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Contact Energy

Here are the key changes to know about in the New Zealand equity market; F&P Healthcare, Ryman, Meridian, and Channel Infrastructure lead the gainers with Mercury, Kathmandu, Gentrack, and Contact the big decliners
26th Mar 25, 3:00pm
Here are the key changes to know about in the New Zealand equity market; F&P Healthcare, Ryman, Meridian, and Channel Infrastructure lead the gainers with Mercury, Kathmandu, Gentrack, and Contact the big decliners
Here are the key changes to know about in the New Zealand equity market; the glow from Fonterra helps the NZX50 rise, but the biggest gains are just recoveries from last week's losers
10th Mar 25, 3:00pm
Here are the key changes to know about in the New Zealand equity market; the glow from Fonterra helps the NZX50 rise, but the biggest gains are just recoveries from last week's losers
Here are the key changes to know about in the New Zealand equity market; NZX50 drops -0.9% but nothing more after Orr resignation. Oceania & Precinct lead the gains. Fletcher & Auckland Airport lead the falls
5th Mar 25, 3:00pm
Here are the key changes to know about in the New Zealand equity market; NZX50 drops -0.9% but nothing more after Orr resignation. Oceania & Precinct lead the gains. Fletcher & Auckland Airport lead the falls
Here are the key changes to know about in the New Zealand equity market; Tourism Holdings, SkyCity, Chorus, and Gentrack are today's biggest gainers, while Summerset, Meridian, Tower, and Contact lead the decliners
27th Feb 25, 3:00pm
Here are the key changes to know about in the New Zealand equity market; Tourism Holdings, SkyCity, Chorus, and Gentrack are today's biggest gainers, while Summerset, Meridian, Tower, and Contact lead the decliners
Here are the key changes to know about in the New Zealand equity market; a2 Milk, Investore Property, NZX, and Heartland led the gains, while Ryman, Oceania, Freightways, and Contact were the big decliners
25th Feb 25, 3:00pm
Here are the key changes to know about in the New Zealand equity market; a2 Milk, Investore Property, NZX, and Heartland led the gains, while Ryman, Oceania, Freightways, and Contact were the big decliners
Here are the key changes to know about in the New Zealand equity market; Kathmandu, Vulcan Steel, Vista Group, and F&P Healthcare lead today's gainers as Tourism Holdings, Hallenstein, Contact, and Vector all decline
21st Jan 25, 3:00pm
Here are the key changes to know about in the New Zealand equity market; Kathmandu, Vulcan Steel, Vista Group, and F&P Healthcare lead today's gainers as Tourism Holdings, Hallenstein, Contact, and Vector all decline
Here are the key changes to know about in the New Zealand equity market; Kathmandu, Mercury, and PFI top the gainers to start the week, with Oceania, Summerset, some gentailers leading the decliners
16th Dec 24, 3:00pm
Here are the key changes to know about in the New Zealand equity market; Kathmandu, Mercury, and PFI top the gainers to start the week, with Oceania, Summerset, some gentailers leading the decliners
Here are the key changes to know about in the New Zealand equity market; The NZX50 flat to finish the week. Spark, Air New Zealand, Contact the top the gainers; Kathmandu, Mercury & Oceania lead the decliners
13th Dec 24, 3:00pm
Here are the key changes to know about in the New Zealand equity market; The NZX50 flat to finish the week. Spark, Air New Zealand, Contact the top the gainers; Kathmandu, Mercury & Oceania lead the decliners
Here are the key changes to know about in the New Zealand equity market; NZX, Gentrack, Spark, and Tower posted gains, while Infratil, Contact Energy, Tourism Holdings, and The Warehouse Group led the declines
18th Nov 24, 3:00pm
Here are the key changes to know about in the New Zealand equity market; NZX, Gentrack, Spark, and Tower posted gains, while Infratil, Contact Energy, Tourism Holdings, and The Warehouse Group led the declines
Here are the key changes to know about in the New Zealand equity market; EBOS, The Warehouse Group, and Infratil all rose, balanced out by falls from Meridian Energy, Hallenstein Glassons, and Contact Energy
6th Nov 24, 3:00pm
Here are the key changes to know about in the New Zealand equity market; EBOS, The Warehouse Group, and Infratil all rose, balanced out by falls from Meridian Energy, Hallenstein Glassons, and Contact Energy
Here are the key changes to know about in the New Zealand equity market; Vulcan Steel and two gentailers star on a down day dominated by falls by Kathmandu, a2Milk, Gentrack and SkyTV
22nd Oct 24, 3:00pm
Here are the key changes to know about in the New Zealand equity market; Vulcan Steel and two gentailers star on a down day dominated by falls by Kathmandu, a2Milk, Gentrack and SkyTV
Here are the key changes to know about in the New Zealand equity market today; Investor, NZX & Vista rise, Conact, A2Milk, and Mainfreight fall
23rd Sep 24, 3:01pm
Here are the key changes to know about in the New Zealand equity market today; Investor, NZX & Vista rise, Conact, A2Milk, and Mainfreight fall
Manawa shareholders to be offered a mix of cash and Contact shares in a deal that brings two of the larger NZX listed companies together
11th Sep 24, 9:42am
Manawa shareholders to be offered a mix of cash and Contact shares in a deal that brings two of the larger NZX listed companies together
New Zealand's electricity sector takes urgent measures to secure supply through costly thermal power and emergency hydro storage to avoid the risk of blackouts
14th Aug 24, 10:36am
New Zealand's electricity sector takes urgent measures to secure supply through costly thermal power and emergency hydro storage to avoid the risk of blackouts
The Tiwai Point aluminium smelter will stay open for the next 20 years after signing an electricity supply agreement with energy companies
31st May 24, 10:54am
The Tiwai Point aluminium smelter will stay open for the next 20 years after signing an electricity supply agreement with energy companies
We're supplying indie power retailers, Mercury says, as Electricity Authority defends its record on competition
7th Sep 23, 10:44am
We're supplying indie power retailers, Mercury says, as Electricity Authority defends its record on competition
Commerce Commission issues its first rankings for mobile and broadband customer service. Here's how they rated
7th Sep 23, 9:52am
Commerce Commission issues its first rankings for mobile and broadband customer service. Here's how they rated
Electric Kiwi complains to the Commerce Commission, alleging gentailers are abusing their market power
6th Sep 23, 11:49am
Electric Kiwi complains to the Commerce Commission, alleging gentailers are abusing their market power
Boom times in electricity production and retailing forecast by investment analysts
10th Aug 23, 7:59am
Boom times in electricity production and retailing forecast by investment analysts
Phase down of iron-sand based steel production and big cutback in free carbon credits in store after 3-way agreement at NZ Steel
21st May 23, 1:00pm
Phase down of iron-sand based steel production and big cutback in free carbon credits in store after 3-way agreement at NZ Steel
Meridian and Contact investigating use of renewable energy in Southland to produce green hydrogen 'at scale' once the aluminium smelter contract finishes at the end of 2024
22nd Jul 21, 10:22am
by admin
Meridian and Contact investigating use of renewable energy in Southland to produce green hydrogen 'at scale' once the aluminium smelter contract finishes at the end of 2024
Assessing accelerated upgrades to the electricity grid and deferring investment in a shovel ready geothermal power station - the energy sector re-calibrates with NZAS's signaled exit
9th Jul 20, 6:54pm
Assessing accelerated upgrades to the electricity grid and deferring investment in a shovel ready geothermal power station - the energy sector re-calibrates with NZAS's signaled exit
NZ Aluminium Smelters says lower cost power could prompt it to keep its doors open, but the window of opportunity is closing quickly; Government won't provide subsidy
9th Jul 20, 11:29am
NZ Aluminium Smelters says lower cost power could prompt it to keep its doors open, but the window of opportunity is closing quickly; Government won't provide subsidy
The Financial Markets Authority moves to establish guidelines for the 'flavour of the month' green bond market against the backdrop of growing international concerns about climate change
7th Oct 19, 8:01am
The Financial Markets Authority moves to establish guidelines for the 'flavour of the month' green bond market against the backdrop of growing international concerns about climate change
Power company Meridian strikes new deal with aluminium smelter's owners to keep smelter going at least till 2018
3rd Aug 15, 8:41am
Power company Meridian strikes new deal with aluminium smelter's owners to keep smelter going at least till 2018