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Oliver Hartwich


Dr Oliver Hartwich is the executive director of the NZ Initiative, "a think tank that is a membership organisation; an association of business leaders that is also a research institute."

He is a German-born economist and former Chief Economist at Policy Exchange, Britain’s leading independent think tank. He was a Research Fellow in the Economics Program at the Centre for Independent Studies in Sydney and wrote, among many other things, a weekly column for the Australian Business Spectator.

He is also a member of the Economic Society of Australia, the Foreign Correspondents' Association, the Mont Pelerin Society and the German journalistic network Die Achse des Guten.

Member for

10 years 6 months

Latest articles

Oliver Hartwich says the rest of Phil Twyford's housing policy is sufficiently ambitious and radical to solve NZ's housing problems without recourse to KiwiBuild
30th Mar 19, 10:12am
Oliver Hartwich says the rest of Phil Twyford's housing policy is sufficiently ambitious and radical to solve NZ's housing problems without recourse to KiwiBuild
Oliver Hartwich says a new book is required reading for anyone wanting to understand 21st century politics
15th Sep 18, 11:02am
Oliver Hartwich says a new book is required reading for anyone wanting to understand 21st century politics
Oliver Hartwich suggests a solution to opposition MPs swamping new government ministers with thousands of questions of questionable worth
9th Dec 17, 10:12am
Oliver Hartwich suggests a solution to opposition MPs swamping new government ministers with thousands of questions of questionable worth
Oliver Hartwich argues the best way for a central bank to achieve both low inflation and low unemployment is to make it pursue price stability alone
28th Oct 17, 8:17am
Oliver Hartwich argues the best way for a central bank to achieve both low inflation and low unemployment is to make it pursue price stability alone
The New Zealand Initiative's Oliver Hartwich on liberalism in the trenches, elusive grains of sand, Islamic fashion, an apparently unfunny German, the decline of the white working class American man and more
28th Apr 17, 10:02am
The New Zealand Initiative's Oliver Hartwich on liberalism in the trenches, elusive grains of sand, Islamic fashion, an apparently unfunny German, the decline of the white working class American man and more
Oliver Hartwich likes democracy but not elections because of the way they bring good governmnet to a halt. He wants to endure them less frequently
19th Feb 17, 8:55am
Oliver Hartwich likes democracy but not elections because of the way they bring good governmnet to a halt. He wants to endure them less frequently
Oliver Hartwich on capitalism by another name, explaining Trump, the perils of health hype, understanding inequality, Brexit's language barrier, Ikea economics and more
28th Oct 16, 10:02am
Oliver Hartwich on capitalism by another name, explaining Trump, the perils of health hype, understanding inequality, Brexit's language barrier, Ikea economics and more
Oliver Hartwich on going to France if you want to work less, Don Brash's take on monetary policy when inflation won't budge, the economics of love, Vietnam's openness to the free market & more
27th May 16, 10:00am
Oliver Hartwich on going to France if you want to work less, Don Brash's take on monetary policy when inflation won't budge, the economics of love, Vietnam's openness to the free market & more
Oliver Hartwich argues free university education is the reverse of income redistribution and a regressive policy
8th Feb 16, 5:01am
Oliver Hartwich argues free university education is the reverse of income redistribution and a regressive policy
Oliver Hartwich concludes his assessment of what whent wrong in Europe with the lessons for New Zealand
8th Sep 15, 9:35am
Oliver Hartwich concludes his assessment of what whent wrong in Europe with the lessons for New Zealand
Oliver Hartwich argues the Eurozone crisis started on the day the Euro currency was introduced
7th Sep 15, 10:07am
Oliver Hartwich argues the Eurozone crisis started on the day the Euro currency was introduced
Oliver Hartwich shows how Europe is proving that 'demographics is destiny' and the signs point to a more peaceful, less creative, less dynamic, and more risk averse place that has lost its mojo
5th Sep 15, 1:39pm
Oliver Hartwich shows how Europe is proving that 'demographics is destiny' and the signs point to a more peaceful, less creative, less dynamic, and more risk averse place that has lost its mojo
Oliver Hartwich tracks the rise of the European welfare state driving spending and taxes to unprecendented levels - 'bread and circuses' to mask its structural flaws
4th Sep 15, 10:38am
Oliver Hartwich tracks the rise of the European welfare state driving spending and taxes to unprecendented levels - 'bread and circuses' to mask its structural flaws
Oliver Hartwich says that with it's deeply embedded parochial regionalism, the EU just can't operate like a nation-state. Everyone is foreign to everyone else
3rd Sep 15, 1:18pm
Oliver Hartwich says that with it's deeply embedded parochial regionalism, the EU just can't operate like a nation-state. Everyone is foreign to everyone else
Oliver Hartwich argues 'democracy' operates quite differently in the EU, subservient to the goals of the European elites & voters are disengaged
2nd Sep 15, 2:01pm
Oliver Hartwich argues 'democracy' operates quite differently in the EU, subservient to the goals of the European elites & voters are disengaged
Oliver Hartwich leaves behind rose-tinted accounts of the history of European integration with a more realistic view of how they wandered into a dead end
1st Sep 15, 12:20pm
Oliver Hartwich leaves behind rose-tinted accounts of the history of European integration with a more realistic view of how they wandered into a dead end
Oliver Hartwich looks at the lessons New Zealand policymakers can take from Europe's woes
31st Aug 15, 11:49am
Oliver Hartwich looks at the lessons New Zealand policymakers can take from Europe's woes
Oliver Hartwich on doom and gloom in the global economy and the Donald Trump effect
28th Aug 15, 10:34am
Oliver Hartwich on doom and gloom in the global economy and the Donald Trump effect
Oliver Hartwich defends social bonds & hits back at 'misinformed and misleading' critics
15th Jun 15, 8:44am
Oliver Hartwich defends social bonds & hits back at 'misinformed and misleading' critics
Oliver Hartwich looks deeper at the OECD Survey of New Zealand and finds a long list of previously ignored recommendations
13th Jun 15, 1:56pm
Oliver Hartwich looks deeper at the OECD Survey of New Zealand and finds a long list of previously ignored recommendations
Oliver Hartwich disagrees with the RBNZ over how long it would take to fix the housing supply problem
20th Apr 15, 10:39am
Oliver Hartwich disagrees with the RBNZ over how long it would take to fix the housing supply problem
Oliver Hartwich on Greek WW2 reparation demands, house & house nots, blogging Ben Bernanke, the great stagnation, is one woman enough? Dilbert & more
10th Apr 15, 10:26am
Oliver Hartwich on Greek WW2 reparation demands, house & house nots, blogging Ben Bernanke, the great stagnation, is one woman enough? Dilbert & more
Oliver Hartwich questions whether Auckland's port is in the right place
27th Mar 15, 4:00pm
Oliver Hartwich questions whether Auckland's port is in the right place
How Alan Bollard’s jacket may help teach NZ how to be a service economy in the Asia-Pacific
23rd Mar 15, 7:35am
How Alan Bollard’s jacket may help teach NZ how to be a service economy in the Asia-Pacific
Oliver Hartwich looks at what NZ ought to do to attract the Ikeas of the world and stop being one of the most expensive places on earth
16th Feb 15, 8:15am
Oliver Hartwich looks at what NZ ought to do to attract the Ikeas of the world and stop being one of the most expensive places on earth