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The Weekly Dairy Report: The election highlights environmental issues as price volatility continues

Rural News
The Weekly Dairy Report: The election highlights environmental issues as price volatility continues

Grass growth rates are building further in the north but the long dry spell continues in the south and western parts of the North Island.

Soils are now dry enough for effluent dispersal and warmer temperatures have allowed nitrogen applications.

Vets are urging early leptospirosis vaccinations for replacement calves, recommending a 70 day injection followed by a booster 4-6 weeks later for a satisfactory cover against this disease.

They are also warning to watch out for theileriosis in cattle in the second half of calving, as history has proven this period is when cattle are most at risk in the northern NI regions.

Milk production is building quickly, and Fonterra says it is in a much better position to cope with the peak milk flow than in previous years when they had to dump surplus product.

Prices at the latest global dairytrade auction again fell by 6% as the sector looks desperately for signs of a bottom, and the ANZ bank dropped its forecast to $5.25 and ASB and National putting their $5.80 under review.

Most agree that volatility on pricing will be the new norm but long term prospects remain sound and farmers need to return to their low cost farming systems to remain profitable.

The election has highlighted the importance of the clean river campaign with all in intensive agriculture needing to address the issues to solve this complex problem.

Some Southland farmers are angry they have been left high and dry by Fonterra on producing winter milk and warn northern counterparts to be careful as the company plans to expand its UHT plant in the Waikato.

Dairy prices

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