th Apr 23, 11:11am
Guy Trafford reviews that data released by the Ministry for the Environment on changes to greenhouse gas emissions. Rural progress is evident even if minor. Progress in the broad transport sector isn't evident at all
Government review of the Emissions Trading Scheme will look for ways to incentivise more reductions and less carbon offsets
23rd Mar 23, 5:44pm
Government review of the Emissions Trading Scheme will look for ways to incentivise more reductions and less carbon offsets
Ardern and O'Connor promise low initial methane price, cheap nitrogen price and inclusion of riparian planting in ETS
21st Dec 22, 11:54am
Ardern and O'Connor promise low initial methane price, cheap nitrogen price and inclusion of riparian planting in ETS
Katharine Moody says we should tackle climate adaptation planning with a clear understanding of the likelihood of events unfolding, rather than from the perspective of the full range of possibilities
9th Aug 22, 9:16am
by Guest
Katharine Moody says we should tackle climate adaptation planning with a clear understanding of the likelihood of events unfolding, rather than from the perspective of the full range of possibilities
Government to mull how NZ meets the costs of climate adaptation and invests in resilience, getting advice on flood insurance options
4th Aug 22, 11:35am
Government to mull how NZ meets the costs of climate adaptation and invests in resilience, getting advice on flood insurance options
Government lays out its climate change adaptation plan, with data to be key, and legislation covering managed retreat from high risk areas coming
3rd Aug 22, 11:02am
Government lays out its climate change adaptation plan, with data to be key, and legislation covering managed retreat from high risk areas coming
New Zealand Bankers' Association wants to see more detail on the role of finance in the Government's Draft National Adaptation Plan
14th Jul 22, 7:45am
New Zealand Bankers' Association wants to see more detail on the role of finance in the Government's Draft National Adaptation Plan
With seas rising and storms surging, who will pay for New Zealand’s most vulnerable coastal properties?
3rd May 22, 8:48am
by Guest
With seas rising and storms surging, who will pay for New Zealand’s most vulnerable coastal properties?
Government officials warn well-resourced property owners, resident associations and developers may use covenants to limit intensification; Say 'further intervention' could be considered
1st Nov 21, 4:06pm
Government officials warn well-resourced property owners, resident associations and developers may use covenants to limit intensification; Say 'further intervention' could be considered
A catch-up with the minister who believes the RBNZ is largely to blame for the recent spike in house prices, and is responding by making investors pay more tax and allowing for more densification
23rd Oct 21, 6:32am
A catch-up with the minister who believes the RBNZ is largely to blame for the recent spike in house prices, and is responding by making investors pay more tax and allowing for more densification
Detail around how NZ will reduce its emissions lacking 7 months out from the Government's Emissions Reduction Plan falling due
13th Oct 21, 10:51am
Detail around how NZ will reduce its emissions lacking 7 months out from the Government's Emissions Reduction Plan falling due
Resource Management Act replacement to put numerical limits on pollution levels, while focussing on ensuring houses and infrastructure are built
29th Jun 21, 9:00am
Resource Management Act replacement to put numerical limits on pollution levels, while focussing on ensuring houses and infrastructure are built
Government considering speeding up implementation of its National Policy Statement for urban development
15th Apr 21, 12:01pm
Government considering speeding up implementation of its National Policy Statement for urban development
Government outlines timetable for replacing the Resource Management Act in this term of Parliament - with three new pieces of legislation
10th Feb 21, 11:00am
Government outlines timetable for replacing the Resource Management Act in this term of Parliament - with three new pieces of legislation