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Peter Dunne


Peter Dunne is the leader of the UnitedFuture Party and MP for Wellington's Ohariu electorate. He is the government Minister of Internal Affairs, Associate Minister of Health and Associate Minister of Conservation.

Member for

7 years 10 months

Latest articles

Peter Dunne calls for a National Housing Summit to develop a single, comprehensive, integrated national housing strategy
21st Nov 20, 9:08am
Peter Dunne calls for a National Housing Summit to develop a single, comprehensive, integrated national housing strategy
Peter Dunne reflects on the ongoing US presidential election and the uncertainties ahead
6th Nov 20, 9:34am
Peter Dunne reflects on the ongoing US presidential election and the uncertainties ahead
Peter Dunne says over the last two elections the genuine traditional liberal voice, so long a feature of New Zealand politics, has all but disappeared
29th Oct 20, 9:13am
Peter Dunne says over the last two elections the genuine traditional liberal voice, so long a feature of New Zealand politics, has all but disappeared
Peter Dunne says the National Party has to confront some unpleasant realities
22nd Oct 20, 9:14am
Peter Dunne says the National Party has to confront some unpleasant realities
Peter Dunne is underwhelmed and undecided little more than a week out from the election
8th Oct 20, 10:06am
Peter Dunne is underwhelmed and undecided little more than a week out from the election
Peter Dunne says the main questions in this campaign surround the future of the Greens, while it's all plain sailing for ACT
24th Sep 20, 8:36am
Peter Dunne says the main questions in this campaign surround the future of the Greens, while it's all plain sailing for ACT
Peter Dunne says there's still time for what has been a pretty boring and pedestrian campaign to date to show some life, but it would not be wise to count on that
10th Sep 20, 9:49am
Peter Dunne says there's still time for what has been a pretty boring and pedestrian campaign to date to show some life, but it would not be wise to count on that
Peter Dunne says we must address the new outbreak thoroughly, calmly and rationally, without letting either petty points-scoring or excessive emotionalism get in the way  
13th Aug 20, 9:58am
Peter Dunne says we must address the new outbreak thoroughly, calmly and rationally, without letting either petty points-scoring or excessive emotionalism get in the way  
Peter Dunne says while Covid-19 has proved to be an unexpected boon for a previously struggling Labour Party, fresh unforeseen events could yet disrupt the electoral cycle in a more unpredictable way
6th Aug 20, 9:20am
Peter Dunne says while Covid-19 has proved to be an unexpected boon for a previously struggling Labour Party, fresh unforeseen events could yet disrupt the electoral cycle in a more unpredictable way
Peter Dunne says what Judith Collins describes as money 'put aside for a rainy day' is far more than that
30th Jul 20, 9:07am
Peter Dunne says what Judith Collins describes as money 'put aside for a rainy day' is far more than that
Peter Dunne says the 52nd term of Parliament has been dramatic but in recent weeks the focus has been more on what many would describe as farce
23rd Jul 20, 9:19am
Peter Dunne says the 52nd term of Parliament has been dramatic but in recent weeks the focus has been more on what many would describe as farce
Peter Dunne says Matariki deserves its own special day of celebration and is worthy of a public holiday in its honour
18th Jul 20, 9:14am
Peter Dunne says Matariki deserves its own special day of celebration and is worthy of a public holiday in its honour
Peter Dunne says the Hamish Walker affair is potentially catastrophic for the National Party just over 10 weeks away from the general election
9th Jul 20, 9:43am
Peter Dunne says the Hamish Walker affair is potentially catastrophic for the National Party just over 10 weeks away from the general election
Peter Dunne argues no returning New Zealand citizen or permanent resident should have to pay for the detention of managed isolation or quarantine
28th Jun 20, 6:02am
Peter Dunne argues no returning New Zealand citizen or permanent resident should have to pay for the detention of managed isolation or quarantine
Peter Dunne says the Government and health authorities know that the public acquiescence achieved during lockdown was a moment in time unlikely to be achievable to the same extent again if future circumstances warrant it
4th Jun 20, 9:08am
Peter Dunne says the Government and health authorities know that the public acquiescence achieved during lockdown was a moment in time unlikely to be achievable to the same extent again if future circumstances warrant it
Peter Dunne says the Government will be worried that soon public concern about the social and economic impact of Covid19 - already sharply on the rise - will overtake support for the approach the Government has taken so far
28th May 20, 8:33am
Peter Dunne says the Government will be worried that soon public concern about the social and economic impact of Covid19 - already sharply on the rise - will overtake support for the approach the Government has taken so far
Peter Dunne says regardless of the winner, the public will be asking whether a party as divided as it is can present itself as a credible, united team with a coherent and focused plan when the election comes round in just 17 weeks
21st May 20, 9:45am
Peter Dunne says regardless of the winner, the public will be asking whether a party as divided as it is can present itself as a credible, united team with a coherent and focused plan when the election comes round in just 17 weeks
Peter Dunne says next week’s events will set off a further process of major adjustment for the government, just as it will for every other New Zealander
23rd Apr 20, 9:06am
Peter Dunne says next week’s events will set off a further process of major adjustment for the government, just as it will for every other New Zealander
Peter Dunne says making the case for an early resumption of Parliament after the lockdown ends should be a no-brainer for the National Party
16th Apr 20, 9:00am
Peter Dunne says making the case for an early resumption of Parliament after the lockdown ends should be a no-brainer for the National Party
Peter Dunne says the way the government has approached the pandemic crisis has effectively side-lined NZ First and the Greens and left them largely irrelevant
9th Apr 20, 9:11am
Peter Dunne says the way the government has approached the pandemic crisis has effectively side-lined NZ First and the Greens and left them largely irrelevant
Peter Dunne says unless the relevant government officials move quickly to tidy up anomalies around the lockdown as and when they occur, the 'whole effort risks falling apart'
26th Mar 20, 9:37am
Peter Dunne says unless the relevant government officials move quickly to tidy up anomalies around the lockdown as and when they occur, the 'whole effort risks falling apart'
Peter Dunne says while Labour talks big about transparency and accountability it quickly retreats into its shell whenever challenged to match the rhetoric with action
13th Feb 20, 8:48am
Peter Dunne says while Labour talks big about transparency and accountability it quickly retreats into its shell whenever challenged to match the rhetoric with action
Peter Dunne says the chance of having transparent election campaign funding is close to zero because the politicians who call for it really don't want it, and neither do 'smug career officials'
6th Feb 20, 11:45am
Peter Dunne says the chance of having transparent election campaign funding is close to zero because the politicians who call for it really don't want it, and neither do 'smug career officials'
Peter Dunne examines the prospect that our election next year may turn into an auction with the major parties seeking to outspend each other
12th Dec 19, 10:08am
Peter Dunne examines the prospect that our election next year may turn into an auction with the major parties seeking to outspend each other
Peter Dunne says although people are looking for realistic alternatives to the current government, the National's reversion to the grim and punitive world the party now seems to be focusing on does not fit with the tone of contemporary New Zealand
28th Nov 19, 9:49am
Peter Dunne says although people are looking for realistic alternatives to the current government, the National's reversion to the grim and punitive world the party now seems to be focusing on does not fit with the tone of contemporary New Zealand