Max Bradford is a former New Zealand politician and Cabinet Minister. He was an MP for the National Party from 1990 to 2002. He is best known for introducing the Bright Future (policy) economic initiative in 1999, and for reforms to the retail sector of the electricity industry in 1998. Before entering politics, he worked at the New Zealand Treasury, the International Monetary Fund, and the New Zealand Employers Federation. He was chief executive of the NZ Bankers Association and the New Zealand National Party before entering the New Zealand Parliament as an MP in 1990.
After retiring from Parliament in 2002, he became a director in Castalia Strategic Advisors, an international consultancy practice specialising in governance, energy and water reform. In 2007, he established his own consultancy Bradford & Associates which specialises in governance advisory and implementation projects for international bodies such as the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, the Asian Development Bank and foreign governments. He has worked in Guyana, Liberia, Sudan, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Fiji, and Cambodia amongst other countries.