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Unregulated meat poses risk to international trade

Rural News
Unregulated meat poses risk to international trade

What is the issue here from the Abattoirs Association; is it concerned with loss of through put in their establishments, or are they worried about the health of people eating home kill meat? Is there any evidence of people getting sick or poisoned through eating home kill?

Part of being a livestock farmer is having access to fresh home kill meat, either slaughtering them your self, or cheaply by licenced home kill operators.

Will government regulations mean this will be taken away from us, or increase the cost, due to it having to be processed in licenced abattoirs?

Friends and family on tasting homekill meat, often comment on its taste, tenderness and flavour over supermarket products.

The unregulated meat trade is definitely on the increase, posing a food safety risk to the NZ public and potentially damaging our international trade reputation.   President of the Abattoir Association, Lyndon Everton, firmly believes that the black market meat trade is alive and thriving.  Since amendments to the Animal Product Act came into effect in 1999, the registration of home kill operators has increased from 79 to 384.  “It staggers me the governing authorities allow any meat to be slaughtered outside a purpose built processing facility when the meat industry is worth $6.4 billion in export revenue and 4% of the national GDP.”

 “Home kill operators, licensed or not, do not pay levies, including those for tuberculosis eradication.  We estimate that the home kill and backyard butchers process over half a million sheep, cattle and pigs every year.  In levies alone, this amounts to over $2 million a year being lost,” Everton says. The real issue isn’t whether or not there have been more complaints to NZFSA in regard to home killed meat but that no one actually knows definitively the numbers involved as there is no regulation and no data collected from the home kill industry.

 Everton shares the concern that the Animal Products Act is not being enforced.   Under this Act, home kill is allowed but only for the consumption of the animal’s owner who must have owned the animal for the past 28 days.   “We are well aware that this law is being breached on a daily basis.  A lot of people are breaking the law as they are either ignorant of it, or choose to ignore it, knowing there is no one out there enforcing it.”

 The Abattoirs Association would like to see the Government take action by measuring home kill activity and ensuring all operators are audited for compliance in food safety, humane slaughter practices and traceability.   This is not only for the protection of the NZ consumer, but also for the reputation of our international trade.


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Oh and hunters too, duck shooters just throw those ducks away. Deer hunters leave the carcasses rotting. MY land, my stock, get lost .


If you needed any proof National are continuing the socialist/marxist agenda of the previous government, look no further.  Perhaps veggie gardens will be next....


What has it got to do with National ? The President of the Abattoir's Association is pushing the issue . You think that he might have a vested interest in shutting down homekill  ? Must re-read the post , 'cos I saw nothing from the Monster of Agricuture , Carter .


And yet......many of the people here such as yourself immediately blame the Labour Party, and/or Helen Clark, and/or Michael Cullen for absolutely everything.


........ not everything , ginger , there was something monumentally stupid that they didn't do .............. which was .......... to ummmmmmmm ........... hmmmmmmmm , hang on a mo' buddy , I'll Google it   [ they can  find anything rare or obscure in a nanosecond ] .......... get back to you when I find what incredibly dumb thing it was that Clark & Cullen weren't responsible for ................

.............. watch this space !


So in other words it's fine to blame Labour for anything and everything, but bad to do the same to National?

Slobbering fanboys such as yourself are the reason we cannot get decent politicians......idiot apologists keep making excuses for them and refusing to accept that their idols could ever be in the wrong.


.......... geeeeeeeez , ginger ! You're so impatient . Chill , my friend . I'm still Googling .  And  teams of researchers have been  mobilized ;  this is gonna be an all-nighter , but we will find the one monstrously imbecilic thing that Labour didn't do , or my real name's not Gummy Bear .


[ Far from a National " fan-boy " ............ Voted for my cousin Rodney (ACT)  at the last election . And don't I look 'like a silly tit now ! ]


 We will get like the English farmers but with out the subsidies not allowed to fart with out them knowing

I think we should tell them to piss off


agreed with the above time for the vested interests to be outted. even in europe home kill is very commen and the food ends up in restaurants etc


The best meat I have ever served is home grown and home killed. My father homekilled, as did both my grandfathers and I continue to do it. It is a skill to do it well and it is so much more environmentally friendly, no cartage of live animals, no need to collect the carcase, no stress on the animal. 

I am sorry Mr Key, you took Franklin into the Super City but you are not taking away my right to homekill our own stock on our own property.


99% of our meat is killed Halal to comply with there rules the animal is not allowed to be dead when it has it's throat cut After it has been stuned it has to come back to life with in 7 seconds it can take 4 seconds to get to the arab who slits it's main arteries this is not humane in the old days when the amimal was stuned it never come back to life the throat was cut and the spinal cord severed I know this because I worked in the meat industry for 8 years I would say most home kill is killed in a more humane way than the meat works
