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Geoff Simmons


Geoff Simmons is the leader of the The Opportunities Party (TOP), and economist and an author

Member for

13 years 7 months

Latest articles

Geoff Simmons says regardless of who forms the government after this weekend, there is no plan to make housing affordable
14th Oct 20, 12:48pm
Geoff Simmons says regardless of who forms the government after this weekend, there is no plan to make housing affordable
TOP responds to ACT calling the debt burden being placed on future generations 'fiscal child abuse', saying ACT's austerity would be 'economic vandalism'
30th Sep 20, 12:50pm
TOP responds to ACT calling the debt burden being placed on future generations 'fiscal child abuse', saying ACT's austerity would be 'economic vandalism'
Geoff Simmons makes a case for why TOP's tax policy is better than the Greens' wealth tax
25th Sep 20, 9:09am
Geoff Simmons makes a case for why TOP's tax policy is better than the Greens' wealth tax
TOP leader Geoff Simmons rips into the Greens' wealth tax policy, arguing it would be disastrous for New Zealand
1st Jul 20, 2:35pm
TOP leader Geoff Simmons rips into the Greens' wealth tax policy, arguing it would be disastrous for New Zealand
Geoff Simmons want to see a Budget that is fair and future proofed to deal with issues like housing and climate change. He has five key ways "to nail the reboot"
13th May 20, 12:45pm
Geoff Simmons want to see a Budget that is fair and future proofed to deal with issues like housing and climate change. He has five key ways "to nail the reboot"
Geoff Simmons acknowledges Universal Basic Income isn’t a panacea, but argues it does provide a basic platform of dignity upon which people can stand and reach for their goals
29th Apr 20, 8:04am
Geoff Simmons acknowledges Universal Basic Income isn’t a panacea, but argues it does provide a basic platform of dignity upon which people can stand and reach for their goals
Geoff Simmons on a UBI stimulus package for coronavirus, rangatiratanga, local government funding & localism, funding political parties and tech optimism in the face of environmental crisis
13th Mar 20, 10:00am
Geoff Simmons on a UBI stimulus package for coronavirus, rangatiratanga, local government funding & localism, funding political parties and tech optimism in the face of environmental crisis
TOP Leader Geoff Simmons wants us to focus on meaningful issues when we talk about "wellbeing" and "progress", and seek it in a system most likely to deliver what we really need
31st Dec 19, 9:48am
TOP Leader Geoff Simmons wants us to focus on meaningful issues when we talk about "wellbeing" and "progress", and seek it in a system most likely to deliver what we really need
TOP Leader Geoff Simmons argues that the "eco socialist" claim that we can't keep on growing economically is not only wrong, it's also a pointless claim
30th Dec 19, 10:05am
TOP Leader Geoff Simmons argues that the "eco socialist" claim that we can't keep on growing economically is not only wrong, it's also a pointless claim
The Opportunities Party's Geoff Simmons on Aussie banks, changes in land uses, the NZ Productivity Commission's latest report, Unconditional Basic Income and urban design
29th Nov 19, 10:00am
The Opportunities Party's Geoff Simmons on Aussie banks, changes in land uses, the NZ Productivity Commission's latest report, Unconditional Basic Income and urban design
TOP Leader Geoff Simmons digs into Dairy NZ's claim that proposed fresh water reforms could cost our economy up to $6 billion a year by 2050
4th Nov 19, 2:11pm
TOP Leader Geoff Simmons digs into Dairy NZ's claim that proposed fresh water reforms could cost our economy up to $6 billion a year by 2050
TOP's Geoff Simmons sees farmers getting increasingly frustrated having to contend with an emissions proposal that will do little except require massive paperwork, while facing water quality policies that have no detail
28th Oct 19, 9:48am
TOP's Geoff Simmons sees farmers getting increasingly frustrated having to contend with an emissions proposal that will do little except require massive paperwork, while facing water quality policies that have no detail
The Opportunities Party's Geoff Simmons on population, productivity, planting trees, parking & micro-mobility and prohibition
27th Sep 19, 10:00am
The Opportunities Party's Geoff Simmons on population, productivity, planting trees, parking & micro-mobility and prohibition
After KiwiBuild's failure tackling infrastructure problems to help NZ cities become denser seems like a total no brainer and truly affordable housing would naturally follow, Geoff Simmons says
5th Sep 19, 10:54am
After KiwiBuild's failure tackling infrastructure problems to help NZ cities become denser seems like a total no brainer and truly affordable housing would naturally follow, Geoff Simmons says
TOP's Geoff Simmons channels Peter Fraser, and joins the dots between a co-operative under existential pressure and the environment. Are we now thinking about a dairy industry without Fonterra as we know it?
7th Jul 19, 12:15pm
TOP's Geoff Simmons channels Peter Fraser, and joins the dots between a co-operative under existential pressure and the environment. Are we now thinking about a dairy industry without Fonterra as we know it?
Geoff Simmons says capitalism can work, but only if it is a level playing field. Right now we have the opposite of a level playing field. We have a game that is rigged in the favour of a few
20th Apr 19, 10:02am
Geoff Simmons says capitalism can work, but only if it is a level playing field. Right now we have the opposite of a level playing field. We have a game that is rigged in the favour of a few
TOP Leader Geoff Simmons on why we need to listen to the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment
30th Mar 19, 4:27pm
TOP Leader Geoff Simmons on why we need to listen to the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment
TOP Leader Geoff Simmons on why we need to kill, not tax, capital gain
9th Feb 19, 10:02am
TOP Leader Geoff Simmons on why we need to kill, not tax, capital gain
TOP's Geoff Simmons wonders if the new Blue/Green Party has a clue on freshwater - and whether it is simply a Trojan horse to get National back into power
30th Jan 19, 2:44pm
TOP's Geoff Simmons wonders if the new Blue/Green Party has a clue on freshwater - and whether it is simply a Trojan horse to get National back into power
The top 10 trends TOP's Geoff Simmons sees driving change in the public sphere
2nd Nov 18, 10:00am
The top 10 trends TOP's Geoff Simmons sees driving change in the public sphere
TOP's Geoff Simmons: NZ's tax reform needs to be revenue neutral for the public to be convinced the Tax Working Group isn't a tax grab
4th Oct 18, 12:36pm
TOP's Geoff Simmons: NZ's tax reform needs to be revenue neutral for the public to be convinced the Tax Working Group isn't a tax grab
Why TOP Leader Geoff Simmons wants the Tax Working Group to take a capital gains tax off the table... and replace it with an equity tax
13th Sep 18, 11:46am
Why TOP Leader Geoff Simmons wants the Tax Working Group to take a capital gains tax off the table... and replace it with an equity tax
TOP Leader Geoff Simmons calls for Housing NZ to be replaced by regional 'associations' tasked with providing both affordable and state housing
5th Sep 18, 5:00am
TOP Leader Geoff Simmons calls for Housing NZ to be replaced by regional 'associations' tasked with providing both affordable and state housing
TOP's new leader Geoff Simmons on why getting 'tough on crime' is nothing but an expensive political slogan
29th Aug 18, 10:46am
TOP's new leader Geoff Simmons on why getting 'tough on crime' is nothing but an expensive political slogan
Geoff Simmons separates the 'fake' reasons from the good reasons for talking about government debt
26th Jul 18, 10:14am
Geoff Simmons separates the 'fake' reasons from the good reasons for talking about government debt