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Colin Maxwell


I am a semi-retired farmer, who studied economics in the early 1970s and have since discovered that the entire subject was a complete crock based on mythology and false maxims.

I have since spent more than 30,000 hours studying geopolitics, banking and central banking models, money creation, and unlearning the crap I was taught at University.

I write a regular financial column for a geopolitical blog based in Costa Rica and am currently doing a sequel of articles that I call 'eCONomics' on all aspects of the Western fiat currency impending train wreck -  currently up to Part (v) and working on Part (vi).

My main icons are Richard Werner, Michael Hudson, Ellen Brown, and Sergei Glazyev and I am horrified to find that these four people are the only high-profile personalities on the entire planet who are honest and courageous enough to call out the current situation accurately.

I can be reached on 021 341 501.
Please don't leave a voice nessage. A text works much better if you can't reach me.


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10 months 2 weeks

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