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The Sheep Deer and Cattle Report: Bull beef contracts and saleyard prime steers break price records

Rural News
The Sheep Deer and Cattle Report: Bull beef contracts and saleyard prime steers break price records


Demand continues in the off season for beef with small rises for prime animals and big lifts for bull beef which is short supply.

A 9 week Taylor Preston spring contract at $5.30/kg for M grade bulls weighing between 270-445kg CWT, has set the tone for beef’s optimism and shows the rampant demand for manufacturing beef in the US.

Silver Fern Farms predicts that the US beef quota could be triggered for the first time for 10 years as even record Australian shipments have failed to satisfy demand into that country.

In the saleyards some very heavy beasts exceeded $2000 to create record prices and reinforce the export demand for these animals.

After an overwhelming election result by National, Federated Farmers has renewed calls for changes to the RMA Act to free up compliance costs and water reforms so that agriculture can improve it's efficency and productivity for the benefit of NZ.


Venison schedule pricing has at last reached yearly highs after months of talk of a lifting market and with more companies recieving approval to export into China demand is growing.

More upside is predicted as the market reacts to low stocks and strong demand in various markets as producers look for a sustained period of sustainable pricing so they can grow production levels.

Velvet producers are optimistic on market predictions as they strive to increase volumes for an expanding market.

Farmers are again being reminded to carefully follow the rules of removal of velvet and make sure this food product is frozen down under hygenic conditions.

Farms For Sale: the most up-to-date and comprehensive listing of working farms in New Zealand, here »


This week saw big lifts in lamb schedule pricing as low stocks and bobby calf processing eases, leaving processing personnel looking for work.

Prices are now at yearly highs as companies look to mop up last years animals and gear up for the first of the new seasons lambs at the end of next month.

Docking now in full swing in the north and early reports suggest survival has been good.

Supplies in Australasia are expected to be tight with a downturn of sheep numbers in both countries but marketers are still optimistic about the season ahead.

One companies spring ewe contract reveals values ahead of the present market for a two month period and will give early producers a premium for cull animals.

Good values are being seen for ewes and lambs all counted in the saleyards as traders and cropping farmers look to destock to make room for crops.


The North Island wool sale saw another week of stability even though the crossbred wool indicators dropped slightly.

These wools have traded within a narrow range for nearly two months now and both buyers and sellers will be hoping this continues as volatility of pricing has been a problem for the sector for years.

Shearing contractors have had a very busy two months as pre lamb shearing has clashed with the heavy lamb harvest that has constricted the labour force to tight time frames.

M2 Bull

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