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Rural News

The lamb industry is performing badly due to overseas challenges and domestic indifference
26th Sep 24, 7:40am
The lamb industry is performing badly due to overseas challenges and domestic indifference
Fonterra is now forecasting a milk price of $9 for the current year; reported earnings for the latest full financial year fell to $1.128b from $1.577b last year
25th Sep 24, 9:56am
Fonterra is now forecasting a milk price of $9 for the current year; reported earnings for the latest full financial year fell to $1.128b from $1.577b last year
Allan Barber finds a local company in the final stages of confirming a 75% reduction in methane emissions from cattle on pasture over 100 days - funded by NZ public money but targeting Australia for launch
24th Sep 24, 10:26am
Allan Barber finds a local company in the final stages of confirming a 75% reduction in methane emissions from cattle on pasture over 100 days - funded by NZ public money but targeting Australia for launch
The Government is warning regional councils to take note of looming changes to resource management law when making 10-year plans which could be expensive to unravel later
20th Sep 24, 9:44am
The Government is warning regional councils to take note of looming changes to resource management law when making 10-year plans which could be expensive to unravel later
America’s dairy farms are disappearing, down 95% since the 1970s. Elizabeth Eckelkamp says milk price rules are one reason why
18th Sep 24, 7:58am
by Guest
America’s dairy farms are disappearing, down 95% since the 1970s. Elizabeth Eckelkamp says milk price rules are one reason why
Spring ushers in improved sentiment on farm. Confidence in broader agri economy at net positive levels for first time since late 2021
17th Sep 24, 11:23am
by admin
Spring ushers in improved sentiment on farm. Confidence in broader agri economy at net positive levels for first time since late 2021
Change is needed to deliver stronger and more consistent sheep meat returns, and lifting domestic consumption is one of three key pathways, Rabobank says
16th Sep 24, 10:54am
by Guest
Change is needed to deliver stronger and more consistent sheep meat returns, and lifting domestic consumption is one of three key pathways, Rabobank says
Allan Barber sees food production becoming a distant second in land-use priorities in what could have profound impacts on our economy and ability to pay our way in the world
14th Sep 24, 9:21am
Allan Barber sees food production becoming a distant second in land-use priorities in what could have profound impacts on our economy and ability to pay our way in the world
Rabobank reviews the state of demand for live cattle exports, notes demand shifting away from China, and the difficult public policy backdrop in Wellington
11th Sep 24, 2:22pm
by Guest
Rabobank reviews the state of demand for live cattle exports, notes demand shifting away from China, and the difficult public policy backdrop in Wellington
Food industry treading carefully over the use of precision fermentation as a substitute for traditional production
9th Sep 24, 2:19pm
Food industry treading carefully over the use of precision fermentation as a substitute for traditional production
Local timber processors rocked by very low demand and very high electricity costs. China demand still hamstrung by property market woes. India demand hurt by high freight rates and more competition
4th Sep 24, 11:26am
Local timber processors rocked by very low demand and very high electricity costs. China demand still hamstrung by property market woes. India demand hurt by high freight rates and more competition
Rabobank says lower global beef production over the medium term will play into Kiwi producers’ hands. Although Chinese consumers may be currently prioritising 'value', a the premiumisation shift will work in New Zealand's favour
3rd Sep 24, 6:19pm
by Guest
Rabobank says lower global beef production over the medium term will play into Kiwi producers’ hands. Although Chinese consumers may be currently prioritising 'value', a the premiumisation shift will work in New Zealand's favour
Low sales numbers and soft prices for most farm types in July but sales of grazing properties were firm, REINZ says
3rd Sep 24, 4:13pm
Low sales numbers and soft prices for most farm types in July but sales of grazing properties were firm, REINZ says
An impasse in valuable deer velvet sales to China has been resolved but still awaits government approval in both countries
29th Aug 24, 4:35pm
An impasse in valuable deer velvet sales to China has been resolved but still awaits government approval in both countries
The arable farmers technical library has added an AI search tool, enabling users a far more efficient way to get to the good stuff in their vast database of research. Early adopters are impressed
28th Aug 24, 2:11pm
The arable farmers technical library has added an AI search tool, enabling users a far more efficient way to get to the good stuff in their vast database of research. Early adopters are impressed
Enthusiasm and caution from agricultural industry groups over government moves to open up gene technology to commercial use
26th Aug 24, 11:45am
Enthusiasm and caution from agricultural industry groups over government moves to open up gene technology to commercial use
Kiwibank getting increasing number of requests to join corporate lending syndicates, CEO Steve Jurkovich says
23rd Aug 24, 8:56am
Kiwibank getting increasing number of requests to join corporate lending syndicates, CEO Steve Jurkovich says
Fonterra increases 2024/25 forecast farmgate milk price midpoint by 50 cents to $8.50 per kgMS
23rd Aug 24, 8:44am
Fonterra increases 2024/25 forecast farmgate milk price midpoint by 50 cents to $8.50 per kgMS
Rob Reynish sees a long-term realignment underway in the beef sector that should result in herd numbers settle to a sustainable level - and just when prices are on the rise
19th Aug 24, 11:09am
Rob Reynish sees a long-term realignment underway in the beef sector that should result in herd numbers settle to a sustainable level - and just when prices are on the rise
Allan Barber notes the NZFAP and NZFAP+ have resulted in improvement in livestock quality with the ability to meet market specifications, an initiative built & driven from within the industry
15th Aug 24, 2:40pm
Allan Barber notes the NZFAP and NZFAP+ have resulted in improvement in livestock quality with the ability to meet market specifications, an initiative built & driven from within the industry
ASB CEO Vittoria Shortt says NZ exporters' customers want them to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and what matters is what customers want
15th Aug 24, 9:34am
ASB CEO Vittoria Shortt says NZ exporters' customers want them to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and what matters is what customers want
Government and exporters battling to avert the latest in a series of non-tariff barriers that can harm trade just as actual tariffs can
9th Aug 24, 11:44am
Government and exporters battling to avert the latest in a series of non-tariff barriers that can harm trade just as actual tariffs can
Fewer farms are selling and lifestyle block sales are bouncing along the bottom
3rd Aug 24, 6:00am
Fewer farms are selling and lifestyle block sales are bouncing along the bottom
Allan Barber details the complex factors that go into processor price offers for livestock. Maximising returns in low periods is enhanced by strong relationships with processors, he says
1st Aug 24, 10:24am
Allan Barber details the complex factors that go into processor price offers for livestock. Maximising returns in low periods is enhanced by strong relationships with processors, he says
Federated Farmers tells government’s climate inquiry farmers need to ‘farm for a rainy day’
31st Jul 24, 3:29pm
Federated Farmers tells government’s climate inquiry farmers need to ‘farm for a rainy day’