Climate Change Commission
Climate Change Minister Simon Watts says Paris Agreement participation ‘crucial’ for NZ after deputy PM Winston Peters calls it a ‘flight of futility’
25th Mar 25, 9:21am
Climate Change Minister Simon Watts says Paris Agreement participation ‘crucial’ for NZ after deputy PM Winston Peters calls it a ‘flight of futility’
Former Governor-General Patsy Reddy appointed to chair Climate Change Commission from February 2025
9th Dec 24, 11:49am
Former Governor-General Patsy Reddy appointed to chair Climate Change Commission from February 2025
Methane emissions targets may be lowered after panel scientists delivered a report looking at an alternative approach
4th Dec 24, 7:29pm
Methane emissions targets may be lowered after panel scientists delivered a report looking at an alternative approach
Departing head of the Climate Change Commission says emissions reductions here should not be blocked because other countries are worse
3rd Dec 24, 3:20pm
Departing head of the Climate Change Commission says emissions reductions here should not be blocked because other countries are worse
Rob Reynish says a transition to horticultural land-use away from livestock or forestry will be no easy and quick thing, but there are major commercial and export-boosting incentives to do it
14th Nov 24, 9:20am
Rob Reynish says a transition to horticultural land-use away from livestock or forestry will be no easy and quick thing, but there are major commercial and export-boosting incentives to do it
Reductions in pastoral farming among advice unveiled by the Climate Change Commission on how to handle greenhouse gas emissions in the years ahead
11th Nov 24, 12:23pm
Reductions in pastoral farming among advice unveiled by the Climate Change Commission on how to handle greenhouse gas emissions in the years ahead
Climate adaptation not happening on the scale or at the pace needed, the Climate Change Commission says
16th Aug 24, 1:55pm
Climate adaptation not happening on the scale or at the pace needed, the Climate Change Commission says
Failure to meet climate commitments from Paris Agreement could cost New Zealand in trade partnerships, warns Climate Change Commission
3rd Aug 24, 9:20am
Failure to meet climate commitments from Paris Agreement could cost New Zealand in trade partnerships, warns Climate Change Commission
Government to limit the amount of new forestry in the Emissions Trading Scheme
17th Jul 24, 7:16am
Government to limit the amount of new forestry in the Emissions Trading Scheme
Senior minister Todd McClay will accept the findings of an expert panel which has been asked to provide advice on lowering methane emission reduction targets
27th Jun 24, 5:32pm
Senior minister Todd McClay will accept the findings of an expert panel which has been asked to provide advice on lowering methane emission reduction targets
Allan Barber says politicians should tread warily when introducing measures attempting to force change on the public too fast or without adequate explanation
10th May 24, 4:03pm
Allan Barber says politicians should tread warily when introducing measures attempting to force change on the public too fast or without adequate explanation
Allan Barber notes the pressure is on from the Climate Change Commission to plant more trees, cut livestock numbers, and buy more carbon credits. But the rural sector is persisting with its own pressure to 'be more realistic' and more nuanced
23rd Apr 24, 11:09am
Allan Barber notes the pressure is on from the Climate Change Commission to plant more trees, cut livestock numbers, and buy more carbon credits. But the rural sector is persisting with its own pressure to 'be more realistic' and more nuanced
Government review could recommend easing emission reduction targets for farmers and freezing current methane levels in the atmosphere
8th Apr 24, 6:05pm
Government review could recommend easing emission reduction targets for farmers and freezing current methane levels in the atmosphere
The New Zealand Tax Podcast: the IMF on capital gains tax, taxing wealth, and changing the ETS
25th Mar 24, 2:18pm
The New Zealand Tax Podcast: the IMF on capital gains tax, taxing wealth, and changing the ETS
Emission Trading Scheme March auction partially clears at a price of $64
Nicola Willis says she is wary of emission subsidies but there are no plans to change the industrial allocation volumes at the moment
19th Mar 24, 1:30pm
Nicola Willis says she is wary of emission subsidies but there are no plans to change the industrial allocation volumes at the moment
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon won't rule out replacing the foreign buyers tax with a new revenue stream
18th Mar 24, 6:17pm
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon won't rule out replacing the foreign buyers tax with a new revenue stream
Climate Change Commission advises the Coalition Government to half the number of ETS units on offer in each of the next six years, cutting Crown revenue for tax cuts
12th Mar 24, 3:41pm
Climate Change Commission advises the Coalition Government to half the number of ETS units on offer in each of the next six years, cutting Crown revenue for tax cuts
Angus Kebbell reviews the farmer joint submission to the Climate Change Commission and wonders why, if everyone agrees about the science, why is there disagreement about the targets?
11th Nov 23, 9:39am
Angus Kebbell reviews the farmer joint submission to the Climate Change Commission and wonders why, if everyone agrees about the science, why is there disagreement about the targets?
Labour would allow the Climate Change Commission to set Emissions Trading Scheme settings independent of the Government
25th Sep 23, 5:58pm
Labour would allow the Climate Change Commission to set Emissions Trading Scheme settings independent of the Government
An entire year’s supply of carbon units will be offered in the year's final ETS auction and will be erased if unsold
6th Sep 23, 1:11pm
An entire year’s supply of carbon units will be offered in the year's final ETS auction and will be erased if unsold
Government complies with Climate Change Commission's advice and sharply reduces the number of ETS units available in the next five years
26th Jul 23, 11:26am
Government complies with Climate Change Commission's advice and sharply reduces the number of ETS units available in the next five years
Labour ministers and James Shaw have been sent back to the Cabinet table to reconsider their decision to make more ETS units available than permitted by the annual carbon budget
13th Jul 23, 6:15pm
Labour ministers and James Shaw have been sent back to the Cabinet table to reconsider their decision to make more ETS units available than permitted by the annual carbon budget
Emissions Trading Scheme review suggests lower price for carbon offsets
Labour tightens rules for carbon farming and gives local councils authority to decide where and when they're permitted
14th Jun 23, 5:00am
Labour tightens rules for carbon farming and gives local councils authority to decide where and when they're permitted